Blow Fish "Puffer Fish"

I haven’t caught one of these in a few years, anyone else catching them?

Charleston City Papers Best Guide of 2014

Caught my fish from the surf on Sat. 6/6.

“There’s a fine line between fishing and standing in the surf like an idiot.”

When I was a kid 60 years ago we use to fill the boat with them every trip! Haven’t seen one in years.

I’ve never caught one on rod and reel but I see the Juvies in the creeks almost every time I go out. I tried to get some GoPro video of it last week but the shot wasn’t clear enough, only one frame where you get a blurry broadside shot of the puffer.

If you see a random black speck about an inch long on top of the water it’s often a baby spade. If you see a black circle it’s basically always a puffer.

First, Most, Biggest
I want to catch them all

We usually catch one or 2 in Port Royal while whiting fishing. Not nearly as many as we used to though.

Capt. Larry Teuton
Swamp Worshiper

It’s the Dam&& Japs eating them all up. Why would you load up a boat with something that will kill you, boatpoor:question:

Last fall got quit a few in the shrimp net, they are one of the few fish that the birds don’t get while putting the by-catch back. D@#m sea gulls.

I’ve only caught a few over the years on rod and reel. no more or no less than present days for me.

We useto eat them, never new they were poison!

They are not poisonous. You are thinking of a different species, Easy

OK! I just know the Japs have to be certified to prepare them or you die[:0] Seeing as I don’t know one from the other, I ain’t eating any of them!

Fugu, not the common puffer found here. I’d have to be pretty hungry to try eating a puffer.

“Apathy is the Glove into Which Evil Slips It’s Hand”.

Caught one in the Stono a few weeks back.

They’re F$&^*#@ delicious, if you clean them right. Cut behind the head, pull skin and guts, looks like a chicken leg. Fry up, can’t go wrong.

^^^ We got them in the restaurant I worked at from our fish guy as a sample one time. They looked just like chicken legs. He called them blow toads.

Yeah Edisto, if you put them on the menue, listed as Blow Toads, I’ll bet you could sell a ton of them:smiley::wink: Kind of like, Broiled Filet of Dolphin:stuck_out_tongue:

Yeah sort of like Chilean Sea Bass vs Patagonia Tooth Fish!

You’d definitely have to call them something else.

Virginians are weird, whiting are “sea mullet” and puffers are “blow toads”…

no apparent decline in northern puffers here, the same species produces tetrodotoxin in parts of florida- illegal to keep any puffers there.

FDA: “The State of Florida currently has a ban on both commercial and recreational harvesting of puffer fish from the waters of Volusia, Brevard, Indian River, St. Lucie, and Martin counties on the east coast of Florida due to persistent toxicity. Puffer fish harvested from these Florida counties have been found to contain significant amounts of toxin in the flesh regardless of the preparation technique. The Northern Puffer fish from the mid-Atlantic coastal waters of the United States, typically between Virginia and New York, has not been found to contain toxin, but without routine toxin screening there still is a potential risk.”

“potential risk” = “barbawang sticks with chicken wings”

barbawang, would you eat them, even though they look like chicken legs? And a JAP, cooked them for you ?

They look tasty to me.

First, Most, Biggest
I want to catch them all

In the late 60’s and early 70’s we caught bushel baskets of them in Maryland while on family vacation: although my Dad would only keep about 12 he would take them to the fella at the dock and the gentleman would clean them and we would have them for dinner. The guy who cleaned them said you had to know the proper way or they would make you sick.