What Is An Infidel?

Who would have thought it would be this simple to explain!!!

The author, Rick Mathes, is a well-known leader in prison ministry The man who walks with GOD always gets to his destination. If you have a pulse you have a purpose.

The Muslim religion is the fastest growing religion per capita in the U S, especially in the minority races. Not the Catholics, not the Mormons. Last month I attended my annual training session that’s required for maintaining my state prison security clearance. During the training session there was a presentation by 3 speakers representing the Roman Catholic, Protestant, & Muslim faiths, who each explained their beliefs.

I was particularly interested in what the Islamic Imam had to say. The Muslim gave a great presentation of the basics of Islam, complete with a video.

After the presentations, time was provided for questions & answer:

When it was my turn, I directed my question to the Muslim & asked: ‘Please, correct me if I’m wrong, but I understand that most Imams & clerics of Islam have declared a holy jihad [Holy war] against the infidels of the world &, that by killing an infidel, (which is a command to all Muslims) they are assured of a place in heaven. If that’s the case, can you give me the definition of an infidel?’

There was no disagreement with my statements & without hesitation, he replied, “Nonbelievers”.

I responded, “So, let me make sure I have this straight. All followers of Allah have been commanded to kill everyone who is not of your faith so they can have a place in heaven. Is that correct?”

The expression on his face changed from one of authority & command to that of a little boy who had just been caught with his hand in the cookie jar.

He sheepishly replied, “Yes”

I then stated, 'Well, sir, I have a real problem trying to imagine The Pope commanding all Catholics to kill those of your faith or Dr. Charles Stanley or Franklin Graham ordering all Pro

I’m writing my manifesto right now,time to take some of these sobs out before I die.

Oh $#!¥. They’re going to be knocking on your door wanting to take your guns now.

All you have to do is look at Minnesota. Many neighborhoods unsafe for Americans even to walk down the streets

I am fragile. Not like a flower. But like a bomb.

Thanks for the lesson GW, will share this with every one i have contact with

You folks are suckers and automatically believe anything someone posts as long as it aligns with your already biased beliefs…


"Reporter Greg Kearney, writing for the Lee News Service, traced the story to a correctional facility in Fulton, Missouri, and came away with a decidedly different version of events from Missouri state officials.

According to Tim Kniest, Public Information Officer for the Missouri Department of Corrections, the event described was a training program for prison volunteers, for which ministers from several faiths were invited to give presentations in order to acquaint prison volunteers with the varied religious beliefs of the inmate population. The man who gave the presentation about Islam was not a Muslim minister; he was an inmate pressed into service to present a short film on Islam and answer some questions when the prison’s Volunteer Coordinator was “unable to find an Imam to speak.”

Moreover, reported Mr. Kniest, the prison’s Volunteer Coordinator said that “The inmate did a good job,” adding, “He was asked a few questions that were beyond his ability to answer. But he was not asked anything like that question [in the editorial]”:

. . . the Volunteer Coordinator at the prison said that no such exchange as the editorial reported ever took place. “He certainly did not ‘Hang his head in shame’,” according to Kniest. In fact, the inmate was thanked by the assembly before being escorted back to his quarters. Furthermore, the coordinator does not recall any questions dealing with jihad [Holy war] against the infidels of the world as reported in the editorial.

In the editorial the inmate is presented as an Imam, or Islamic minister, which he clearly was not."

Just more fake BS to stir hatred in the US over misinformation… It is irresponsible and pathetic for someone to post this nonsense…</font id=“red”>

Interestingly enough there weren&#3


George McDonald US Navy Seabees,Retired, MAD, Charleston Chapter [http://www.militaryappreciationday.org

When you see “Old Glory” waving in the breeze, know that it is the dying breaths of our fallen hero’s that makes it wave.
author unknown

No they aren’t socialist liberal… Come on GW, you post all these conspiracy theory BS propaganda C/Ps without verifying them… They are just junk to stir up things and get people to hate others…

Reality is if you are a Christian you are supposed to love your enemy, and all you are doing is spreading the message of hate which is in direct contradiction to Christianity…

Doesn’t matter what I think about it, but this isn’t something I would want to support when it comes my judgement day…


Just a typical internet circulated C/P Rbf I know and most people know they can be a little off. And I would imagine most that have read this did not “automatically” accept it for 100% gospel. But if you have an open mind and dig a little further than Snoops, read the Quran, the content of Gails post is there. I think there are like 180-190 or so verses that talk about Killing us infidels and searching out where we “hide”. To be blind to this is ignorance, but it seems our media and leaders want us to believe Islam is a religion of Peace. Might be you that is the “sucker”. I’d say a lot of muslims are the same, not knowing the complete story of their religion. Have you ever been approached to join Islam? It’s a good selling pitch, they just don’t tell you the odometer has rolled over twice, sawdust in the rear end, Transmission is missing 2nd gear…

Seems Mr. RBF that says he never gets upset, got upset. :smiley: It’s all good bro! Just be thankful we live in a free country and the leaders are not coming to chop off Gails hands, feet and head for posting what he did. Sure wish you held onto your Republican roots and stood up for Trump like this! :smiley::kissing_closed_eyes: Hope everyone has a great Week!!


George McDonald US Navy Seabees,Retired, MAD, Charleston Chapter [http://www.militaryappreciationday.org

When you see “Old Glory” waving in the breeze, know that it is the dying breaths of our fallen hero’s that makes it wave.
author unknown

Geez Alfredo, only a snowflake would interpret my comments as being upset…

Nah, you need to learn more about the Quran/Koran:


Let’s not forget the Bible also speaks of death and brutality for “infidels” too:


"In the Bible, dire warnings are dotted throughout the Old Testament for those who worship other gods or several gods at once. Deuteronomy 17 tells believers who come upon such a person to “bring that man or woman to the gates of the city … and stone them with stones until they die.”

Another brutal passage about non-believers from the B

This response is so weak it is sad… So, are you really gonna show me with your next insightful post of “nana nana boo boo”… I am scurred…



You speak in a twisted tongue. You take quotes out of context like you reprimand other for doing. You want to talk Old testament? why? Lets talk new testament and Jesus my twisty friend. Love ya. I’m having a hard time understanding you claiming to be a Republican, but defending Bernie? You are one twisted dude. You claim me to be a “trump humper” and him being my god, why? That is a total lie and completely f’d up. Sure I like what Trump has done and I w

I would never vote for Bernie. Unlike you, I have never voted for a Dem… And yes, I do vote but the candidate has to earn my vote… You are hard headed Alfredo as this has been discussed repeatedly… Guess you are getting dementia, but then again you still remember how to drop F-bombs…

Also, what does Bernie or Drumpf have to do with this post anyway? You can’t refute my points about religious facts and then you deflect to Drumpf and Bernie… Sounds like you are getting upset and terrified at the chance of a Bernie presidency… You getting early stages of BDS…

Yes, let’s talk New Testament as that was my point to begin with… LOVE your enemy, turn the other cheek, etc… What GW did was post hate which is in direct contradiction to Christianity under the New Testament… Geez Alfredo, as usual you are making my point for me…



I would never vote for Bernie. Unlike you, I have never voted for a Dem… And yes, I do vote but the candidate has to earn my vote… You are hard headed Alfredo as this has been discussed repeatedly… Guess you are getting dementia, but then again you still remember how to drop F-bombs…

As I’ve told you many times now, I did vote Democratic for a Sherriff that was running on that ticket. I don’t just pull a straight line lever. He turned out to be crooked too. Seems we raise a bunch of bad sheriff’s in Walterboro. But I thought he was a better person than the other sheriffs running. Me hard headed? No, I just don’t back down to your twisting. :smiley: One f bomb and you go on and on… You deserved it. Should have heard me at work yesterday dealing with a bunch of idiots and sinking my truck a few times. I backslided and cursed a few times. </font id=“blue”>

Also, what does Bernie or Drumpf have to do with this post anyway? You can’t refute my points about religious facts and then you deflect to Drumpf and Bernie… Sounds like you are getting upset and terrified at the chance of a Bernie presidency… You getting early stages of BDS…

Refute? Sure I can. You bring up old testament eye for an eye. That’s not practiced anymore since Jesus died for us all. What’s changed in Islam? Nothing, but people trying to be sympathetic and Politically correct.

You go and twist to “terrified”. That’s just ludicrous at this stage. I just am amazed how utterly ignorant his supporters are of what will happen to this country if he gets elected. You know this. you just can’t bring yourself to agree with me.
</font id=“blue”>

Yes, let’s talk New Testament as that was my point to begin with… LOVE your enemy, turn the other cheek, etc… What GW did was post hate which is in direct contradiction to Christianity under the New Testament… G

Yes Alfredo, you might want to read the Bible a little more about the Old Testament/God’s Law that is spoken by Jesus himself:

Here is the New Testament and Jesus stating the OT laws still apply in Matthew 5:17-19:


The Fulfillment of the Law

17 “Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them. 18 For truly I tell you, until heaven and earth disappear, not the smallest letter, not the least stroke of a pen, will by any means disappear from the Law until everything is accomplished. </font id=“red”>19 Therefore anyone who sets aside one of the least of these commands and teaches others accordingly will be called least in the kingdom of heaven, but whoever practices and teaches these commands will be called great in the kingdom of heaven."

Again, just as you mentioned about not practicing an eye for an eye, then I guess we should get rid of the justice system because that essentially is practicing God’s Law from the Old Testament…

Your hate of Islam is based on false and biased information… If anything, someone could argue the Bible has been made “politically correct” by only arguing the New Testament when in fact the two are bound together…


Ok mr Twisty.



probably a honor killing here and there if you look. but mostly overlooked, Christians are still being persecuted world wide




. When have I ever stated I hate Muslims? I hate terrorists, kid touches, thugs and maybe a few other things. How’s bob doing? He went silent after you came back. I’ve seen him logged into the sight a few times along with yourself recently.

RBF you ask why bernie gets brought up all the while bringing up roof? A devout Christian my arse. What’s your twist in that one?