Please notify me if you’d like to donate a prize to the winner(s) of this year’s CF COLLEGE FOOTBALL PARLAY.
This is voluntary; you do not need to donate a prize to play. It just makes it a little more fun for everyone.
$50 Amazon Gift Card, donated by DoubleN
- DFREEDOM’s ammo surprise
“Another poon dream splintered on the rocks of reality.” --Peepod 07-25-2017
I’ll gladly donate some ammo and will dig up something else.
“Apathy is the Glove into Which Evil Slips It’s Hand”, but really, who cares?
Folks, hate to say, but i’m gonna pull my $50 commitment from the Parlay.
Gonna put it to work in a better place. Dorian Bahama relief.
Shouldn’t need to explain.
Originally posted by DoubleN
Folks, hate to say, but i’m gonna pull my $50 commitment from the Parlay.
Gonna put it to work in a better place. Dorian Bahama relief.
Shouldn’t need to explain.
I think that’s a much better place for it, thanks for doing it!!
One Simple Thanks!!