ADMIN, look here please

Yeah, but what would you pay for this one, exactly as it sits today?

AS IS. Cash folding money,how much?


Tried many times over the last month to start new threads. No luck. I can’t imagine buying a website and then letting it go to sh*t. Some folks obviously have money to pizz away. What a shame.

"Apathy is the Glove into Which Evil Slips It's Hand", but really, who cares?

Still crickets from the new owners on this…

“Another poon dream splintered on the rocks of reality.” --Peepod 07-25-2017

Looks like the poof police are still active.

_______________________ After being released, a lot of fish die, but a lot of them live also.

what did we miss Fritz? Haven’t seen a poof in a very long time.

The thread from last week. I guess to many of the rabble rousers showed up. Anywho, for you Facebookers of the world, checkout Fishing in Charleston. We have about 11,000 members in there. You don’t get the anonymity that this SITE provides but still some valuable information is shared.

_______________________ After being released, a lot of fish die, but a lot of them live also.

Thanks Capt. I’m not on FB, but I’ll check it out.

“Another poon dream splintered on the rocks of reality.” --Peepod 07-25-2017

is this still the official page to ***** at admin? i can’t keep up anymore.

this thing is like using dialup aol in the early 90’s only slower with better pictures

JSYK I’m not a cynic.

enjoying some of the ole timers posting again. does anybody tell a better story than EF? [maybe that cat in savannah that died awhile back, he was fun]. or make a better cookin post than babawang?

this thing could come off life support and not die a molasses slow alzheimers death. or not. IDK

could just be the espresso talkin

hole up: we got tech to * out b*tch but we can’t speed this thing up?

remember that one about how CL took out a f*****g pirate?!

I must have missed that story.

"Apathy is the Glove into Which Evil Slips It's Hand", but really, who cares?


