Boat service

Does anybody around Beaufort have any good recommendations on a marine shop. Trying to get my boat in for annual maintenance.

Tre Everette 843-489-8780

He is Mobile as well.


07, 23 Key West, Twin 115 Yammys

“Coastal Bound”

Great thanks, I will give him a call.


Don’t know if they are still there but McElveens at B-River bridge
were good ,helped me out few years back.:smiley::smiley:


all gave some , some gave all–only two offered to die for you, christ for your sins , the soldier for your freedom!!!

The “on dock” mechanic across from Sam’s point has also decided to come out of early retirement…Mike Harris (aka “The Sharktooth Fairy”) and a friend of his are opening up a shop at 51 Parris Island Gateway. Mike has sure helped me out with my various engine problems over the years.

If you have a Yamaha, Hilton Head Boathouse is your best bet.


No one I know is as good as Trae Everett…even the Yamaha Teckies respect him. And Seven Marine (the 551 hp outboard guys) acknowledge he’s the best. They won’t let anyone touch their engines…always send a factory mechanic. But they let Trae do it!

I know there are others that are good…but Trae is mobile and will come to you…even out on the water.


Hey that’s the exact information I was looking for. Thanks I appreciate the recommendations.


Tre Everetts, just as said before.

1802 Action Craft. 115 yamaha.