Amorous horse shoe crab

This horseshoe crab apparently mistook my size 13 rubber boot for another horse shoe crab and would not leave me alone. First couple of times I thought it was just a case of bad eyesight as it kept getting on my boot. I gently nudged it away and back it came. I picked it up with the shovel and put it on the other side of the finger I was on and back it came. I eventually just got out of the water to avoid it. Guess the size, shape, and color of my rubber boot fooled it.

Now to go shopping for some red fish boots.:smiley:

Those Boots look pretty Big.

Maybe its the size that matters…

Just Sayin…

Key West 1720 90 4 srtk Yamaha

That is to funny.
Imagine what the crab is telling his buds…