anyone have figs?

The easiest way is to take cuttings from the tree early in the spring and root them in a pot. We have started several like that.


Capt. Larry Teuton
Cracker Built Custom Boats

“Ships are the nearest things to dreams that hands have ever made.” -Robert N. Rose

Slip rooting works well, pull a low limb down, pin it to the ground and cover part with dirt. It’ll grow roots then you can cut it from the tree, dig up and plant. My mother does that to share rootings from a tree that her mother grew.

Strawberry Fig Jam mmmmmmmmmmmm
Its easy equal parts of each and then the same sugar cook down and put in jelly jars while still hot, turn over till they seal. This is good heated and served over ice cream or Cheesecake.

I never get enough figs anymore the birds bet me to them . My tree is a young one and do not have near the nice growing area as Sails.

Originally posted by 23Sailfish

My tree

Fig </font id=“size2”>Baron Extraordinaire

Fixed it for ya!

Anybody want a cutting? The leaves are coming back now and this week would be a good time to come get one.

Redfish Baron Extraordinaire

Originally posted by mhebbard

fig wine - now there is an idea! I have all the stuff to make it if anyone wants to do a trial run

edit: except… you know… figs.:face_with_head_bandage:

I’ve made wine from plums, grapes, blueberries, peaches, pears, and strawberries. Figs were the only thing that turned to vinegar. Don’t know what I did wrong.

I have one to plant and want to know if I have to worry about the deer getting them?

WS Tarpon 120
WS Tarpon 100
Heritage Ultralite 9.5
Ghennoe & 6hp Suzuki
Scout 153 & Yamaha 60

No, deer don’t bother fig trees.

Capt. Larry Teuton
lteuton at aol dot com

“Ships are the nearest things to dreams that hands have ever made.” -Robert N. Rose

Super! I have had trouble keeping them out of the blueberries.

WS Tarpon 120
WS Tarpon 100
Heritage Ultralite 9.5
Ghennoe & 6hp Suzuki
Scout 153 & Yamaha 60

Yes, we have about 50 blueberry bushes and the deer like to browse on those some, but they have never messed with our fig trees. But never say never :smiley:

Capt. Larry Teuton
lteuton at aol dot com

“Ships are the nearest things to dreams that hands have ever made.” -Robert N. Rose

I have two trees that are almost chest high . Had them about 3-4 years , they came from a cutting . I had a few figs last year . Hopefully to have more this year .

My orange tree is showing small oranges now also my neckerine tree .
All the oranges from last year I threw over the fence except for one . It was the sweetish one I have ever had . I will be getting them all this year .



Hey I got a fig tree. Never mind you knew that, you gave it to me.

Maybe one of you fig gurus can help me with my trees.

I live in Boykin, SC which is close to Camden. I have three fig trees in my yard that were planted around three years ago. Every year they put up new shoots then die back to the ground. Are they not protected enough from winter elements? What would cause that?

Will they do better when they get older or am I doomed?

“Endeavor to Persevere.
Give,Give… Never Take.”


Got 10-15 figs on the little tree this year! Almost enough for a half pint of preserves :slight_smile:

This is a bit earlier than last year, so go check your tree and make sure the birds aren’t robbing you blind.

If anyone has a pile again this year, let me know and I will come pick em and pay you in your choice of money, gratitude, or preserves!

Mine is covered with about 10000 figs right now if anyone wants some. They started to ripen a week or two ago.

I just remember that I owe someone here a fig plant. I have it planted in a small pot and ready to deliver/pickup, but I forget who I promised it to.

Redfish Baron Extraordinaire

Originally posted by mhebbard

If anyone has a pile again this year, let me know and I will come pick em and pay you in your choice of money, gratitude, or preserves!

I’ll gladly let you come pick some in trade for some preserves! A buddy of mine made us some chocolate/fig preserve mix last year and it was TDF!

Come on over.

Redfish Baron Extraordinaire

I don’t like Figs, but wouldn’t mind having a plant or two to grow. I gould always give the figs away…

“Kleenex, The Official Sponsor of Fishb8”

Ours are looking real good this year too. None ripe yet, but getting close. Grapes won’t be long either. Pear tree loaded down too. Good year for us in the garden.

Capt. Larry Teuton
Swamp Worshiper

Mom came over this afternoon and picked a few dozen off the tree. Look and taste really good right now. We always get multiple ripenings and they’ll happen over the next month or so.

Redfish Baron Extraordinaire

20+ years this small tree (now very old, lots of dead wood) produced more figs this year than I recall ever. May be on it’s last leg. 3/4 filled an 18 qt. pail twice. Not sure what the wife picked while I was gone. She made 16 pint jars of preserves (gifts) and there are 2 one gallon bags of fresh picked in the freezer for next year, if needed. Last year tree hardly had any. Tree is still producing and birds are smiling. You can eat to many while picking…I’m borderline diabetic.

Delicious sweet stuff.