Anybody Heard Of These Guys....Drivon Marine

Thank you for the additional information. I hope Mr Sims is able to move past it- it appears they are still victimizing him if the new LLC has been opened in his name.

I have just heard back from local law enforcement for the registered agent’s jurisdiction. He was also a victim of identity theft after disclosing his personal information when applying for a remote $80/hr job. For him, neither EGK Service nor WM Service was actually opened by him, just opened with his information.

I’m working to figure out how to get the correct owner information on the bank account now that this has been a dead end.

The Fraud department at Wells should be able to help you with that. I’d rattle their cage hard.

Anybody with any updates?

Not on my end.

I fear our money was long ago spent in some Kazakhstan dope den.

The work I/we did with the BBB, along with this very thread that shows up atop the Drivon Marine Google search page appears to have stopped them dead in their tracks, so there’s that.

Even if we knew who robbed us, there’s nothing we can do at this point, our laws can’t touch them and there’s no one but you and I to chase them.

I’ve moved on, lesson learned . That one did kinda sting though, huh?

You should hire Liam Neesom to go get your money!