Bad Idea

Originally posted by Great White

However they were armed punks and paid the price. Only problem I see is that he endangered others down range by using an AR. 3 rounds of #4’s in the 12ga would have cleaned house with less risk to others.

First, Most, Biggest

Yeah, no possible way in hell that some of those hundreds of pellets wouldn’t miss and hit something downrange…

I also want to point out that this was a standard issue rifle. Carry handle and iron sights, standard handguard. No fancy pants red dots or lasers or anything, just good old fashioned rifle in the hands of a competent shooter.

As far as shoot or no shoot, you don’t know, you weren’t there. BUT…someone in my house uninvited, they’re toting lead with them when they leave as well, hopefully in a bag.

I think what happened was justified and okay. I ONLY feel bad, like Skinnee said, for those family members and friends who lost someone they cared about. Other than that, good riddance.

Wadmalaw native
16’ Bentz-Craft Flats Boat

I’ll try to explain this a little more slowly this time… Lethal force WAS justified. If someone broke into my house, I believe that I personally would have gunned them down as well. I’m shooting for the chest, not the foot…

But 3 teenagers lost their lives, and there are probably 100’s of people (sisters, brothers, mothers, fathers, friends, etc) crushed over this. It doesn’t seem right to GLOAT over it. I have sympathy for those that are still alive, grieving the loss of their children.

Originally posted by skinneej

I’ll try to explain this a little more slowly this time… Lethal force WAS justified. If someone broke into my house, I believe that I personally would have gunned them down as well. I’m shooting for the chest, not the foot…

But 3 teenagers lost their lives, and there are probably 100’s of people (sisters, brothers, mothers, fathers, friends, etc) crushed over this. It doesn’t seem right to GLOAT over it. I have sympathy for those that are still alive, grieving the loss of their children.

I don’t see how this is so complicated. Justifiable use of force and feeling bad that 3 people died aren’t mutually exclusive. If I ever had a home invasion I would definitely defend myself with as much lead as it took for them to stop moving, but I’m still going to feel guilt about taking a life.

Originally posted by skinneej
Originally posted by wearthefishes

First off, I really could care less if the “grandfather” did or not. Ma and dad are probably in jail or making meth. Your liberal lines follow you everywhere, don’t they.

My liberal lines? No, it's my concern for the well being of other people. Believe it or not, it's actually okay to care about others. You should try it sometime.

I can honestly say that if my son grows up and does something like this at the age of 16, I won’t be saying, “good for that ****er!!!” Again, you will have to read a bit harder to see what I am saying. My sympathy is NOT for the thieves. It’s for all of the people that cared about those thieves. They are probably mourning the loss of a loved one, even if their loved one was a douche.

Maybe we come from different backgrounds, but I don’t see anything here worth cheering about.

Again, the shooter was justified. He did what he had to do. But someone’s kid still died.

well said

SHOOT THEM IN THE FOOT!!! Are you freacking kidding me??? First off, you don’t fight to be fair, you fight to win. You don’t shoot to “wound,” you shoot to kill. If there’s going to be a story to be told, it’s going to be my story with me telling it. I’m not celebrating the death of these three teenagers. Like others have said, families lost children and as a father, there’s nothing there to celebrate. Yes, lethal force absolutely was justified. Three unknown people break into your house, uninvited. You don’t know if they’re armed or what their intentions are but you DO know they’re not supposed to be in your house. They forfeited their “chance” when they made the conscious decision to illegally enter the home, never mind the fact they were armed with knives and brass knuckles (this clearly illustrates their intentions). THEY ILLEGALLY ENTERED SOMEONE ELSE’S HOME…how much “more to the story” does there need to be? It doesn’t matter if they “rushed the guy with the gun” because THEY ILLEGALLY ENTERED SOMEONE ELSE’S HOUSE.

Both sides had options. The three intruders could’ve chosen to NOT illegally enter the house or they could choose to do what they did. The man that shot the intruders had two options as well. He could’ve chosen to not repel the intruders and become a victim or take control of the situation and defend himself, his family, and his house.

I do feel for the families that lost loved ones. There is a void in their lives that will never be filled BUT I in no way shape or form apologize for what the man defending his home did. There’s no excuse for what these kids did. At their age, they know right from wrong and they made a decision that cost them their lives.

All of this macho talk about “I’d do blah, blah blah… if someone broke into my house.” You have no F-ing clue what you’d do until you’re faced with the scenario. Taking someone’s life isn’t as easy as Hollywood makes it seem and the incident doesn’t go away when your ears quit ringing from the gun fire. Every goo

God works in mysterious ways . He can use the death of these 3 young boys to turn many like minded young kids away from the wrong path in life . Young kids have many other kids who know them to see what happened .
It’s sad either way you look at it . Many will come to Christ because of this , which is good .

Originally posted by bangstick

SHOOT THEM IN THE FOOT!!! Are you freacking kidding me??? First off, you don’t fight to be fair, you fight to win. You don’t shoot to “wound,” you shoot to kill. If there’s going to be a story to be told, it’s going to be my story with me telling it. I’m not celebrating the death of these three teenagers. Like others have said, families lost children and as a father, there’s nothing there to celebrate. Yes, lethal force absolutely was justified. Three unknown people break into your house, uninvited. You don’t know if they’re armed or what their intentions are but you DO know they’re not supposed to be in your house. They forfeited their “chance” when they made the conscious decision to illegally enter the home, never mind the fact they were armed with knives and brass knuckles (this clearly illustrates their intentions). THEY ILLEGALLY ENTERED SOMEONE ELSE’S HOME…how much “more to the story” does there need to be? It doesn’t matter if they “rushed the guy with the gun” because THEY ILLEGALLY ENTERED SOMEONE ELSE’S HOUSE.

Both sides had options. The three intruders could’ve chosen to NOT illegally enter the house or they could choose to do what they did. The man that shot the intruders had two options as well. He could’ve chosen to not repel the intruders and become a victim or take control of the situation and defend himself, his family, and his house.

I do feel for the families that lost loved ones. There is a void in their lives that will never be filled BUT I in no way shape or form apologize for what the man defending his home did. There’s no excuse for what these kids did. At their age, they know right from wrong and they made a decision that cost them their lives.

All of this macho talk about “I’d do blah, blah blah… if someone broke into my house.” You have no F-ing clue what you’d do until you’re faced with

Thanks Starsky. Next time you’re at the range schooling everyone else, take aim at a B27 target at 3yds, that’s only 9 feet for those keeping count, aim center mass and tell me if you can still see the “head” of the target. FYI, the head is where the face is located.

Plus, while center mass is the highest percentage shot, it’s not the only effective shot to take. One’s shooting ability and the variables of the situation “should” dictate what type of shot is taken.

Lastly, I don’t recall asking anyone if I had, or talking about me having, a “problem.” Thanks for caring though.

No matter how much it hurts, how dark it gets, or how far you fall…you are never out of the fight.

Originally posted by bangstick

Thanks Starsky. Next time you’re at the range schooling everyone else, take aim at a B27 target at 3yds, that’s only 9 feet for those keeping count, aim center mass and tell me if you can still see the “head” of the target. FYI, the head is where the face is located.

Plus, while center mass is the highest percentage shot, it’s not the only effective shot to take. One’s shooting ability and the variables of the situation “should” dictate what type of shot is taken.

Lastly, I don’t recall asking anyone if I had, or talking about me having, a “problem.” Thanks for caring though.

No matter how much it hurts, how dark it gets, or how far you fall…you are never out of the fight.

You either need a valium or a release.

Originally posted by 7cs
Originally posted by bangstick

Thanks Starsky. Next time you’re at the range schooling everyone else, take aim at a B27 target at 3yds, that’s only 9 feet for those keeping count, aim center mass and tell me if you can still see the “head” of the target. FYI, the head is where the face is located.

Plus, while center mass is the highest percentage shot, it’s not the only effective shot to take. One’s shooting ability and the variables of the situation “should” dictate what type of shot is taken.

Lastly, I don’t recall asking anyone if I had, or talking about me having, a “problem.” Thanks for caring though.

No matter how much it hurts, how dark it gets, or how far you fall…you are never out of the fight.

You either need a valium or a release.

Whole lot of taking things too seriously here lately.

Originally posted by Fishingpox

God works in mysterious ways . He can use the death of these 3 young boys to turn many like minded young kids away from the wrong path in life . Young kids have many other kids who know them to see what happened .
It’s sad either way you look at it . Many will come to Christ because of this , which is good .

Why didn't god halt the actions of these kids earlier ? Seems to be the more peaceful way about life. Better yet,why didn't god teach their parents the difference between right/wrong,and the potential results?

Why did god allow those children in Syria to be gassed? Is he teaching other children that gassing innocent people is wrong?

Originally posted by 7cs
Originally posted by bangstick

Thanks Starsky. Next time you’re at the range schooling everyone else, take aim at a B27 target at 3yds, that’s only 9 feet for those keeping count, aim center mass and tell me if you can still see the “head” of the target. FYI, the head is where the face is located.

Plus, while center mass is the highest percentage shot, it’s not the only effective shot to take. One’s shooting ability and the variables of the situation “should” dictate what type of shot is taken.

Lastly, I don’t recall asking anyone if I had, or talking about me having, a “problem.” Thanks for caring though.

No matter how much it hurts, how dark it gets, or how far you fall…you are never out of the fight.

You either need a valium or a release.

Only responding accordingly to your original “instructional” comment. No harm in questioning the teacher, is there?

Lucky for everyone else, or unlucky, PB was feeling left out and came in after us with even more mierda.

No matter how much it hurts, how dark it gets, or how far you fall…you are never out of the fight.

Originally posted by bangstick
Originally posted by 7cs
Originally posted by bangstick

Thanks Starsky. Next time you’re at the range schooling everyone else, take aim at a B27 target at 3yds, that’s only 9 feet for those keeping count, aim center mass and tell me if you can still see the “head” of the target. FYI, the head is where the face is located.

Plus, while center mass is the highest percentage shot, it’s not the only effective shot to take. One’s shooting ability and the variables of the situation “should” dictate what type of shot is taken.

Lastly, I don’t recall asking anyone if I had, or talking about me having, a “problem.” Thanks for caring though.

No matter how much it hurts, how dark it gets, or how far you fall…you are never out of the fight.

You either need a valium or a release.

Only responding accordingly to your original “instructional” comment. No harm in questioning the teacher, is there?

Lucky for everyone else, or unlucky, PB was feeling left out and came in after us with even more mierda.

No matter how much it hurts, how dark it gets, or how far you fall…you are never out of the fight.

The teacher had to google mierda. Nice work, grasshopper.

Originally posted by poly ball
Originally posted by Fishingpox

God works in mysterious ways . He can use the death of these 3 young boys to turn many like minded young kids away from the wrong path in life . Young kids have many other kids who know them to see what happened .
It’s sad either way you look at it . Many will come to Christ because of this , which is good .

Why didn't god halt the actions of these kids earlier ? Seems to be the more peaceful way about life. Better yet,why didn't god teach their parents the difference between right/wrong,and the potential results?

Why did god allow those children in Syria to be gassed? Is he teaching other children that gassing innocent people is wrong?

Maybe you and I will know the answers to that when we die. I hope so Polly. This Earth and our test during life is pretty rough at times.

“If Bruce Jenner can keep his wiener and be called a woman, I can keep my firearms and be considered disarmed.”

Originally posted by bangstick

All of this macho talk about “I’d do blah, blah blah… if someone broke into my house.” You have no F-ing clue what you’d do until you’re faced with the scenario. Taking someone’s life isn’t as easy as Hollywood makes it seem and the incident doesn’t go away when your ears quit ringing from the gun fire. Every good sight picture has a face in it and that face lives with you for the rest of your life so all of you “tough guys” need to quit flattering yourselves.

Bangstick is that a generic statement or aimed at anyone in particular? If generic, trust me I would not flatter myself by telling you what I would do, and what I have had training to do. I would do what I could to subdue a home invader and never lose a moment’s sleep over it if Killing the perp was the outcome. I’d say my prayers as usual at the end of the day. That said I don’t think anyone on this site actually believes Killing someone is like the Hollywood movies as you suggested. Or I hope not. Everyone is wired different, I don’t suffer from PTSD, some do with good cause. again no flattery towards myself.

I Would feel some remorse for the family and friends, but I’d feel better knowing I protected my Castle.

“If Bruce Jenner can keep his wiener and be called a woman, I can keep my firearms and be considered disarmed.”

I’ll preface this by I’ve had a few beers.

Center mass on a 16 year old? Think about what you’re saying.

I coached boys like them. They took the risk based on a teenagers thinking…without a firearm…brass knuckles and a knife…against an armed man.

I’ve followed this story. The shooter was a pilot…don’t know what kind but he should be used to making decisions. I wasn’t there nor were any of us…what we have is forensics and the shooters testimony.

I sleep with the dead, so someone breaking in my house would wake my wife. I have a 12G pump for home security. I carry a 44 bulldog for my security.

The same house was broken into the same day. An outlying room was hit. The same people came back that night. Did this homeowner lay in wait? I’d be pissed too…but take their lives?

They don’t do what I’m telling them to if there is time…they get their feet first…then center mass.

Just my opinion…everybody gots one.

OH MIERDA, what have I started.

Originally posted by mdaddy

I’m with skinneej on this. There is more to this story. If they rushed the guy with the gun…I can’t say cause I wasn’t there. You shoot all three of them in the foot and they get a chance to change their ways.

They have no more chances now.

No all it does is give them a chance to sue you then go right back to their ways. Kill them dead.
Originally posted by mdaddy

I’ll preface this by I’ve had a few beers.

Center mass on a 16 year old? Think about what you’re saying.

I coached boys like them. They took the risk based on a teenagers thinking…without a firearm…brass knuckles and a knife…against an armed man.

I’ve followed this story. The shooter was a pilot…don’t know what kind but he should be used to making decisions. I wasn’t there nor were any of us…what we have is forensics and the shooters testimony.

I sleep with the dead, so someone breaking in my house would wake my wife. I have a 12G pump for home security. I carry a 44 bulldog for my security.

The same house was broken into the same day. An outlying room was hit. The same people came back that night. Did this homeowner lay in wait? I’d be pissed too…but take their lives?

They don’t do what I’m telling them to if there is time…they get their feet first…then center mass.

Just my opinion…everybody gots one.

Mdaddy, let me preface this by saying Ive had a couple bourbons. I hope your beer was as good. May I ask if the center mass comment came from my reply?

Originally posted by 7cs
Originally posted by mdaddy

I’ll preface this by I’ve had a few beers.

Center mass on a 16 year old? Think about what you’re saying.

I coached boys like them. They took the risk based on a teenagers thinking…without a firearm…brass knuckles and a knife…against an armed man.

I’ve followed this story. The shooter was a pilot…don’t know what kind but he should be used to making decisions. I wasn’t there nor were any of us…what we have is forensics and the shooters testimony.

I sleep with the dead, so someone breaking in my house would wake my wife. I have a 12G pump for home security. I carry a 44 bulldog for my security.

The same house was broken into the same day. An outlying room was hit. The same people came back that night. Did this homeowner lay in wait? I’d be pissed too…but take their lives?

They don’t do what I’m telling them to if there is time…they get their feet first…then center mass.

Just my opinion…everybody gots one.

Mdaddy, let me preface this by saying Ive had a couple bourbons. I hope your beer was as good. May I ask if the center mass comment came from my reply?

NO. I was aware of center mass years ago…aim big.