Simple question… Would you rather me vote for a Dem, or not vote at all?

And, as far as your insults, thank you, I appreciate them… Also, thank you for your service that allows me not to vote if a candidate doesn’t earn my vote…


[quote=“Originally posted by Richard Beer

Simple question… Would you rather me vote for a Dem, or not vote at all?

And, as far as your insults, thank you, I appreciate them… Also, thank you for your service that allows me not to vote if a candidate doesn’t earn my vote…</font id=“red”>

RBF [/quote]


George McDonald US Navy Seabees,Retired, MAD, Charleston Chapter [http://www.militaryappreciationday.org

When you see “Old Glory” waving in the breeze, know that it is the dying breaths of our fallen hero’s that makes it wave.
author unknown

I won’t vote just to vote… That to me is silly and disrespectful to those that did die to give others the opportunity to vote. What you don’t understand is not voting is the greatest form of respect. It allows me the freedom to do as I choose and not have a foreign government brainwash me into doing so…

Again, there are MANY military folks who choose not to vote because of the non-sense and partisan politics… I stand with them!



George McDonald US Navy Seabees,Retired, MAD, Charleston Chapter [http://www.militaryappreciationday.org

When you see “Old Glory” waving in the breeze, know that it is the dying breaths of our fallen hero’s that makes it wave.
author unknown

Lol! Beer froth just said GW doesn’t understand respect for troops that died.

Absolutely not what I stated, and certainly not what was meant. I believe you have a serious reading disorder. I guess your moniker must be your way of bragging about the 7 highest grades you received in your remedial classes…


No problem with agreeing to disagree… One of the other gifts/freedoms from our service members is the ability to allow us to disagree peacefully… Again, many thanks, not just one!


Are you saying Dylann Roof was a practicing devout Christian? I’d need you to prove that. Roof was taking Suboxone and played violent video games which is a general link to a high percentage of mass murderers.

You think Cain had to kill to eat/survive and learned by example? If not I can’t be RBF’s keeper.

Your arguments are silly… I already showed he was raised in the “church”. It doesn’t change the argument regardless.

So now the argument is the video games caused Dylann Roof to murder… Then based on this line of logic then that means that guns murder people…

As far as Cain killing animals versus murdering a human is a “false equivalency” logic fallacy… Happens a lot with Drumpf loyalist…

But, let’s play your silly argument… There was only one other man who could have taught Cain to kill animals and that would have been Adam… So, who taught Adam, God? Also, the best part is Cain was a FARMER and his offering to God was rejected/disrespected because it was fruits of the soil instead of a blood offering that God accepted/respected from Abel… Between Cain and Abel, it would have been Abel the shepherd that was TAUGHT to kill, not Cain the farmer…



That gives your personality type pretty easy to figure. I still say you got forced into retirement. No one here will ever know, will we. The only thing that works me up is your twits and out right lies. Whom ever may be PMing you laughing at others and praising you … Well sir, have at it. I doubt there is much truth in it, except for those Dems you out of hiding to represent. Shame they can’t do it for themselves. My pm’s are more on the asshat and ignorant red neck side.

Adoring fans!!! LOL you sound like one of my young drivers after getting a first place. No mention of Dad and mechanic or support crew… just my adoring fans… I find it fascinating that people get off on that kind of stuff. Off to help dad get a shower and then I’m gonna try this bottle of Boone’s Bourbon. Enjoy re-reading all those pm’s from your adoring fans… If I wasn’t laughing right now, i’d feel sorry for you.


No, many military choose not to vote because they are too lazy to. Been there seen that. Disrespectful? Tell that to your adoring fans not us. We don’t buy it. I’m with George I don’t agree.

By the way, you really believe Roof was a devote Christian? Say it aint so. Come on a little truth in your life won’t kill you.





Proof is in the “pudding”/murders, Roof was no devote Christian …. Easy as breathing. How you can defend him as being one with those links is beyond me and simple reasoning. No sir, he was not a devote Christian no matter how you try to twist it.

Just as my point was to begin with… Just like a “Muslim”, a “Christian” can take certain parts of the scripture to justify almost any action… Doesn’t mean it is God’s fault, but it is possible for someone to accept Christ as their Lord and Savior and still murder people… Again, they are not doing what God commands/expects of them, but what they can justify by using out of context isolated scripture… Happens to BOTH Muslims and Christians and that has been my point all along… The spreading of hate via fake misinformation about another religion does no one any good…

If you believe it perfectly fine to do, then that is your choice but don’t expect everyone to start advocating for the killing of Muslims like some others have done here just because their religion is misunderstood and politically weaponized…


Alfredo, now you are calling many of our military lazy and you call me disrespectful… That’s rich, my friend…

Let me guess, next you’ll claim somehow I magically twisted your direct statement…


I remember what you have stated in the past about our military as many here still do. What you did was extremely disrespectful. What I did was make a statement of truth. No disrespect. Just truth. Any military members out there disagree with me?

It takes a little more effort to use an absent t ballot. Yes many are lazy when it comes to voting, military included. Yes you did twist to your liking with implied laziness to other areas besides voting… nothing magical. I served and saw it first hand. I too was lazy in voting in my youth. Voting Rbf, something you refuse to do and I make sure no matter what I do. You are mostly an arse and seem to be getting worse with those that disagree with you.

I assert you are attempting to smear devout Christians when you have no proof Roof was a practicing devout Christian. All reports indicate he was a drug induced white supremacist who was still on a Columbia church’s member roll. No reports of his attendance or recent activity there. Implying that he was a devout Christian is disingenuous.

Do you know if Cain was a vegetarian and only killed plants to eat or you think he slaughtered a lamb or two? Who taught you how to kill or were you a natural born killer? How is killing a man different than killing another mammal or animal?

So you don’t agree that playing violent videos desensitizes minds of mush and devalues lives? There’s n

Man, you are a warped individual.

No, I am not smearing Christians as I am one. I provided 3 separate sources stating Roof was a “devout” Christian… And, as far as your definition of a Christian as someone that needs to log time in church to be a Christian is a joke…

Your remark about Cain is a complete deflection of the point… HOW do you know that Cain didn’t just trade with his brother Abel for meat before the murder… Cain gives Abel fruit from the soil and Abel gives Cain animal meat?

We can go on about this, but your whole argument is very sad… And, the bad thing is you still believe that killing an animal is no different than killing a human being… Again, you are just stating a “false equivalence” to support you absurd argument that killing an animal is the same as killing a human being… Is it also the same to eat a human being as it is an animal? Let me guess, Jeffrey Dahmar played video games that taught him how to kill and eat humans…

Yes, there are substitutes for a traditional family… By stating this you are saying those children

Oh Alfredo, there you go again… You just want to spin/turn things onto me when you are the one being disrespectful by calling active duty members of the military too lazy to vote… Reality is absentee ballets are super easy, so easy many choose it to vote early using them… There isn’t any difference in overseas ones either… You are just attempting to walk back calling our active military too lazy to vote, plain and simple… You own that comment and maybe I’ll make it my signature line…:wink:

I haven’t been disrespectful to the military, I just have pointed out things that I believe need correcting (e.g. Navy ships running into each other and other merchant ships). Sorry if that offends you or others, but as a tax payer I expect better performance. That is TRUTH as well, but it is interesting that apparently only folks that have served in the military are allowed a “pass” to speak the truth about under performance in our military. Wonder how it is ole Drumpf can insult military members and yet you and others still support him. Makes your specious claim of disrespect rather disingenuous… As far as a certain member here that refuses to prove they actually served, well that isn’t being disrespectful, that is asking

you twist to make it sound like I’m calling all military lazy. That’s a big fat lie. Yes you have said some very bad things about our military and many called you out on it. I think you may have even apologized after you could not twist out of it.

This will go no where with you so I’m out.