Over the last decade CharlestonFishing.Com has become a valuable resource for many on current events. From general local news, to more pertinent topics to the site, such as wildlife and fisheries management, many of us have come to rely on the CharlestonFishing to stay up to date on issues that greatly affect our way life or at least our common bond of the outdoors.
There have been many heated fishery related topics on the site over the years from the closing of red snapper fishery to new size and creel limits on recreational sportfish. While many of us have used CharlestonFishing to stay up to date; others, have gone a step further to encourage and even organize trips to US Fisheries and DNR meetings to be heard in person. How often have you wanted to attend a meeting but simply not been able to make it for one reason or another? Have you ever missed a DNR meeting and wanted to know truly what discussed? Well thanks to modern technology you can now watch board meetings live online or follow up with a recorded session should you not be able to attend.
Check out http://www.ustream.tv/channel/scdnr-live. SCDNR now uses ustream.tv to broadcast and record their board meetings for interested parties. If you are an avid outdoorsman then I would encourage you to stay plugged into the latest decisions that affect our valuable resources. Stay up to date with SCDNR and when necessary make sure you make yourself heard through personal participation or written correspondence.
Tight lines
Captain Tim Pickett
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