7 days...

since I’ve had a cigarette. I have been wanting to quit for a long time and have tried a few times, but never had the will power to completely quit. I think I’m going to make it this go round.

Bob Van Gundy
Marine Designs,Inc.
Custom Aluminum Fabrication

Good luck Bob. I’m hard on your heels. Down to 4 a day.

Nice, thats awesome. Two of my friends are in the process of quitting now, and I can honestly say I can see a huge difference in Stamina, attitude, etc. Really cool to see happen. Good luck!

Look at where Jesus went to pick people. He didn’t go to the colleges; he got guys off the fishing docks.

You got this Bob!

Best thing I EVER did for my body 3 Thanksgivings ago…lost weight, sleep better, eat better, smell better, got more $ in my pocket, and on and on and on.

Wadmalaw native
16’ Bentz-Craft Flats Boat

Thanks for the encouragement guys. I’ve gone from 1 1/2-2 packs a day to nothing. Been smoking for over 40 yrs. It’s time. My wife is still smoking, so that makes it tough.

One question, When do the cravings stop?

Bob Van Gundy
Marine Designs,Inc.
Custom Aluminum Fabrication

Originally posted by Happy Bob

Thanks for the encouragement guys. I’ve gone from 1 1/2-2 packs a day to nothing. Been smoking for over 40 yrs. It’s time. My wife is still smoking, so that makes it tough.

One question, When do the cravings stop?

Bob Van Gundy
Marine Designs,Inc.
Custom Aluminum Fabrication


'06 Mckee Craft
184 Marathon
DF140 Suzuki

Originally posted by Happy Bob

Thanks for the encouragement guys. I’ve gone from 1 1/2-2 packs a day to nothing. Been smoking for over 40 yrs. It’s time. My wife is still smoking, so that makes it tough.

One question, When do the cravings stop?

Bob Van Gundy
Marine Designs,Inc.
Custom Aluminum Fabrication

I started an eCig with 11mg nicotine on Thanksgiving. Every time I needed a new bottle of juice I stepped it down a level of nicotine. When I finished my first bottle of ZEROmg nicotine I put it down.

Have not had the first real “craving,” but sometimes I think about smoking just for something to do while driving, watching football in the garage with a beer, etc…

Good luck man, just think of the benefits, and how much you need/want to quit, and you’ll get through it. If it’s a habit of hand-to-mouth kind of deal, go get you an ecig with 0 or very low mg of nicotine.

Wadmalaw native
16’ Bentz-Craft Flats Boat

Awesome, Keep it up, it’s well worth it!! I have been Smoke free for 6 years now and it all started from being smoke free for a week!!

One Simple Thanks!!


The only “help” I’m using is Chantix. I used a patch for the first couple of days without cigarettes, then stopped them. I’m not going with the e-cigs or vapors. I feel they can be another crutch that I would have to quit. I know people who have given up cigarettes, but have been using the e-cigs & vapors for years after.

I have noticed that my sense of smell is getting better and the beer tastes better too!

Bob Van Gundy
Marine Designs,Inc.
Custom Aluminum Fabrication

I’ve tried before, but when you get around booze and beer, look out:face_with_head_bandage: The wife quit 20 years ago, using the gum! She still uses it to this day.

Great job man! January was 4 years for me! I’ve smoked one here or there after too many drinks and pretty much regretted it the next day but never went back or kept smoking. Definitely better sense of smell and taste! On occasion ill smell one from far away and think it smells great and miss it but most of the time when I smell one it smells horrible and I wonder how I ever liked them in the first place…either way, congrats man! Keep up the good fight! You got this!

Fishing Nerd

“you win some, you lose some…but nothing beats getting some!”

Originally posted by Easy

I’ve tried before, but when you get around booze and beer, look out</font id=“red”>:face_with_head_bandage: The wife quit 20 years ago, using the gum! She still uses it to this day.

I’m still drinking beer as I was before. So far it hasn’t affected the urge to smoke one way or the other.

Bob Van Gundy
Marine Designs,Inc.
Custom Aluminum Fabrication

That’s great Bob! It is never too late to quit smoking as there are always some health benefits. Think of the money you will save. I can’t believe what cigs cost these days. .50 a pack when I was a kid. If you find it too tough to quit, I do know a guy who quit through hypnosis, so did his wife. Good luck and stay strong!

“Apathy is the Glove into Which Evil Slips It’s Hand”, but really, who cares?

Hang in there Bob. Besides the health benefits, just think, you will have an extra $200+ a month for fishin stuff.

'07 198 DLX Carolina Skiff
DF90 Suzuki

Originally posted by Happy Bob

One question, When do the cravings stop?

Dad explained it to me like this: When he smells a cigarette he still says it’s like smelling bacon cooking in the morning and He has never lost the urge. Just doesn’t do it.

Mom’s side of the family Nana and Grandad both started smoking during WWII and did not quit until they died at age 94 and 96. My Dad’s side Grandma died at age 74 and Paw-Paw at age 72 from smoking related Cancer.

Genetics plays a big roll IMO. But I wonder how many more years my mom’s parents would have lived if they would have never started smoking. No doubt Smoking is very tough on the human body.

Wish you luck Happy Bob!! Gonna be tough with the wife still smoking. I was in the same boat. I quit and just expected the wife to do the same. Keep a positive attitude and just know that the more you give her heck the more she will resist. She like, like you has to do it on her own terms. If at all.

“If Bruce Jenner can keep his wiener and be called a woman, I can keep my firearms and be considered disarmed.”

Never met a welder that didn’t smoke! Congrats and keep up the great work.

Originally posted by striperskiff

Hang in there Bob. Besides the health benefits, just think, you will have an extra $200+ a month for fishin stuff.

'07 198 DLX Carolina Skiff
DF90 Suzuki

Tim, can you come over and explain that to my wife? She doesn’t quite see it that way.:frowning_face:
I figured I’d have a new Ulterra Trolling motor by the end of the year.:smiley:

Bob Van Gundy
Marine Designs,Inc.
Custom Aluminum Fabrication

Good luck Bob. I quit 17 years ago. I was up to 21/2 packs a day. I used the patch for about 4 weeks and one day my daughter and I went fishing in the icw,about 10:00 am I noticed I had forgotten my patch. Never used another one again. I don’t think that the cravings ever end, hell I still dream about smoking from time to time.

Great Bob, Good luck! Took me 10 years and 100 tries, but it will be 11 years next week! Just keep chewing gum and ask the good LORD for help, he sure helped me! Took me 7 years to quit the gum tho.

Keep at it, your will power is the only thing that will sustain you so build it strong and keep your goal in sight.

The cravings will become less frequent with time but will show up when least expected. That’s when the will power is refreshed and you carry on.