Automation In the future

This is the big thing with the talking heads nowadays. I can see a kiosk replacing the order takers at McDonald’s. But one thing I will never agree with is these "autonomous vehicles "…Screw that. Some system gets hacked, or freezes up, or generally does what computers do and you will have multiple fatalities. These techies want this to come about, because they are running into diminishing returns on what their devices can provide, but I don’t wanna be on the road with these things. California has even kicked Google outa state. If they are not letting them go then I think this concept is doomed.

There are already automation features that let the driver stay in control. My wifes 2016 suburban is full of them. On the interstate it senses the lanes and you can literally take your hands off the wheel and the car will stay between the lanes on its own. Also warning sensors 360. Not full automation yet, but a step in that direction.

Google and UBER have autonomous vehicles out west

So, if you have a self driving car, you can go out on Friday night get blasted and not get a DUI:question:

I always think about a GPS failure or hack. That’s the heart of pretty much everything including our smart phones.

I’m sure it’s coming, hope it has a manual override. I guess the question may be “will it be mandatory?”.

In city traffic I could see a plus when a light turns green… everyone moves at once. As it is now take the time if you can and if you are a good few cars back watch the light turn green and start counting. Crazy the delayed reactions in all the drivers.

Caterpillar has had a remote operation system in place for many years. But it is used on non-manned equipment in dangerous areas.

I could really see the upside for law enforcement officers. Hey Dispatch, I need you to lock and secure such and such… or better yet keep the car in motion so the perp can’t jump out and take it straight to a fenced in impoundment yard.

Be neat to get a glimpse a 100 years into the future.

“If Bruce Jenner can keep his wiener and be called a woman, I can keep my firearms and be considered disarmed.”

Suppose you were in a self driving Uber car and you were hammered! Could you get a DUI:question: What say you, DF:question: If you were the only person in it, you would be in control!

Breaking news: 35,000 people dies in the US last year. People already die on the roads. To say automated systems wont decrease this number is foolish.

If you think somebody is actually going to hack your car you need to get some crazy pills and stop watching cSI and NCIS

First, Most, Biggest

Originally posted by Great White

Breaking news: 35,000 people dies in the US last year. People already die on the roads. To say automated systems wont decrease this number is foolish.

If you think somebody is actually going to hack your car you need to get some crazy pills and stop watching cSI and NCIS

First, Most, Biggest

Not so much the car, but the system controlling them. No Crazy pills to think it could happen. Don’t watch much t.v. so I assume those shows have a lot of cyber attacks in them? and to think automation may decrease deaths is foolish, until proven. How would it react to a deer jumping in front of you with no warning?

At this point I think it is foolish to think automation won’t cause more deaths. Where is the backup if a steering system fails. I get the privilege to work on a lot of newer vehicles, some can be a software and hardware nightmare. I can only imagine them even more computer reliant. Couldn’t tell you how many laptops and desktops I have owned or used over the years… they all break eventually. Some give warning signs some don’t. You want to risk your family to it, so be it. I like manual drivers with good training. I may change my mind one day, but not now.

“If Bruce Jenner can keep his wiener and be called a woman, I can keep my firearms and be considered disarmed.”

Suppose you were in a self driving Uber car and you were hammered! Could you get a DUI What say you, DF If you were the only person in it, you would be in control!

I’m a LEO, not an attorney but, I am not aware of any law that governs or addresses operating a self-driving car while intoxicated. This is one of those “unforeseen” complications that will probably be addressed in many situations after it becomes an issue. Could and probably will make for an interesting court case one day.

“Apathy is the Glove into Which Evil Slips It’s Hand”, but really, who cares?

DF, as a LEO, if you stopped this car today, would you arrest the guy in it for DUI:question: Say it stopped at a DUI checkpoint!

I probably would and would argue that while he may not be physically operating the vehicle, he is technically operating the vehicle. Now what the courts ultimately decide…

“Apathy is the Glove into Which Evil Slips It’s Hand”, but really, who cares?

If the passenger is in the the passenger seat, and this car, say a Tesla, was being controlled by a third party. Like an Uber company, and all the passenger did was call up the Uber vehicle, get in, and it stops at his destination, their would be no violation I would think. If the car was owned by another company, I am sure their would be safety measures on the car to prevent someone from taking control of the vehicle. For insurance, liability, and obvious theft purposes.

1979 17’ Montauk
90 Johnson

Wilderness Ride 115

How would one of those cars know when to stop, say for a cop car with it’s flashing lights on behind it:question:

The same way it knows not to park in a handicap spot. Camera and software. I would be surprised if it would get pulled over seeing as how they take a picture of the speed limit sign, and then drive accordingly.

But I am sure there is programming in there for emergency vehicle yielding, etc.

1979 17’ Montauk
90 Johnson

Wilderness Ride 115

Macdaddy said this day would come

I’m gonna wait on RBF to weigh in and tell me what I think

Redstripe. There’s no shortage of devices. Actually there are more and more every year. Per career builder software developers are the second most in demand job out there behind nurses.

Originally posted by Fred67 Not so much the car, but the system controlling them. No Crazy pills to think it could happen. Don't watch much t.v. so I assume those shows have a lot of cyber attacks in them? and to think automation may decrease deaths is foolish, until proven. How would it react to a deer jumping in front of you with no warning?

At this point I think it is foolish to think automation won’t cause more deaths. Where is the backup if a steering system fails. I get the privilege to work on a lot of newer vehicles, some can be a software and hardware nightmare. I can only imagine them even more computer reliant. Couldn’t tell you how many laptops and desktops I have owned or used over the years… they all break eventually. Some give warning signs some don’t. You want to risk your family to it, so be it. I like manual drivers with good training. I may change my mind one day, but not now.

Your ABS is automated. Do you think ABS has caused more deaths too? Planes fly themselves about 99% of the time. If it was so unsafe do you think the FAA would allow it?

The person is the backup. Having dual independent systems could be a backup. Emergency stop functions. Ability to communicate with emergency vehicles. Problems that are easily addressed.

It won’t be perfect the first time around but lots of smart people are working on it.

Ya’ll act like most people are good drivers. Fred you like “manual drivers with good training”, laughable. Today “training” is a few shared hours with a drivers ed teacher over a semester. I would trust computers over people at driving any time

Originally posted by Great White

Your ABS is automated. Do you think ABS has caused more deaths too? Planes fly themselves about 99% of the time. If it was so unsafe do you think the FAA would allow it? If it was up to me I’d never have a vehicle with ABS. Never had a problem with manual brakes, actually ABS on a very muddy road sucks. I could show you easier than tell you. Are you sure it’s 99% of the time… I don’t think so. </font id=“blue”>

It won’t be perfect the first time around but lots of smart people are working on it. Since it won’t be perfect the first time around, you gonna trust it with your life? I’m sure lots of smart people are working on it, but do these smart people also know about mechanical applications? </font id=“blue”>

Ya’ll act like most people are good drivers. Fred you like “manual drivers with good training”, laughable. Today “training” is a few shared hours with a drivers ed teacher over a semester.
That may be true for some unconcerned parents, but I put all three of my kids through an independent driving class as well as spending many hours with them before letting them go on their own. </font id=“blue”>

I would trust computers over people at driving any time. Take a trip down the interstate and look at the people driving next to you. You’re surrounded by people going 70 and texting. Yea super safe.

I guess we do agree that we have a lot of idiots texting and driving, don’t think we’ll have a law on that until cops and other lawmakers stop texting. but I’m not to the point of trusting a computer… yet.
</font id=“blue”>

First, Most, Biggest

"If Bruce Jenner can keep his

Originally posted by Fred67
Originally posted by Great White

Your ABS is automated. Do you think ABS has caused more deaths too? Planes fly themselves about 99% of the time. If it was so unsafe do you think the FAA would allow it? If it was up to me I’d never have a vehicle with ABS. Never had a problem with manual brakes, actually ABS on a very muddy road sucks. I could show you easier than tell you. Are you sure it’s 99% of the time… I don’t think so. </font id=“blue”>

It won’t be perfect the first time around but lots of smart people are working on it. Since it won’t be perfect the first time around, you gonna trust it with your life? I’m sure lots of smart people are working on it, but do these smart people also know about mechanical applications? </font id=“blue”>

Ya’ll act like most people are good drivers. Fred you like “manual drivers with good training”, laughable. Today “training” is a few shared hours with a drivers ed teacher over a semester.
That may be true for some unconcerned parents, but I put all three of my kids through an independent driving class as well as spending many hours with them before letting them go on their own. </font id=“blue”>

I would trust computers over people at driving any time. Take a trip down the interstate and look at the people driving next to you. You’re surrounded by people going 70 and texting. Yea super safe.

I guess we do agree that we have a lot of idiots texting and driving, don’t think we’ll have a law on that until cops and other lawmakers stop texting. but I’m not to the point of trusting a computer… yet.
</font id=“blue”>

Originally posted by TheMechanic

you are already trusting a computer to drive, if you drive almost any newer car. several years back car manufactures started using Drive-By-Wire, which means there is no physical connection between your throttle pedal and the throttle body on the motor. Therefor it is a computer that ultimately is controlling your motor. People in the beginning were complaining about this as well, but as time went on and the concept was proven, noone bats an eye at that any more. Cars now-a-days are even drive-by-wire with the steering wheel and brake pedals.

What vehicles are using drive by wire brake and steering? I know of a few electric forklifts and a few tractors, but didn’t think it had made it to the automotive side due to safety concerns. and I know all about the lack of a throttle cable. That doesn’t bother me other than some models have a delayed response over mechanical. I don’t consider that a safety issue in the event of a failure.

“If Bruce Jenner can keep his wiener and be called a woman, I can keep my firearms and be considered disarmed.”

Just something else to brake, that you can’t fix on the side of the road! Roadside phone call ( Hi, is this AAA? My car is saying I need some help! I’m broke down in East Jabipp and I have I message on the dash that says Check Computer![:0]