Bad Idea

Originally posted by mdaddy

They don’t do what I’m telling them to if there is time…they get their feet first…then center mass.

Just my opinion…everybody gots one.

The perps had the option to think about what they did and chose to push fate again. repeat offenders no more.

I know this is your opinion, but think of this. You shoot a perp in the foot he reacts with lightning speed and now pain and adrenaline. He pulls a hidden weapon and kills you. Never, Never, Never shoot a Human to wound. If it comes to the terrible reality that a gun is drawn, be Man enough and prepared enough to pull the trigger to kill. Head can move too much quickly even for a trained individual, center mass and a follow up shot and more if needed.

I’m sure some on this site have been taught this… “Not everyone you shoot will die. Get that out of your mind. It will be extremely difficult to shoot accurately under stress, under low-light conditions or on the move, whether you’re moving or the suspect is. Shoot at the largest target, the chest, center mass. Shoot to stop the threat—and keep shooting until the threat stops.” and remember to always repeat to the first responder " I feared for my life and my families life. "

Mdaddy, no life should ever have to be taken in a perfect world, but unfortunately we don’t life in one. On that note Doc said I could have a max of two mixed drinks this weekend. I’m going to splurge and get something different and good. No diet pepsi, on the rocks. Got any recomendations? Not a big beer drinker. Prefer Bourbon.

“If Bruce Jenner can keep his wiener and be called a woman, I can keep my firearms and be considered disarmed.”

Fred, that was a general comment, not intended for anyone specific. The “cowboy mentality” that some choose to project drives me insane. I’ve seen well-trained and highly-motivated members of our military, who are TREMENDOUS marksmen, freeze up and/or hesitate when faced with an actual life or death situation so to see some of the Internet Commandos talk about what they’d do is just preposterous. NO ONE knows what they’d do until they’re faced with that situation. You can train all you want and “hope” you’d respond in a certain manner but until it finally happens, and I pray it never happens for anyone, there’s simply no way of knowing what one would do.

For those taking my “face in a sight picture” comment and now preaching “center mass” I would tell all of you to go speak with an ACTUAL military sniper that has squeezed the trigger in defense of this country and ask them about “the faces.” Snipers are trained to aim center mass, unless situations dictate otherwise, and yet most can still describe the face of most, if not all, of the lives they have taken while doing their job so if you think aiming center mass will keep you from having to look a potential threat in the eyes, you’re only kidding yourselves. There is always a face attached to every life taken.

As some have said, if you’re going to draw your weapon, be prepared to use it. If you’re going to use it, use it to kill your target and stop the threat whole heartedly. You pull the trigger until the threat no longer persists. The fact these three teenagers lost their lives IS tragic but it was the stopping point on a path THEY decided to venture down when THEY chose to illegally enter someone else’s home.

Blanton’s (if you can find any)
Blade and Bow

No matter how much it hurts, how dark it gets, or how far you fall…you are never out of the fight.

I think if you are good enough to hit 3 armed moving targets, dressed in black, in the dark, in the foot with a carbine rifle, then who am I to give you advice? Why not just shoot their weapons out of their hands John Wayne style?

Originally posted by skinneej

I think if you are good enough to hit 3 armed moving targets, dressed in black, in the dark, in the foot with a carbine rifle, then who am I to give you advice? Why not just shoot their weapons out of their hands John Wayne style?


No matter how much it hurts, how dark it gets, or how far you fall…you are never out of the fight.

Originally posted by skinneej

I think if you are good enough to hit 3 armed moving targets, dressed in black, in the dark, in the foot with a carbine rifle, then who am I to give you advice? Why not just shoot their weapons out of their hands John Wayne style?


17’ Henry O Hornet w/ Johnson 88 spl
26’ Palmer Scott project hull
14’ Bentz-Craft w/ Yamaha 25

Originally posted by skinneej

I think if you are good enough to hit 3 armed moving targets, dressed in black, in the dark, in the foot with a carbine rifle, then who am I to give you advice? Why not just shoot their weapons out of their hands John Wayne style?

Well Pilgrim…that’s why I have a 12G pump for home D fence.

None of us know what happened. Did the guy shoot them in the back going out the door? I understand “justified”…a couple of rounds in the floor would have got their attention. If they were cracked up/meth heads and didn’t get on the floor…I’m in fear for my life.

I hope I never have to deal with this. You guys carry on without me. I’ve no more to say on this matter.

Originally posted by mdaddy
Originally posted by skinneej

I think if you are good enough to hit 3 armed moving targets, dressed in black, in the dark, in the foot with a carbine rifle, then who am I to give you advice? Why not just shoot their weapons out of their hands John Wayne style?

Well Pilgrim…that’s why I have a 12G pump for home D fence.

None of us know what happened. Did the guy shoot them in the back going out the door? I understand “justified”…a couple of rounds in the floor would have got their attention. If they were cracked up/meth heads and didn’t get on the floor…I’m in fear for my life.

I hope I never have to deal with this. You guys carry on without me. I’ve no more to say on this matter.

Oh, you were serious? Why not just get a gun with a little flag that pops out and says “pow”? Why give a warning and give up your tactical advantage? I’ve got a wife and kids in the house. I’m not risking their lives to give criminals a “sporting chance”. That’s irresponsible. “Warnings” put your entire family in danger.

Death from a GSW to the chest versus death from bleeding out after having your lower leg removed from being shot with a shotgun at close range…Oh yeah, now I see your logic. (not really)

No matter how much it hurts, how dark it gets, or how far you fall…you are never out of the fight.

How about a water gun filled with acid?

Anyone set up indoor claymores with a WHITE BRAID tripwire?

Originally posted by skinneej

Anyone set up indoor claymores with a WHITE BRAID tripwire?



No matter how much it hurts, how dark it gets, or how far you fall…you are never out of the fight.