This past April marked CharlestonFishing.Coms 11th birthday. I distinctly remember sitting in my parents sun room with Andy and Vasco as Andy began to talk about his ideas to start a site and Vasco grabbed a note pad and assured us he could build a site to suit our needs without a problem. Andy and I compiled a list of information and services we thought would be well suited to the site and Vasco began programming, compiling menus, forums, links and everything else we needed to pull it altogether. I also distinctly remember Vasco going live with the site and calling me at work to give me the site address. As the site popped up a large grass carp was centered in the middle of my screen with a short menu bar on the side. Even though I about fell out of my chair when I saw the carp that Vasco had used as a logo of sorts I knew he was onto something really good as Andys idea had now become a reality.
Over a decade later we now average over 6000 visitors per day and many of our forums pages may receive in excess of 750,000 hits in a single month. The site also now boasts close to 3-dozen sponsors. We all recognize that this tremendous growth and success of the site all comes back to our readers and your continual ■■■■■■■■. As we progress into our next decade Vasco has been steady at work revamping the appearance and features of the ever evolving CharlestonFishing.Com.
Over the last year many of our readers have asked us to become active on social networking sites such as Facebook; while others have asked us to join Twitter so they could keep up with the latest fishing related news. Just a few other requested features include an easier to navigate menu, addition of to the north and to the south forums pages, an online photo album, and Blogsot to name a few. Vasco has incorporated these requested features plus many more into the latest site layout that was launched this past Sunday.
Vasco, Andy and I would like to say thank you to all of our sponsors and to each and everyone of you that helps CharlestonFi