I fish around bluffton a lot mostly up by moreland , may river, bull creek etc… Ive been killing the trout with doa shrimp on a popping cork but have little luck on the reds. I dont even see them which is odd. Here in charleston they are schooling on the flats like crazy. Where are the reds? Ive been told they are over by HH in skull and MaCay creeks but why wouldnt they be here. I cant believe they arent. Im using all the usuals gold spoon, penny gulp shrimp, trout trick etc… no luck. I might have to resort to dead mullet, fiddlers or shrimp but I really rather not.
I have not found them schooled up much yet. Fish low water back in small creeks that feed the larger creeks and rivers around oyster beds and between in the deeper pockets. Most of our fish have been caught with Gulp Shrimp.
A week ago they were tearing it up on mud minnows.
186 Bone Flats Boat
140 Suzuki fourstroke
It is still a bit early for the reds to congregate on the flats in the May River. Give it a week or two and they will stack up big time in certain areas. You just have to explore the river and find them. BTW, I have only found two locations on the May that are reliable spots. The eastern shore of Broad River has a much larger population of reds. PM me for details.
I was thinking about hitting the broad sometime soon to look for some reds, and want to work the shore line with my kayak, my only concern is how strong the tide can rip through there.
I agree the population of Reds is down in our area. I went Flounder gigging Thurs and Fri evenings and did not see many Flounder and fewer Redfish. Gigging Reds is how I learned where the Redfish hang out on low water years ago.
Gigging Flounder not Redfish is how I learned where the Redfish hang out on low tide years ago.
PM sent to you, Coach.
Capt. Larry Teuton
Cracker Built Custom Boats
“Ships are the nearest things to dreams that hands have ever made.” -Robert N. Rose
With all of this extremely cold weather, is it best to start looking for reds schooled up in the flats this weekend? I thought that might be the case last weekend, but my son and I caught 7 reds, 4 of which were monsters in the normal spot and the usual tide like we were getting them all summer and fall. How do you know- just keep up the same tactics that have been working until the party ends?
I scouted St. Helena Sound Sunday (I know how miserable the weather was) and yesterday. Found good fish to 31 inches, but not really schooled up yet. Water temp was down to 50 in areas…but did not yet see the large schools beginning to gang up together. A little more cold weather will get 'em ganged up on the flats.
Folks are telling me they’re already on the flats in Broad River. Everybody needs to stay over there and fish hard…they’ll show up.
BTW…the trout bite is great!