Could anyone enlighten me on how a cold front affects surf fishing (specifically bull reds). I planned on going out Saturday but this cold front has me questioning the decision. Now I know that fish have to eat and that you can have a great day in bad conditions but as it is a 2 hour haul for me I like to maximize my chances as best I can. With the body of water being as large as it is I’m curious if cold fronts affect fish the same way it would in say a lake or inshore? I appreciate any knowledge you guys are willing to share.
Gonna be sorta nasty sat. 1 weather has winds 10-15 ne, another one has 20-25 ne with 4’ swells, depending which one you want to go with.
water temp still high 60’
Ya know, it must be nice living in Neverneverland. Remind me to come visit you, when I need a break from reality.