oyster roast 1/24/15

Originally posted by justretired

still have lots of wood from last years ice, Joe how much do you think we will need? can bring a load down.

that would be great…depending on how cold it is I would say as much as you can easily bring (and don’t mind parting with)…thanks!

The Morris Island Lighthouse

Bonzo would you like me to bring my cooker. I know Sells has the Oysters handled,my cooker also has a two burner stove and large hog cooking grill.I will be bringing soup, a Gumbo or Black eye pea and collard.

Originally posted by sophish

Bonzo would you like me to bring my cooker. I know Sells has the Oysters handled,my cooker also has a two burner stove and large hog cooking grill.I will be bringing soup, a Gumbo or Black eye pea and collard.

if you have room to bring it they yes, please do…Paul’s cooker is twice the size of mine, but in year’s past we have been able to keep up with the demand between the two of us…that being said, you never know, so backup would be great…I’m working on the head count, oyster count, etc right now so I will post soon where we are…now just pray for good weather…

The Morris Island Lighthouse

Bonz. Just got off the phone with Paul. Count my bushel. Also a surprise or 2! Paul, is taking orders as we speak:smiley:

I will be there around 8:30.How about extra trash cans???

Lisa and I will be there.

“No individual raindrop ever considers itself responsible for the flood.” Anonymous

195 Sea Fox Bay Fisher

I found out today that justcr and his wife were in a wreck New Years eve . Maureen did not survive the wreck and Charlie is said to be in bad shape too. They have attended the oyster roasts in the past as well as came down year before last for my birthday at smoky oaks. All who knew them know this is a terrible loss. Sweet sweet couple and a joy to know. Please keep Charlie and. Their family in your prayers.
We are waiting to see if there is anything we can do to help Charlie and his family in any way.
It’s so hard to lose yet another friend, and know that Charlie is in bad shape too. …breaks my heart.

If you’ve been saying…you know…I should go to that oyster roast but …maybe next year… Well next year doesn’t always come…
Make it a point to try to come…pick up the phone and call your family and friends who you’ve been meaning to call…maybe invite them to come along too…there’s always room…and once you’re there you’ll already be planning on coming next year. Big huggs to you all. Penn

miss’n fish’n

Sea Squirt 16

Originally posted by sophish

I will be there around 8:30.How about extra trash cans???

they have plenty of trash cans and recycle bins, but maybe some can liners?

The Morris Island Lighthouse

Mr. and Mrs. Black Bart are planning to attend. Count me in for a bushel of oysters, and Mrs. Black Bart is making blue cheese cole slaw. Please let me know if you need any help with setup, transport, etc.

Bonz, is Cantore coming?..

“I’m not a hundred percent in love with your tone right now…”

Let us know what else might be needed Carl. And this year, you and Paul need to take a break. I follow instructions pretty good.

“Apathy is the Glove into Which Evil Slips It’s Hand”.

I will hold your beer for you Doug :slight_smile:

Alright DF! You work and if I can entice her, Mrs. DF and I will slip off somewhere, out of your sight of course and sip some wine:imp:

Originally posted by Fishb8

I will hold your beer for you Doug :slight_smile:

careful…remember, Easy’s bringing box wine…

DF, yes, I am sure Paul and I will take you up on that offer to clean and cook some oysters…ALL of the help that day is appreciated…

I’m tallying things now and will update soon…

The Morris Island Lighthouse

Thanks Fish, what it appears that I will really need is someone to keep Easy away from my wife. He shows up with that fancy boxed wine and well, who knows what could happen.

I’ll gladly help out Carl.

“Apathy is the Glove into Which Evil Slips It’s Hand”.

Originally posted by DFreedom

Thanks Fish, what it appears that I will really need is someone to keep Easy away from my wife. He shows up with that fancy boxed wine and well, who knows what could happen.

I’ll gladly help out Carl.

“Apathy is the Glove into Which Evil Slips It’s Hand”.

It sounds like you are saying you want me to take care of your wife for you.
No problem, I’d be happy to :smiley:

Jeezz! Body guards, what next? I can see I’m really going to have to step up my game:imp:

Originally posted by Black Bart

Bonz, is Cantore coming?..

</font id=“quote”></blockquote id=“quote”>

since the restraining order my emails won’t go through to Cantore any longer…my people reached out to his people and at least asked that he send some nice weather…

The Morris Island Lighthouse

updated head count and oyster count in my original post on page 1…I’ll begin updating other food and necessities soon…

The Morris Island Lighthouse

That’s about right Bonz! 10 bushels for 28 people should be enough. Cut it off now, or someone will go home hungry:wink:

I just realized I never said that I will be there. 4 adults 2 kids and we will bring red rice