constitutional carry laws

Looks like a lot of states are passing what’s called constitutional carry laws that permit the carrying of counseled pistols without a CWP. Not real sure how I feel about this. I believe in the second amendment with all my heart, but someone walking out of a gun store with a 44 in their pocket with zero training on the when, where, and how of deadly force, just makes me uneasy.

Looking for y,alls thoughts on this to set me straight.

You and I are on the same page. I like the idea of a person getting training before even holding a fire arm. I’ve seen too much negligence on untrained gun owners/users. Can’t really blame a person on most things if they haven’t a clue, but a gun in the wrong hands is a whole different category. Dad always taught my brothers and I to treat every gun as if it were loaded.

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Thoughts request:

Put mandatory gun training in the public schools

If we really had a say in our mandatory tax payments maybe people would choose gun training over sex grooming

If tough gun control really worked ie Philadelphia/Chicago/Baltimore etc why do they have record gun murders?

I agree with the Op but, the “training” they get in a CWP class is a joke and, they can qualify with a .22 and then carry a Desert Eagle. I would prefer that anyone that carries be given ample training OR demonstrate a certain level of proficiency but, that isn’t going to happen and really isn’t practical. Too many poorly trained/poorly prepared gun owners out there.

"Apathy is the Glove into Which Evil Slips It's Hand", but really, who cares?

23 states now have constitutional carry have you heard of mass accidental shootings? I’m guessing the mob media would loop that. I don’t know how some people believe that the government mandated training is the answer. If you’re over 65 did the government train you about gun safety? Nope it was called parental responsibility which the government is brainwashing away and replacing it with TikTok influencers. Show me where it calls for mandated training in the 2nd A. I’ll take the shall not be infringed training card to carry.

Our government rarely makes logical sense when comparing things you are required to get a license for in our country. I’m NEVER for more government input, but if you look at licenses to operate dangerous things in our country, it only makes sense that individuals should have the required competency. How to measure that competency can be highly debated on another topic, but I think we all agree that collectively we want anyone carrying a weapon to have a strong degree of confidence that they know what they are doing, how, and when to use it.

To drive a car, which is a deadly weapon in the wrong hands, you have to take a written and physical test.
To drive a boat, which is a deadly weapon in the wrong hands, you just have to be over 16. (Personally I’d like to see this changed.)
To operate a lot of heavy machinery, which is a deadly weapon in the wrong hands, you need to have required training.
To own and use a handgun, which is a deadly weapon in the wrong hands, you need zero training. (I also support mandatory safety training for this)
To buy a rifle, which is a deadly weapon in the wrong hands, you need zero training.
To use a rifle for hunting, which is a deadly weapon in the wrong hands, you now need a hunter’s safety course training. (I also support this. Not that its right to charge for it, but that’s another issue.)

I will say this; I took my CWP class with a current Charleston Country LEO (at least he was back then) and I learned a lot. I thought I knew a lot going in, but he truly spent 80% of the time allotted on gun safety. And not just our own guns, we all looked at how to safely handle everyone else’s guns too in a cleared, no ammunition environment. Makes sense he wanted to do this, as you hear stories about people finding someone else’s gun somewhere and they don’t know how to handle it and something terrible happens. He talked about the statistics and all that, also gave insight as to how to deescalate situations first and also mentioned that if he thou

But to add to Bay’s post, I believe we should have open carry for individuals 25 and older, just with required training.

You’d have a lot less petty crime if every other person had a gun on their hip.

“Another poon dream splintered on the rocks of reality.” --Peepod 07-25-2017

Government mandated training is the answer for everything!

C/p- 96,000 civilians in American we killed by drug overdose last year - with over 70% from opioids like fentanyl

24,000 civilians in America killed by homicide

Highest numbers in decades

I mandate you be trained to never consume anything with fentanyl that is brought to you over the southern border that is secured by constitutional law and mandated trained CBP. I also mandated you be trained to never use your firearm to commit a homicide by forced mandated training of the oath Bible specifically “Thou SHALL not kill”.

Things would be a lot different if I ran the world.

Have you ever watched “The 100?”

“Another poon dream splintered on the rocks of reality.” --Peepod 07-25-2017

How so? Never heard of The 100 but just searched it. If you want something more relatable to the discussion try watching “Still Mine” movie.

would we be better off not focusing on world problems? Seems to me we vote in senators and congress people to fix our state issues first like they promise while campaigning

I think, from my limited experience, that you can’t learn to drive a truck, ride a bull, shoot a gun, nor make a pretty girl squeel by reading a book or taking a couple classes… mandated or not. That goes for most stuff.

And Bayrider, from where I sit, I think I’m better off feathering my own nest than, well you know, listening to more and more broken campaign promises and focusing on world problems I simply can’t do much about any more.

Schitt,even if the Ruskies and Chinks did come blazing in over my hill they’d take one look at me and all they will see is one of those old toothless fishhead eating gooks in Nam with a bamboo cone hat standing out in a field behind an ox with a old hoe just trying to get by. A noncombatant if you will.

Anyway, I think I’ll just lay low and continue feathering my own nest.

Just some random thoughts from

Your Pal


Our experience getting your cwp was totally different. Our instructor was a retired Myrtle Beach detective (supposedly) served 8 years in the Marine corps. (Supposedly) He was a arrogant SOB.
We had 22 people in our class. If I remember right there was 6 people that never fired a weapon before. 7 or 8 they did not have a weapon.
I pissed him off right off to get go.
Why would you not teach someone proper firearms safety before trying to get them a cwp. Don’t worry when we go back to the fire line I will teach them.
Nothing like 5 minutes safety course.
Then he asked how many people that served in the military. One old guy . Vietnam vet. I did not raise my hand.
Then he started making statements that to get your cwp you only have to shoot 50 rounds. How many rounds do you have to shoot to become a police officer? he asked. Thousands!!!
How many rounds do you have to shoot to become a Marine… thousands and thousands.
I called him on it. Nope you only fire 250. He told me I was full of crap.
Building inspector here got to go I’ll finish story later. The plot thickens.

You find things offensive. I find things funny. That's why I'm happier than you.

22 life’s a day

I took my first cwp class about 15 years ago and then did not send off paper work, my second class that I actually followed through was about two years ago. My first instructor was fantastic and kept us all in class training for 6 hours took lunch and then 4 hours shooting. .38 was the smallest caliber we could use. the second “instructor” the class was about an hour and nothing to do with handling a gun, but rather where you could bring one and where you can’t. Then off to shooting, I used my .22 as did most (me due to ammo price and availability) everyone else.

If most classes are now like my second one, you are 100% correct. A Joke. I can’t answer what would be the solution. You being in law enforcement would know better than most of us how much training is actually needed to carry through and kill another person rather than panic and freeze up. And then let’s add in the adrenalin factor, it’s hard enough to hold a pistol on target with a steady hand with good muscle memory. I’ve got a couple with laser sights and I’ve proven many wrong about how steady their hand is just holding the red dot on center at a measly 5 yards. I know some that never seem to fall off with out practice, but me and my son do. It takes us a few shots after not shooting for a while to get back on bullseye. Man I hate these high ammo prices, I love shooting!

C/p- 96,000 civilians in American we killed by drug overdose last year - with over 70% from opioids like fentanyl

THIS is a far bigger problem facing this country than responsible people carrying a firearm. When my wife shattered her wrist this past December, the clinic she went to the day it happened gave her an RX for Hydrocodone. 68 pills! She had surgery 2 days later and when the surgeon came out to talk to me he ended the conversation with, “We’ll call in a RX for pain meds”. I told him that wasn’t necessary as my wife had only take 2 of the 60 Hydrocodone pills from the previous RX. He looked at me and said, “HOW MANY”? He was astonished when I told him she had been given 60 and said that should not have happened.

AS for guns and laws. the current ones on the books are not being enforced (ask me how I know) so, we sure as heck don’t need more laws. I am like Ricky, I want less government intervention but, the number of simply stupid people out there almost mandates something. I guess until you have to pass a test to vote, not much of this matters.

Oh, and I am for Ricky running the country and am willing to serve in his administration.

"Apathy is the Glove into Which Evil Slips It's Hand", but really, who cares?

I guess until you have to pass a test to vote,

One good thing about being an old geeaser is having a large bank of memories to draw on. I can very clearly remember going to the poles with my Grand Father on election day over in northern Georgia. Some of his employees were there waiting for him. He gave them a brief train up on reading the preamble to the US Constitution. You were required to demonstrate reading ability before you were allowed to vote!


cool, that was before my time. I could deal with that. I know when my mom became a U.S. citizen she had to pass an American History test and more. She knows this countries history better than I do after being taught it in our school systems .

Yep that was before the voting rights act of 1964. You were also only allowed to vote on property tax issues if you owned property (you could only vote to raise property tax if you PAID property tax!).


As Paul Harvey used to say. The rest of the story.
After the instructor told me I was full of crap. I went on to explain The Marine corps that I was in had 5 days at the range 50 rounds per day last day qualifying.
Come to think about it there was a day of a live fire course maybe 60 rounds.
Next words out of his mouth okay folks lunch time. Sandwiches and drinks are on the counter. My wife has put our gun collection on the table with the appropriate bullet besides each weapon. Feel free to handle the weapons if you have any questions don’t hesitate to ask.
Old Vietnam dude gets up and walked over to the table and bellows out what kind of dumba$$ brain dead f@#ing idiot (he may of had a few more choice words) I started laughing.Wife… Keep your mouth shut!!
He dressed his wife down in front of everybody… YOU KNOW WHEN THE GUNS ARE OUT. YOU’RE SUPPOSED TO BE RIGHT THERE WITH THEM…
Oh yeah and their collection consisted of like 8 weapons.
Stay tuned for part 3.

You find things offensive. I find things funny. That's why I'm happier than you.

22 life’s a day

Let’s do it. I’m not the world’s best public speaker, but I could certainly read clearly off of a teleprompter and not slur or forget every other word.

We’d need to find us a real snarky jerk to be the WH Press Sec…I’m thinking peapod would have to step up.

“Another poon dream splintered on the rocks of reality.” --Peepod 07-25-2017

You have my vote, as long as you bring me in to help secure our border with unlimited resources and be your food and beverage taste tester. And I want be in charge of fact checking, mean tweets, and accountability.