I hope everyone is having a great summer!
Fall is coming quick, and with Wahoo on the mind we have our dates set for the 2018 SC Wahoo Series!
Mark your calendars for our Captains meeting on Saturday, January 13th 2018!</font id=“red”>
Fish days will run from Friday, February 2nd, through Sunday April 15th.</font id=“red”>
Bonus Day, 14th Annual Hilton Head Harbor Wahoo Shootout:
Captains meeting, and Series Anglers Awards on Monday April 16th</font id=“red”>
Fish days, pick one day Wednesday 18th though Saturday 21st.</font id=“red”>
Awards for both the Series and Shootout will be held Saturday following the final weigh in.
Checkout the slideshow from this years antics!
Feel free to contact me for information, marc@scwahooseries.com, and keep an eye on our website www.scwahooseries.com
for updates!
Thank You
Capt Marc Pincus
owner mm SC Wahoo Series

Welcome to the 2018 SC Wahoo Series!</font id=“red”>
We are excited for the upcoming season, and looking forward to the competition and camaraderie!
Our Series Captains meeting is being held at the new Skull Creek Dockside Restaurant on Hilton Head, scheduled for Saturday January 13th at 1pm.</font id=“red”>
We are going to have Great Food, and Drink!
And, plenty of awesome Sponsor prizes to win, like our traditional Sea Angler Gear Wahoo fish bag give away!
Come enjoy some Lowcountry hospitality!
Located right next door to our longtime sponsor Hilton Head Boathouse and Yamaha Outboards! Stop in and say hi!
Visit www.scwahooseries.com for info and updates!
Join the fun and excitement, fish the SC Wahoo Series!
Feel free to email me for info marc@scwahooseries.com

I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving!
December is upon us, stay tuned for online registration info, and our 2018 SC Wahoo Series tournament shirt preview!
Come join the fun and excitement!
Thank you!

The Captains Meeting is only a month away!
January 13th, come by car or boat!
Skullcreek Dockside Restaurant!
Checkout our 2018 Tournament Shirt!
We are taking Pre-orders on shirts for pickup at the Captains Meeting, if you can not attend, or you are a Series Fan looking for a cool shirt, go ahead and place your order. We will ship them to you directly after the captains meeting!
Go to www.scwahooseries.com click on apparel!!
Thank you!

It’s right around the corner!
2018 SC Wahoo Series Captains Meeting Saturday January 13th at The Skullcreek Dockside Restaurant on Hilton Head at 1pm.
We will have good food and drink, as well as great prizes to give away, including a
Sea Angler Gear Wahoo Fish Bag, Hiltons realtime Navigators SST service and much more!
Checkout www.scwahooseries.com for details and all the ways you can win!
Online registration is available for your convience!

We had a great crowd at the Captains Meeting Saturday!
Over 100 teams signed up!
Registration will remain open until Sunday January 28th!
It’s not to late to get your team together!
We are also taking our final order for 2018 SC Wahoo Series Shirts!
Checkout www.scwahooseries.com for all the details.
Feel free to email me with any questions. marc@scwahooseries.com
Thank you!

With a break in the weather, the 2018 SC Wahoo Series is under way!
A 128 boat field will compete for the Championship!
We had 4 teams fish Friday and 3 of them weighed Wahoo!
#58 Boogie Man takes the early lead with a solid 61.2lb Wahoo!
#19 Margaritaville had a good day weighing in a #58.9lb Wahoo!
#90 Sea Daze is on the bad with a nice 32.6lb Wahoo!
Great job!
#58 Boogie Man

#19 Margaritaville

#90 Sea Daze