Welcome everyone! To the South Carolina Wahoo Series!
Its amazing how far the Series has come!
We have been working hard to keep up with the growth of the Series, and making it more accessible to our Teams from the North. We have studied, talked, visited, and took our time making a very difficult decision. Not only to add a 2nd scale, but where to locate it.
After going through this process we decided to ad a 2nd official scale to the South Carolina Wahoo Series, located at Tolers Cove Marina. We feel like we have found a great balance. A location accessible to a vast area of our current teams, hopefully many future teams. And a crew that is experienced as well as qualified to man the scale.
Kevin and the crew at Tolers are fired up and are excited to be part the Series family! Let’s give them a big welcome!!
The Series would also like to give a Big welcome to Hadrell’s Point tackle! They have joined our fine family of sponsors this year, and we are proud to have them on board. With locations throughout the Charleston area they will be able to take great care of our teams. Mike Jr and the Harrell’s crew have been a huge help in guiding us through this new process, and this new market.
Come join the fun and excitement!
Thank you!

We have the website updated with all the entry information and rules. Online registration is available as well!</font id=“red”>
The Captains meeting is located at Redfish restaurant, bluffton, Sc.
Saturday January 14th @1pm.
Its going to a great season, and with a scale in your back yard it doesn’t get any easier!
Come join the fun and excitement
If you have any questions or need more information email me.
The 2017 South Carolina Wahoo Series is coming up quick! We look forward to seeing everyone at the Captains meeting, Robby and the Redfish crew always do a 1st class job for us!
Come join the fun and excitement!
Saturday January 14th at Red Fish restaurant Bluffton, Sc 1pm!

Good morning,
I hope everyone is fired up for the Captains meeting this Saturday!
Robby and the crew at Red Fish are working hard to bring us a great venue!
We have some great sponsor gifts to give away at the Captains meeting including, a wahoo fish bag from Matt at SeaAngler Gear. It measure 72x26 and is solid, Matt builds them right here in the Lowcountry. We also have a bean bag chairs from Ocean Tammer, as well as some awesome lures from Fathom Lure CO just to mention a few.
I would like to ask that you please help me continue to get the word out, Tell a friend!
We are looking forward to seeing everyone Saturday!
Thank You

I am almost speechless this morning! Yesterdays turnout was incredible! How about the job Robby and the Red Fish crew did, giving us that amazing venue! We want to thank all of you, our fine family of sponsors, and all of our volunteers for your help in making this event possible!
We have 80 teams registered so far! Registration remains open until Friday January 20th 6pm. Online registration is available on the website http://www.scwahooseries.com/2017-registration.html
Tell a friend!
Have a great day

We appreciate all the teams fishing with us, and we love to give great sponsor gear away!
Don’t forget registration is open until Friday 20th. go to www.scwahooseries.com to register!
Come join the fun and excitement!
Heres a sample of some of the winners at the Captains meeting!
Sea Angler Gear Wahoo Bag

Ocean Tammer Bean Bags

Hiltons Realtime Navigator Sea temp service

Blue Water Candy Dredge

Marsh Tacky Carbon Gaff

The wind has kept things quite on the Series front. So far only 11 teams have ventured out, and 3 Wahoo have made it to the scales!
Hopefully all this is about to change!
We have 24 teams fishing their first Series day tomorrow, Friday 3/17/17!
With only 30 days left, and 100+ teams, we are about to see some action!
Check out the complete leader at www.scwahooseries.com
Don’t forget the 13th Annual Hilton Head Harbor Wahoo Shootout and Mahi Challenge is coming up April 17th-22nd!
Its an open event for all to fish!

We had a nice break in the weather on Friday, and 24 Teams took advantage and declared their first series day!
As anticipated the leader board had some changes! And leading the way is #104 Team B’cause weighing in a nice 51.7lb wahoo. They move into the top spot, and put themselves in great position to make a run at the championship and win a brand new set of www.marshtackycarbo.com outriggers!
Top 3 leaders.
#104 B’cause 51.7lb wahoo
#73 Loggerhead 50.2lb wahoo
#105 Blacksheep 48.6lb wahoo
For the full leaderboard visit www.scwahooseries.com
Congratulations to the new leaders, and big thank you to all of a participants, and our fine family of sponsors! Stay tuned for more action!
#104 B’cause 51.7lbs

#73 Loggerhead 50.2lbs

#105 BlackSheep 48.6lbs

Yesterday was an epic day on the water!
Teams from Murrells Inlet to Hilton Head got in on the bite!
Caping them off was #10 Team Hay Fever catching a monster 97.9lb Wahoo!
#43 Carolina Fly hit the scales with a 58.5lb beast, and #27 Gross Tonnage, with the youth angler crew came in with a nice 52.1lb wahoo!
See full leader board at www.scwahooseries.com and follow us on Facebook.
Great Job!

Once again South Carolina has proven herself to be a World Class fishery! For the 2nd straight year a 100+lb wahoo has been weighed in the SC Wahoo Series!
#51 Team Wasted Time fished their 1st Series day and hit the scale at Tolers Cove Marina with 100.5lb Wahoo! They also move on top of the tuna TWT with a 29.6lb blackfin!
#10 Hay Fever Weighed in a beast at 97.9lbs on their 1st day!
#72 Team Yellowfin Only/OIFC followed up with a stud weighing in at 82.8lbs!
#5 Riptide Jumps on top of Mahi TWT with 29.1lbs
The leaderboard is updated on the website www.scwahooseries.com
Great Job!