April 4,5,6

Going down thurs fri sat and would like to nearshore and offshore wreck fish. Which ones will be productive?
Any idea what to expect will be biting or what we should target? What baits will plentiful or what should we fish with.
This is all new to me so any help would be greatly appreciated, thanks!

The nearshore reefs will have a FEW summer trout, bluefish, and flounder. The most abundant fish will be black sea bass which you can’t keep off the hook trying to target other species. Sheepshead is what I USED to target this time of year in 30-40 feet, but the sea bass have rendered that all but impossible. The 60 will have lots of bull reds on it, but you can hardly present anything without catching 300 sea bass. Starting to see a trend? If you have folks aboard that just want their rods bent, it should be no problem with cut squid or mullet, but going home with fish for dinner is a lot more difficult due to the INSANE federal regs nowadays.

Thanks a lot for your help, we will have fun for sure.

My kids LOVE all of the bsb. I have them catch bsb til they get “sore jaw” that’s what I call it anyway. It seems to me if you stay in one place long enough the bsb will sometimes give up and some other species have a chance.

My standing record is 22 bsb on 1 piece of squid before one finally got it. I use smaller circle hooks so they aren’t tore up too bad. They still hit a 4/0+ and the hook tip will come out their eyes, so bigger bait doesn’t work either to avoid them and it kills them.

If you are lucky, there may be some spades in early. I love catching spades on my light tackle with jellyballs, tiny shrimp pieces, or clams. It’s amazing how those little guys fight.

Hydra-Sports 22 Bay Sport
225 Rude