Cabin Fever broken 1/21

Originally posted by sunbums

I agree with the photography, real nice.
In fact, I sent the photo of your palm to a reader I know and it looks like warmer weather is in your future.
She hasn’t been wrong yet.

Can you tell me how you guys get those rod holders in?
I’m from softer sand.

“No… it’s okay, I know the way out…”

No need to service those sand spikes:smiley:

I used to surf fish a lot from the bars in front of Dewees.We would take an old plywood boat out there and beach it on the backside.Just push down and rock it back and forth,and every time a wave washed over ,the rod holder would go down a little further.It won’t work unless water is washing around it.

Yabby pump,

Ya know, it must be nice living in Neverneverland. Remind me to come visit you, when I need a break from reality.

I have never seen that. I’m from softer whiter kind’r sand.

That is Much better than the threat of the possibility of having chapped lips via Walkman’ suggestion.

Anyone actually used this here?

“No… it’s okay, I know the way out…”

Here’s another version, notice wet, shelly sand; There some videos on how to make one, seems pretty simple’

Ya know, it must be nice living in Neverneverland. Remind me to come visit you, when I need a break from reality.

Id rather hold the rod then try to suck a sand spike into the beach… I feel like the rubber mallet is a much better technique.

Capt. R. Killin
21 Contender “No Slack”

If you cap your hand over the smooth end of your sand spike and fill it with water you can place it where you want it. Turn the spike up quickly and stick it in the sand and start wiggling it back and forth. Just for the record I made mine out of 1 1/2 pvc 36" long.

Man! Never knew setting spikes was a difficult task. I use the aluminum angle type, 4’ long. I set up in the wet sand, can always get 1.5’+ deep with little effort unless it’s real shelly.

I made some “Ghost Shrimp” pumps last year ago before I went to the Gulf. Didn’t find any Ghost Shrimp but it made some really nice holes to drop the PVC rod holders into the sand.
Not hard at all to make. I found several YouTube videos to show how and bought everything that I needed at Home Depot.


Polar 1910 BB 150 Johnson 2S

If you ain’t the lead dog then the scenery never changes