</font id=“red”>[quote]

Man, you are a warped individual.

</font id=“red”>Critical thinkers are a threat to barbershop twisters, eh?

No, I am not smearing Christians as I am one. I provided 3 separate sources stating Roof was a “devout” Christian… And, as far as your definition of a Christian as someone that needs to log time in church to be a Christian is a joke…

</font id=“red”>By comparing Roof to devout Christians how is that not a smear? I provided you reports of his activity to debunk your claim. You need to provide the evidence that he was a practicing devout Christian as you have asserted otherwise it’s a smear tactic.

Your remark about Cain is a complete deflection of the point… HOW do you know that Cain didn’t just trade with his brother Abel for meat before the murder… Cain gives Abel fruit from the soil and Abel gives Cain animal meat?

</font id=“red”>What scripture are you referring to?

We can go on about this, but your whole argument is very sad… And, the bad thing

I don’t like anyone being persecuted for their religious beliefs, and that is just a deflection…

Again, answer the question, WHO taught Adam how to kill? There are only 2 possible answers, so which one do you choose?


No one called me out on anything… You really do have a terrible memory… There was an instance when I was joking around with a vet that doesn’t post here anymore and even that person had a laugh about it… He knew I was kidding around…

No, I am not twisting it… You stated MANY of our active military folks are too lazy to vote… Many means lots of/majority… I stated they didn’t vote because they didn’t want to because of all the partisan BS, and I believe I am right… Hey, you can believe the ones that don’t vote are too lazy, and I’ll believe they are just exercising their right to make a candidate earn their vote…

Still going to make your comment my signature line soon… Thanks for that golden comment, and sad to see how you really feel about the majority of our active military being too lazy to vote…


You’re correct, Fred. He did some definite trashing of our military folks awhile back.

Search function sucks.

It was something along the lines of people signing up because they didn’t have the intelligence to get a job in the private sector.

Wish I had saved that, but I’m real close on his disgusting statement. Off The Chain wasn’t here at the time, but he would love that quote:angry:!!

BTW, Fred served, RBF. If he witnessed some folks that were lazy, so be it. WTH would you know about it anyway??

Oh, Double ChiNN… I have been around lots of military personnel as I was a part of the military industrial complex for many years… Also, many family and friends who served…

No, you misquoted me as I remember that topic. What I stated was in the context of rich people’s children not typically enlisting because they didn’t need the money. It is a well known fact that many of the military folks enlist due to finances and trying to obtain experience they can take with them to the private sector… Also, many enlist for the opportunity to obtain a college degree afterwards and that again is a socioeconomic issue, not an intelligence one… It’s like the saying that intelligence/talent is distributed equally around the world, but the opportunity (money) to take advantage of it isn’t…

Nice try though, just another false spin taken out of context…

Reality is nothing I have ever said here is anywhere close to the insults that Drumpf has hurdled at certain military folks, and yet you and the rest just lap it up when your Demagogue speaks…


Good job with the attempted clean up of what you originally posted. Post what you said rather than RBF, Rev 2.0.

It was, and remembered by many on here, to be a disgusting remark regarding our service members.

Twist away!


No clean up necessary… You are confusing my posts withe Alfredo’s now… Alfredo has been desperately trying to clean up his statements about his true feelings about his “brothers and sisters” in arms being too lazy to vote…

Yeah, many here have memories of convenience to twist and spin… Maybe your new name should be Double SpiNN…

Forgot to ask, what branch of the military did you serve in, and during what time period?



Well you baited me out of opting out. This is where the f bomb need to be placed. Desperate! F you. I’m not cleaning up anything, you on the other hand? I know what you stated about our military personnel being too stupid to perform in a civilian sector among several other terrible statements about our Military. You tried to twist out of it. Then disappeared for quit a bit…

Dude I try to put in a few :smiley: just to keep things decent. (sorry dn) but you just won’t allow it. I’m starting to think you are actually just an evil dude. You claim being a Republican, but constantly come to the aid of anyone that is not one.

RBF, you are soooo desperate to get some folks to see your arrogant BS your way. It’s not working.

My, basic was in Ft Jackson,then Ft Gordon, Korea. 84-88.

When was yours??

I was blessed compared to those that have served since. But, we were a cohesive group that worked together and would have done whatever was required.


Sorry, you are the one calling the active military folks too lazy to vote, not me… You and Double SpiNN are just trying to turn it onto me… Everyone here has seen what you said…

However, perhaps I did win a side bet with a few members regarding whether I could get you to comment again and drop an f-bomb…:wink:

Thanks for the golden comment and the rest!


Yeah, ole Fort Jackson was right in my backyard… I grew up in NE Cola…

First lived off Decker Blvd in Forest Lake…

I guess just like your Demagogue Drumpf, my personal military service/tour of duty was to avoid STDs in the 80’s… I guess since you say I should shut up about anything military related, then that means you support Drumpf shutting up too… Like I said before, I’ll shut my trap when I don’t get a tax bill for it…:wink:


Again, answer the question, WHO taught RBF how to kill or were you born as a natural born killer? Then you will have the answers you seek.

I don’t need the answer. I know the answer, I want you to admit the answer…

I asked first, so pony up your answer first…



However, perhaps I did win a side bet with a few members regarding whether I could get you to comment again and drop an f-bomb…:wink:

Thanks for the golden comment and the rest!


You must live a sad lonely life if such things give you a “golden” moment. Glad I am able to put some sunshine into your world. That goes for anyone else in your self proclaimed pm “fan” group.

Your documented twisting doesn’t work on critical thinkers, again answer the question, who taught RBF how to kill or were you born as a natural born killer?

Sorry, your fake posts and lies don’t work on real critical thinkers, and I asked first.

You are just too much of a coward to answer because it blows up your argument…

So, still accepting those socialist program monies like farm subsidies, etc.? Why don’t you do yourself a favor and quit leading a double life… You need to come out of the socialist closet and admit you are a practicing socialist and be done with it…

Anyhoo, just answer the question I asked first, or just keep with your lying socialist ways of not telling the truth…


It becomes obvious when you are losing because you start attacking the messenger.

again answer the question, who taught RBF how to kill or were you born as a natural born killer?

Nope, I only honestly assessed the weakness of your BS argument and character. I asked the question first, and deserve an answer first…

We can go on all day, doesn’t matter to me… Everyone here has seen who asked first… If you just want to dig yourself deeper, I will stand over the hole and watch…


Projection is another sign of weakness

again answer the question, who taught RBF how to kill or were you born as a natural born killer?

Should be simple for a libertarian right?