2019 NWTF Lowcountry Longbeards Banquet

You’re invited to join the Lowcountry Longbeards Chapter of the National Wild Turkey Federation Friday May 3rd, 2019 at The Pavilion at Pepper Plantation for food, fun, and fellowship. Come early to enjoy social hour before sitting down for a delicious meal followed by one the finest live and silent auctions in the Lowcountry.

The NWTF’s Hunting Heritage Banquets raise funds for wildlife conservation while combining a great meal with a chance to swap stories with other sportsmen and women. They’re also a great place to meet new friends who share a passion for the outdoors, win valuable prizes and purchase items unique to the NWTF. By placing the highest bid or purchasing a winning ticket, attendees can go home with sporting art, unique hunting firearms, knives, wildlife calls, outdoor equipment, hunting trips, vacation packages, inshore/offshore fishing trips, and much more!

Tickets to the Lowcountry Longbeards Chapter Hunting Heritage banquet cost just $60 for singles or $110 for couples. Banquet attendees receive an NWTF membership while doing great things for wild turkey conservation and the preservation of hunting heritage.

The cost of admission also includes a one-year subscription to Turkey Country, the NWTF’s full-color publication that includes stories about conservation, hunting, and NWTF’s educational and Outreach programs.
