Bahamas Trip 2010: Freedive

Really late report but figured i put up some pictures anyhow. Took the boat across to the Abacos this summer for some fishing and lobster season. Got after the lobsters and did pretty well, not nearly as big as the ones we got off SC but def. a lot more plentiful and taste just as good. Also got this nice hog with the sling when he came up to investigate in about 12 ft of water. Extremely lucky shot right in the head which didn’t stick but somehow managed to stone him…Also got some nice snapper and yellowtail with the slings as well. Definitely a lot harder with the sling than spring loaded steel.
Cant wait to get back down there next summer

26’ Regulator, Twin 250s

good job

Big Dummy

thanks for the pictures!

Cape Horn 24OS
twin 150 Optimax

I don’t want to be rich,
I just want 1 dollar more than I can spend!

Epic hog. It must have been a lucky shot to the brain because it doesn’t even look like it went through the other side. I guess slings don’t have nearly as much power as a gun. Well done.

14’ Pamlico 140 Angler w/ rudder
Kayak, SCUBA, or both.

Nice catch. Its always nice to travel and spearfish in different areas. Im still trying to get out freedive spearfishing around here.

Gotta love Marsh harbor!

2180 Ranger Bay w 150 Yammi

nice man thanks for the report some of us don’t get to do anything so readding these reports is al we live for lol the pictures were extra