Boycott PayPal and Apple

Hypocrital Companies have major presences and in PayPal’s case, they have a bigger operation in Malaysia, than the one they cancelled in NC. …A country that flogs and jails homosexuals. Apple does major business in all of these Muslim countries that persecute gays and women. In case you didn’t know…Google NC HB2.

Originally posted by Redstripe

Hypocrital Companies have major presences and in PayPal’s case, they have a bigger operation in Malaysia, than the one they cancelled in NC. …A country that flogs and jails homosexuals. Apple does major business in all of these Muslim countries that persecute gays and women. In case you didn’t know…Google NC HB2.

So, your arguement is? Or, is it just a rant?

Companies are not hypocritical, they understand the tech business, and the shortage of workers. No high tech worker is going to want to work in a location that isn’t liberal… That’s business, you just don’t recognize the brilliance…

I live in the Charlotte area, and HB2 is a joke… Just try to enforce it… What are you going to do, call someone out that LOOKS like a trans, photo the Trans and get charged with Voyeurism… Call them out and be wrong and have a lawsuit for defamation of gender… Good luck with it, I’ll just piss with the trans, no problem…

They apparently have been pissing in the same room as I have all along, and I never knew, nor cared. Quit looking at peoples’ junk while wizzing and carry on soldier…


Yeah bro…That ain’t the point. You have a daughter. .? If so you must not give a &@&$ about her well being. The law gives men free reign to go into the ladies room. Let’s take a poll here and see how many agree with you. That wasn’t even my point though. These left coast wing nutts are hypocrites. Buy a Motorola phone, and don’t use PayPal. They are bullies.

Also- If pay pal finds out your dealing guns - they can seize your account!

Screw them. These people make me sick. PayPal has the audacity to pull out of NC while they operate in Malaysia. …A Muslim country that punishes homosexuals with major prison time.

Originally posted by Redstripe

Yeah bro…That ain’t the point. You have a daughter. .? If so you must not give a &@&$ about her well being. The law gives men free reign to go into the ladies room. Let’s take a poll here and see how many agree with you. That wasn’t even my point though. These left coast wing nutts are hypocrites. Buy a Motorola phone, and don’t use PayPal. They are bullies.

If it had been happening before, show the statistics… Can’t do it, because it rarely, if ever, happens…

Had the same response today about… Ohh, what if is your daughter… I’ll give the same response here… Show me the stats where there has been an issue before… And for the record, my daughter is small in stature, but would kick their ass, and probably yours.


Statistics for what…? WTF are you talking about…? Why the hell are you even on this site…? I have followed your rants, and have never seen you post about fishing. All you ever do is take the opposite side of the argument. I guarantee you that 80 % of the people on this site don’t want dudes in the girls room. I’m not arguing with you. We have heard you, don’t need anymore.

There are no stats because, before Charlotte enacted this stupid law, men haven’t been able to go piss in the ladies room dumb ass.

Anyone that let’s their daughter go into a bathroom with an adult male is a derelict parent. I guess if they cave and reverse it, I will go into the women’s room to monitor things.

Originally posted by Redstripe

There are no stats because, before Charlotte enacted this stupid law, men haven’t been able to go piss in the ladies room dumb ass.

You obviously don’t know the what you are talking about. That is the whole point of the HB2, is to require individuals to use the room of their biological sex…

And my point regarding stats was not about whether men went into the ladies restroom, or vice versa, but what are the stats of laws broken while they were in the opposite sex restroom; such as, rape, voyeurism, attacks, etc. There is more likelihood of two homosexual men getting it on in the MENS bathroom together, than something going awry for a tranny man in the Ladies room.


Originally posted by Redstripe

Anyone that let’s their daughter go into a bathroom with an adult male is a derelict parent. I guess if they cave and reverse it, I will go into the women’s room to monitor things.

You go into a restroom now to monitor, you will be breaking the law. Without the passing of the law, you would have been entitled to do so…

Now parents with children over 7 can’t monitor them in the opposite sex restroom, AND they can’t bring them into the their restroom if they are of the opposite sex… Typical of Govt., always not thinking things through the practical implications. This law is taking away your liberties my friend, and you support it…


Originally posted by Redstripe

There are no stats because, before Charlotte enacted this stupid law, men haven’t been able to go piss in the ladies room dumb ass.

You are not making any sense, the companies are not leaving because of the Charlotte law that was in place, but the HB2 State law that was recently passed to kill the Charlotte ordinance that allowed people of the opposite sex into restrooms…

The companies would stay if the Charlotte ordinance was not killed by HB2…

I think you may be getting the two confused…


I’ve learned to not trust the media to tell the truth, the whole truth or to not twist the facts. Wondering what all the noise was about on the NC HB2 law I read it and have this to say, just facts, the summary is:

  • the bathroom rules apply to public facilities only, private businesses can do what they want

  • if it’s a multi-person facility you enter the one based on your birth sex, if there is a single occupancy bathroom that is designated as unisex then anyone can use it

  • at a school, if there is someone that is uncomfortable using the bathroom of their sex then the school can allow the person to use a faculty bathroom, an adult will stand outside to make sure no one enters

  • it adds protections to prevent discrimination in employment based on sex, it adds protections that disallow discrimination based on sex in the hiring of contractors that work for government

  • it makes these things state law to prevent counties or towns passing laws that discriminate

  • states that the Human Rights Commission is the agency to address compliants

I’m all for tolerance but don’t see issues with any of this. Admittedly there might be a super small number of people that might be slightly inconvienced but that seems better than creating issues for the other 99.9%.

What does the law prevent?

  • guys from entering the womens bathroom, women from entering the mens bathroom, not sure what the problem is with that
  • if there is a person that looks in all aspects like a guy but is a woman, and she enters the mens bathroom and goes in a stall, if she is discrete no one will know and I can’t see a jury convicting her if she were caught, same for a guy in the opposite situation
  • conversely if this law were not in place, then any guy or girl could legally enter either bathroom, plenty of potential issues with that
  • I can see plenty of men that would escort their female peeps into the bathroom to make sure there were no other men inside. If so then he woud have every right to stay there to ensure their safety.

Well said BSG.

Originally posted by Blueskyguy

I’ve learned to not trust the media to tell the truth, the whole truth or to not twist the facts. Wondering what all the noise was about on the NC HB2 law I read it and have this to say, just facts, the summary is:

  • the bathroom rules apply to public facilities only, private businesses can do what they want

  • if it’s a multi-person facility you enter the one based on your birth sex, if there is a single occupancy bathroom that is designated as unisex then anyone can use it

  • at a school, if there is someone that is uncomfortable using the bathroom of their sex then the school can allow the person to use a faculty bathroom, an adult will stand outside to make sure no one enters

  • it adds protections to prevent discrimination in employment based on sex, it adds protections that disallow discrimination based on sex in the hiring of contractors that work for government

  • it makes these things state law to prevent counties or towns passing laws that discriminate

  • states that the Human Rights Commission is the agency to address compliants

I’m all for tolerance but don’t see issues with any of this. Admittedly there might be a super small number of people that might be slightly inconvienced but that seems better than creating issues for the other 99.9%.

What does the law prevent?

  • guys from entering the womens bathroom, women from entering the mens bathroom, not sure what the problem is with that
    - if there is a person that looks in all aspects like a guy but is a woman, and she enters the mens bathroom and goes in a stall, if she is discrete no one will know and I can’t see a jury convicting her if she were caught, same for a guy in the opposite situation
  • conversely if this law were not in place, then any guy or girl could legally enter either bathroom, plenty of potential issues with that
  • I can see

Blah…blah…blah. …You are talking to yourself dude…Have you ever caught a dolphin. …?? What kind of boat do you have…?

Originally posted by Redstripe

Blah…blah…blah. …You are talking to yourself dude…Have you ever caught a dolphin. …?? What kind of boat do you have…?

You are not making any sense, the companies are not leaving because of the Charlotte law that was in place, but the HB2 State law that was recently passed to kill the Charlotte ordinance that allowed people of the opposite sex into restrooms…

The companies would stay if the Charlotte ordinance was not killed by HB2…

I think you may be getting the two confused…


In all fairness,RBF asked you a question.

Perhaps you had too many redstripes?

What baffles me is why would anyone (straight or gay) argue about a law to keep different genders from entering a bathroom?

Guess a lot don’t have children like redstripe mentioned. Dang if I want a dude (gay or straight) going in a bathroom with my daughter. How do they prove they are gay and not just a pedophile? Have em yodel a rod before entering? That wouldn’t work because a pedophile would probably enjoy that. That’s just . …

very foolish or stupid.</font id=“blue”>

The PayPal thing is just as crazy. They pull out of NC to act like they care, but in reality they don’t care a bit about anything but money. If they did care they would pull out of Malaysia as well. Don’t see it happening, so bottom line PayPal is just after the money while trying to appear PC. (that’s Politically correct for those that don’t know PC)

“in retrospect, it was a totally retarded idea”</font id=“blue”>

“If Bruce Jenner can keep his wiener and be called a woman, I can keep my firearms and be considered disarmed.”

Originally posted by Fred67

What baffles me is why would anyone (straight or gay) argue about a law to keep different genders from entering a bathroom?

Guess a lot don’t have children like redstripe mentioned. Dang if I want a dude (gay or straight) going in a bathroom with my daughter. How do they prove they are gay and not just a pedophile? Have em yodel a rod before entering? That wouldn’t work because a pedophile would probably enjoy that. That’s just . …

very foolish or stupid.</font id=“blue”>

The PayPal thing is just as crazy. They pull out of NC to act like they care, but in reality they don’t care a bit about anything but money. If they did care they would pull out of Malaysia as well. Don’t see it happening, so bottom line PayPal is just after the money while trying to appear PC. (that’s Politically correct for those that don’t know PC)

“in retrospect, it was a totally retarded idea”</font id=“blue”>

“If Bruce Jenner can keep his wiener and be called a woman, I can keep my firearms and be considered disarmed.”

It’s best not to mix pedophiles with Trannies… It confuses the argument. Pedophiles are willing to break the law by committing their acts regardless of HB2. That’s my point, the law would be broken with pedophile activity, regardless of HB2… Just another law that is there for political pandering… HB2 states only people under the age of 8 can enter a restroom of the opposite sex… That means when your daughter turns 8 she can’t accompany you to the restroom, AND you aren’t allowed to enter her restroom for status updates, etc. Principle based laws, don’t usually weave themselves well into everyday life…

It takes a Libertarian to see through how this