We have some awesome FISHING deals going on right now!
- Get $10 in PSA gift cards for every $100 spent on Fishing gear!
- 25% OFF Shimano Compre and Convergence rods
- Buy a G.Loomis NRX rod, get a FREE Shimano Stradic 4000FJ
Palmetto State Armory- Mt. Pleasant
3365 S. Morgans Point Rd
Mt. Pleasant, SC 29466

I see the NRX deal (not too shabby) but do y’all carry any of the IMX or the new E6X rods?
No matter how much it hurts, how dark it gets, or how far you fall…you are never out of the fight.
[quote]Originally posted by bangstick
I see the NRX deal (not too shabby) but do y’all carry any of the IMX or the new E6X rods?
Yes, sir! We have both IMX and the E6X rods. That new E6X rod is something else!
Very cool! 'Preciate it.
No matter how much it hurts, how dark it gets, or how far you fall…you are never out of the fight.