Boat Buying Decision- 32 Regulator???

the whole cat vs mono is like the chevy vs ford. either you go one way or the other, and in most cases you are not changing anyones minds. each has their pros and cons. all i know is whatever you decide, lean towards something sturdy and heavy. 40+ knots is rare coming or going offshore. my 32, with the 250s, will max out at around 42+. many cc go much faster than that, but they don’t get to do that very often. with my charters, i usually call anything over 4, unless i know them and they really want to go, and i never beat them up while running either, on average we run 34- 38 knots following to beam and 28- 34 head (this is based on little chop, when it turns into a washing machine this is of course a different story) when it starts getting sloppy, we run in most cases the mid to upper twenties, so not to get beatup. i don’t go for the mouth guards.

32’ regulator
twin 250 yamahas

fereel is right. at least check out for starters it is hard to explain the ride till you sea trial one, but for what you want to do, it is simply at the top of the list in all catagories. plently of great boats mentioned here but as a seasoned offshore fisherman with a general love and appreciation for almost all boats, water and how they work together, I would say at least check out the website and give Billy a call because he has nailed the design.


people are going to talk, might as well give them something to talk about!

Originally posted by Top2Bottom1

“More CC’s have capsized off Charleston than Cats… So I guess that means cats are safer…”

Um, yes, I’m sure that’s true but look at how many cats vs monos are out there, I’m sure it wouldn’t be that way per capita or per boatita or whatever it may be!)


You’re absolutely right about the prevelance of cats down in Australia, thier all over down there, and for use in the transportation industry.

"I will admit, that they take some time to getting used to.
You really have to drive one for about a year before you get it

That’s more of what I am talking about when it comes to cats they require more attention by the helmsman espicially in adverse conditions. They definitly do have thier advantages that’s for sure espicially when it comes to the soft landings after coming off a wave. My first time on one I was that guy hangin on for dear life and waiting for the crashing landing that never came!

Russ Broward

  1. I would assume that if they weren’t safe they wouldn’t be used in the transportation industry, but there are a lot of privately owned cats there as well. It’s just a popular hull style in other parts of the world.
  2. When I said, “get used to it” I wasn’t trying to imply that they needed more attention at the helm. I’m just saying that if you are not used to a little roll or hearing the splash of the waves hitting the inside wall of the hull, you might find it odd. My boat tracks pretty straight and I pretty much leave the throttle in one position the whole way out and back in, make a trim adjustment, and the wheel stays fairly straight. V-hulls require much more attention at the helm.

I’m telling you guys, the only reason that V-hulls outnumber cats in the USA is because that’s what people are

Also note that the world cats are the faster of the catamarans. They are planing hull cats and I think that the 34’ there reaches upwards of 54mph. The Glacier Bays are displacement hull cats and don’t carry as much HP. My boat does 34knts (40mph) in flat water.

I started with a 20’ Stratos,then a 22’ Boston Whaler,next a 246 World Cat and now a 306 Prowler Kat with F225’s that will top out at 40 knots.
For offshore fishing I’ll take a cat,but that’s how I roll:wink:


The Worldcat 33 tops out at 51mph with Yamaha 350’s half fuel light load according to their performance reports.

When I was fishing in Venice last Friday, I had Capt Mike open her up in a 2-3 following sea with 500lbs ice/fish, 200 gallons fuel, 5 men and we hit 51mph. Thats with Zuke 300’s. At the end of the day we burnt 93 gallons running 130 miles that was averaging 38mph cruise at 4500rpm. That is pretty much a trip to the southwest banks and back.

Oh for God’s Sake, just buy it already so this thread can go away!