CF Weight Loss Challenge july-december 2024

I hit the scales this morning the fattest Ive ever been. Go figure, right?

Im still ruggedly handsome, strong as an ox, and quick like a feral cat, but 40 or so pounds has to go.

Thus, The CF Weight Loss Challenge

So, grab a camera and jump on a scale. Get your nose over your toes and snap a pic to join in.

If you lose more than I do before January 1, 2024 Ill give you one of my favorite University of Tennessee hats, (God Bless Josh Heupel).

So anyway, which ones of you lardarses wanna give it a go?

I dare you to lose more than me.

Skinny dudes and chirrens need not apply.

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Is it percentage of total, or total pounds lost?

Probably to be fair a percentage lost is best, that way some of the smaller pudgy guys like 23 and Fred can join in :wink:

That seems the most fair, right?

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Sounds good to me.

On a side bet, I’ll post a pic of me wearing one of your Vol’s hats, if
you win.

Are you willing to post a pic wearing one of my Clemson visors, if I win?

I’m in, either way.

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A before and after pic of all contestants would be nice, for the record.

You can post those at the end of the contest.

Face pics not required.

How about that?

With a tee shirt on, im in


Anybody that sees me with my shirt off deserves what they get

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I feel yer pain LOL…

How do we validate the date we are allegedly standing on the scale? How do we know you are the only thing on the scale? Yeah, I know, what a cynic. Just kidding. I could stand to lose a couple of pounds of winter weight that hasn’t gone away yet.

And by the way, 23 ain’t a “smaller” guy. I wouldn’t throw beer in his face.

All you gotta do is beat me to win a hat, if you gotta cheat to do it thats on you (not you specifically DF, just sayin,) , or whoever loses the greatest percentage wins.

So I guess if you join later your chances of losing a greater percentage of weight is decreased, right? So better to join earlier vs later? I think thats right.

I weigh 177 lb. When I got out of the corps I weighed 170. The only thing my arms my chest my butt all went to my belly. Hahaha

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I like a challenge, however I’m still the chiseled 5’ 10” ,158 lbs. that I was in my early 20’s.

Good luck, y’all have fun!

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sounds like you might be wormy

you could use some of @Bayriders

I hear its a wonder drug that goes way beyond killing intestinal parasites too

but im no doctor, just an objective outside observer

giddy up

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Nah bruh, good Lowcountry genes, the entire clan is same.

You see when that heart has to labor too much, it sends a message to the undertaker….

Ill give you $100 if you never make me look at your feet again


I hope he don’t go barefoot when he’s out there shootin them hogs.There’s a squatch out there in them woods.

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Lol, but for real, good luck with y’alls challenge. I’m almost in the same boat as Bolbie so I wont be participating. Make no mistake though, Im pulling for you guys!

On that note. Totally agree with Genes. New studies out on statins and lowering your cholesterol possibly leading to alzheimer’s and mind fog because our Brain needs Cholesterol to function proper. Never realised it but the old time level for Cholesterol was not worried about anything under 350. Vein inflammation and your body using plaque to smear over the inflammation is being more of the culprit than high cholesterol numbers. Genetics and stress. Hard to get money for research when Big Pharma is raking in Billions and Billion on statin drugs.

Be interesting to see what is said about his in another 50-100 years.

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3#s? man that is just a good morning dump. Get some sun on those feet!