Anybody Heard Of These Guys....Drivon Marine

Im checking them out on a boat in Michigan. Seems legit. Thoughts???

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looks cool. never seen that before. good luck and let us know what happens.

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They seem legit. Its just odd using a broker type entity, but if you are buying on facebook marketplace, craigslist, or whatever a broker with a 100% 7 day exam period seems fair to me

At least as fair as it can be.

Still under review, but i think its a good idea and a viable service

It’s a title thief scam.

These guys are a hoax.

Anything that seems too good to be true is just that.

DO Not Get Involved With Them.

More ti come…

Please, keep us informed!

Ohhhh snap!

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Can you give me any more info? We’ve wired money to complete a transaction and now everything’s gone silent and I’m panicking a bit. No answer at the company.

Contact your bank now. Don’t wait. The faster you get the fraud team working the more likely you are to recover your money.

Contact your bank, then come back here and I can maybe help as I am a couple weeks ahead of you in the process.

Don’t wait, contact your bank now. Thank me later

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You didn’t get the bote?

No boat. The boat never was, even though there was clean paperwork. It’s a case of Boat Title Thieft.

Anything too good to be true is, well,too good to be true.

I hope I caught on in time, we will see how good Truists’ Fraud department is at the very least.

It’s a PT Barnum thingy I suppose

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It’s a crying shame, in this day, that folks can get F’'d out of hard earned money, by a lazy, good fer nothing, sumbich!!!

A crying shame!!!

I hope you get it worked out EF1!!!

Thanks so much for the response. Hate that’s the answer but was afraid so.

I’m shocked as I thought we’d done our diligence. Was the site as a whole fraudulent or was it the specific seller? Trying to figure out what we missed.

From the guy with the Marketplace ad, to the guys with the slick website, thru the Wells Fargo verified accounts, alongside all the Google reviews, all the way to the last guy who walked you thru the wire transfer,…they were all in it. Maybe the same guy, who knows?

What company did you wire the money to? If it was ALSIT Services LLC you have a chance. I think (hope) at this point that Wells caught it in time.

I contacted the guy in Georgia with the ALSIT company and he said Wells Fargo had frozen his account as it was being used for fraud. I am sure he wasn’t in on it, his account was hacked and we are still in touch.

When you do a Google search on Drivon Marine now this site is like 6 or 7 down the list, so I imagine a few more folks will stop in soon.

Sad indeed

We bank with Wells- the wire account was JPMorgan, an EGK Services LLC. New acct as of January, registered agent out of WV.

How long between wiring and realizing did you have?

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When they missed the first deadline

Do some research and find the owner of EGK Services. WV secretary of state will have the registered agent of EGK.

Contact the registered agent and I’ll wager their account is frozen due to expected fraud. If that’s the case, you are the n luck.

Stay in touch, I’d like to know what your bank digs up.


Do some research and find the owner of EGK Services. WV secretary of state will have the registered agent of EGK.

Contact the registered agent and I’ll wager their account is frozen due to expected fraud. If that’s the case, you are the n luck.

Stay in touch, I’d like to know what your bank digs up.


Sorry- had to create a second acct because I was limited to 3 posts. I will certainly keep in touch. Interested to hear your outcome as well and thankful for all the help you’ve offered.

Did you contact any law enforcement? I wasn’t sure if the bank would handle or if I should also file a report. If you have, it would be good to get the same agent the information.

Curious if you were also attempting to purchase a 2019 Bayliner. It appears the website is not functioning anymore.