7 days...

How is it going happybob? Still cig free?

I recently started the patch and now four days free. My bro-in-law found out he has lung cancer so it was an inspiration for me. I used chantix a few years back and quit for almost two years. I had no weird dreams but also had no lasting will power and started again.


Look - I grew up in NC tobacco country. My parents gave me my first Zippo lighter when I was 11. I went to RJ Reynolds HS in Winston-Salem NC I know lots about smoking and quitting. The patch, suppositories, gum ,and Chantix are all nicotine replacements. As soon as you put them down the receptors in your brain will SCREAM for nicotine. There’s only one way to really quit. get truly motivated and don’t fire up the next one! 3-4 days are absolutely awful. Then it starts getting a little better each day. But beware, some days you’ll suddenly want one, but you will have a choice - you wont have to have it. I’m 16 years clean from several substances. " the only way to break an addiction is complete avoidance of the addictive substance" One day at a time. (wonder where I heard that one?) BTW , I never tried the nicotine suppositories .


I will be tobacco free for 3 months as of May 1st. I still have the cravings, but not as bad as they were a month ago. I’ve been off of the Chantix for over a month now. I’m still waiting for the ol lady to let me have some of the money I’ve been saving.:frowning_face: I want a new Ulterra trolling motor.:sunglasses:

natureboy, I don’t think Chantix has any nicotine in it.

Bob Van Gundy

Custom Aluminum Fabrication

That is great Bob! I know a guy that went through hypnosis to quit. Hang tough.

“Apathy is the Glove into Which Evil Slips It’s Hand”, but really, who cares?

The Chantix works by blocking the nicotine receptors, so even if you have a smoke/dip the body will not react/absorb it like normal. That is why you can continue to smoke/dip while it builds in your system to a point that you quit.

I am 28 days dip free right now (was a can a day for over ten years). I had to stop taking Chantix. It did help me quit by making me physically sick to my stomach when I got a dip to the point I had to put it down. It later started messing with my mind by greatly increasing the anxiety associated with withdrawal (known side effect). Two days after stopping the Chantix I was craving a dip so bad I was chewing my cheek off and going thru sunflower seeds like crazy. This lasted about two days and I was back to being mostly craving free!

I may be crazy, but I even kept a can of Cope on the kitchen counter for the first 21 days after quitting… figured if I could not quit with it sitting in front of me I was not going to make it stick…

To each his own, If it ain’t imbededed in your brain you won’t do it.

Good job, Happy Bob (and River Rat). Y’all are both past the worst part of the cravings and withdrawal symptoms. At this point, just manage it a day at a time (or an hour if need be). Before long, you’ll have a long string of one days behind you. And try to not eat EVERYTHING is sight :slight_smile:
