Bariatric surgery

I just wanted to give an update to my Charleston fishing family about My recent bariatric surgery. Last Monday I have a procedure known as VSG. Which stands for vertical sleeve gastrectomy. Basically my stomach was reduced from the size of a football to the size of a hotdog. It was a two-year journey to get to surgery, if they make (**() sure that this is what you want to do before they operate on you. I was involved in a weight-loss program with the VA hospital called MOVE , Had to see a psychiatrist… She still thinks I’m crazy, it had to show a 5% weight loss (I had a 10% weight loss) before they will schedule you for the surgery. well I had the surgery on May 8, one week ago, and I am happy to report that not only did the surgery go well, but the recovery has been unbelievably easy. Pain was almost nonexistent, and I have dropped 17.5 pounds in one week! The best feeling is that I am not hungry at all ever. I cannot explain how good that feels, as I was always hungry need to have that switched off is in incredible feeling. I am on fishing restriction for about three more weeks, and I think that is the toughest part of this whole thing. If you know anybody contemplating the surgery and they want to talk to somebody that will recommend it please forward my information to them because I am going to start attending support groups in helping with a positive attitude towards weight-loss surgery.

Glad things are going well for you Paul, best of luck and hope you’re back fishing soon!

“Apathy is the Glove into Which Evil Slips It’s Hand”, but really, who cares?

Good for you man , I hope all works out well for ya .!!

good to hear Paul…wishing you the best…

The Morris Island Lighthouse

Way to go!

17 pounds in a week is fantastic! Losing weight has been one of the hardest things I’ve ever had to do… almost.

You back, knees, feet, hips, and heart will all thank you. Could you imagine carrying a 50 pound bag of feed on your back on an all day fishing trip? Just imagine how good you’ll feel when you get that much weight off. … and you’re basically halfway there!

“Why Bruce?”

Great to hear Paul! Good for you. Want to sell that smoker, cheap:wink::imp:

Originally posted by Easy

Great to hear Paul! Good for you. Want to sell that smoker, cheap:wink::imp:

Not a chance


Oyster Baron

NMFS = No More Fishing Season

“Back home we got a taxidermy man. He gonna have a heart attack when he see what I brung him”

She’s not the only one to think that way about you Snookie!

Heal up and then go do what you do best!

Glad to hear everything is going well Paul. You are loved in the fishing community for good reason. Keep up the great work and if you want to go “take it easy slow” fishing with me inshore, you are welcome to anytime. You are the only yankee I’ll allow on my boat!!

congratulations, keep it up, a life long health decision

have a friend that lost enough to notice a difference in his MPG

Woo Hoo

Pioneer 197SF

Glad to hear you are recovering so well. Also nice to see something nice written about the VA here. They have always treated me better than I deserved. tight lines soon enough.

Gotta say, having met Cracker Larry and yourself, you two have given more unbiased info on this site than most will ever do. Not saying we don’t have some others that give very good information!

Paul, we have a driver that was 500+ pounds and had the Bariatric surgery. He did fantastic the first year got down to 300ish. Then he got a little side job doing some catering and cooking. He has stretched his band and is now weighing in at 520#.

Not saying that will ever happen to you, but stay focused my friend!

“Why Bruce?”

Keep up the good work. I pretty much had to give up* fast food restaurants (burgers, fries, snack cakes, chips, pizza) and for lunches, I eat almost exclusively Marie Callender microwave dinners. I’m sure the sodium is crazy high in those, but I’ve gone from 253 to 213 between October and May. Some of them taste pretty good and are pretty reasonably priced.

(*found a cancer inside of my nostril and the radiation treatments pretty much zapped my saliva glands…so I had to change the kinds of stuff I could eat)

“I am constantly amazed at the stupidity of the general public.”
~my dad

2007 Grady White 222 Fisherman / 250 Yamaha
Simrad NSS evo2 and G4
1- 22 boy that won’t move out)
1 - 18 year old (fishing maniac)
1 - wife (The Warden)


Originally posted by claim

(*found a cancer inside of my nostril and the radiation treatments pretty much zapped my saliva glands…so I had to change the kinds of stuff I could eat)


dang it dude… how did you find cancer inside your nose?

Only diet my Heart Doctor would recomend was a Mediterranean diet. Seems extra virgin olive oil is pretty good for the ticker… Even better than that is hemp oil… but unfortunately the powers that be are not wanting to make that an option.

“Why Bruce?”

Originally posted by Fred67
Originally posted by claim

(*found a cancer inside of my nostril and the radiation treatments pretty much zapped my saliva glands…so I had to change the kinds of stuff I could eat)


dang it dude… how did you find cancer inside your nose?

Only diet my Heart Doctor would recomend was a Mediterranean diet. Seems extra virgin olive oil is pretty good for the ticker… Even better than that is hemp oil… but unfortunately the powers that be are not wanting to make that an option.

“Why Bruce?”

Where my glasses sat on my nose, it kept getting a little painful. After some of the moleskin I had put on the noses pieces finally fell off, I joked with The Warden (in my best Arnold Schwarzenegger voice) while pointing at my nose “I’ve got a tooooma.” She insisted that I didn’t but made me an appointment for a nose doctor at MUSC to check out the “polop” in my nostril.

At the doctor visit, he asked what was wrong…I gave the same answer “I’ve got a tooooma.” He looked and said, Naaaaa…you’ve probably got an infection…take these pills for 2 weeks, come back and see me.

2 weeks later, I wasn’t any better. Doctor looked again and said, well shoot, we better do a biopsy.

They did the biopsy. Went to see the doctor and he said, “You’ve got a tooooma.”

I had 2 options…radiation or surgery with a half-dollar size chuck taken out of my nose. Went with radiation. Both options sucked. Radiation was in October…so far, I’m good with the nose.

"I am constantly a

I have type 2 diabetes. Not obese…just crappy genes. I’m taking 2 drugs that help with weight loss…One is Victoza. …the other is Farxciga. …I think these drugs are being used off label for weight loss. I’m 205, down from 245. You may .WANNA ask your doctor.

Originally posted by claim
Originally posted by Fred67
Originally posted by claim

(*found a cancer inside of my nostril and the radiation treatments pretty much zapped my saliva glands…so I had to change the kinds of stuff I could eat)


dang it dude… how did you find cancer inside your nose?

Only diet my Heart Doctor would recomend was a Mediterranean diet. Seems extra virgin olive oil is pretty good for the ticker… Even better than that is hemp oil… but unfortunately the powers that be are not wanting to make that an option.

“Why Bruce?”

Where my glasses sat on my nose, it kept getting a little painful. After some of the moleskin I had put on the noses pieces finally fell off, I joked with The Warden (in my best Arnold Schwarzenegger voice) while pointing at my nose “I’ve got a tooooma.” She insisted that I didn’t but made me an appointment for a nose doctor at MUSC to check out the “polop” in my nostril.

At the doctor visit, he asked what was wrong…I gave the same answer “I’ve got a tooooma.” He looked and said, Naaaaa…you’ve probably got an infection…take these pills for 2 weeks, come back and see me.

2 weeks later, I wasn’t any better. Doctor looked again and said, well shoot, we better do a biopsy.

They did the biopsy. Went to see the doctor and he said, “You’ve got a tooooma.”

I had 2 options…radiation or surgery with a half-dollar size chuck taken out of my nose. Went with radiatio

Originally posted by Redstripe

I have type 2 diabetes. Not obese…just crappy genes. I’m taking 2 drugs that help with weight loss…One is Victoza. …the other is Farxciga. …I think these drugs are being used off label for weight loss. I’m 205, down from 245. You may .WANNA ask your doctor.

I hear you on the crappy genes… Not much you can do with that.

“Why Bruce?”

Paul, my sisters son is a bariatric surgeon in western NC - Hes told me lots about how it all works. They only track patients for 18 months because the results go downhill after that. The best way to avoid that (according to him) is to get into a support group and follow the plan every day, especially the diet & lots of exercise. I hope to see you anchored up near Fort Sumter selling bait next year. Good luck waterman!

Originally posted by Fred67
Originally posted by claim
Originally posted by Fred67
Originally posted by claim

(*found a cancer inside of my nostril and the radiation treatments pretty much zapped my saliva glands…so I had to change the kinds of stuff I could eat)


dang it dude… how did you find cancer inside your nose?

Only diet my Heart Doctor would recomend was a Mediterranean diet. Seems extra virgin olive oil is pretty good for the ticker… Even better than that is hemp oil… but unfortunately the powers that be are not wanting to make that an option.

“Why Bruce?”

Where my glasses sat on my nose, it kept getting a little painful. After some of the moleskin I had put on the noses pieces finally fell off, I joked with The Warden (in my best Arnold Schwarzenegger voice) while pointing at my nose “I’ve got a tooooma.” She insisted that I didn’t but made me an appointment for a nose doctor at MUSC to check out the “polop” in my nostril.

At the doctor visit, he asked what was wrong…I gave the same answer “I’ve got a tooooma.” He looked and said, Naaaaa…you’ve probably got an infection…take these pills for 2 weeks, come back and see me.

2 weeks later, I wasn’t any better. Doctor looked again and said, well shoot, we better do a biopsy.

They did the biopsy. Went to see