constitutional carry laws


Where does South Carolina stand? I was thinking it had passed or was in the process.


They passed the open carry last August.
Which I think is ridiculous. I would never open carry. But I have seen a few. Not as many as I thought I would have.

You find things offensive. I find things funny. That's why I'm happier than you.

22 life’s a day

I’m willing to bet there are more than a few of us here on CF that could fix a lot of the “problems” in society using good old fashion common sense.

"Apathy is the Glove into Which Evil Slips It's Hand", but really, who cares?

I’ll open carry on my own property, but I’m hesitant about open carry in public just to do it. I feel like its going to draw more attention than I would want, making me a potential target. I plan on sticking to concealed carry. I always thought the intent behind CWP was that you were discreetly prepared just in case a bad situation came up, not to let everyone around you know what cards you are holding. Its a lot easier to win at poker if you know what the guy across from you is capable of…

Kudos to those that do open carry. Be smart and be safe. I think petty crime would go down if half the people around had guns on their hips.

“Another poon dream splintered on the rocks of reality.” --Peepod 07-25-2017

Do you need the mandated training card to open carry when you’re hunting with a firearm?

Didn’t know where to put this. So here it is…

You find things offensive. I find things funny. That's why I'm happier than you.

22 life’s a day

It looks like you need a CWP in order to open carry. Under the new law the $50 fee is eliminated, and you still need the “class”, if you can call it that, and background check. All that makes me feel a little better.


The exception to that has always been to have a current hunting/fishing license and have a fishing pole in your vehicle. You can open carry to and from a fishing hole or to a hunt as long as what you are hunting is in season. It can not be concealed in this scenario ( unless you have cwp). Would be next to impossible for an officer to prove you were not headed Somewhere if you had a pre planned route.

Wife got me a new shirt…

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How many pea shooters sank that day?

Around 40,…

I’m a little torn.
Part of me feels like anybody, law abiding, could and should own and carry a gun if they please to. Mainly because I feel like those people that have never shot a gun or are intimidated by them won’t carry them anyway.
The other part of me feels like they should at least get a CWP even though I understand it’s not a huge amount of training, but it does teach a decent amount of law(at least my guy did). I also feel like you shouldn’t pull up with a rent-a-gun and learn at that class how to load your mag or learn gun safety for the first time.
I do however disagree with the idea that a .22 isn’t reasonable for a CWP. A .22 may not have any knock down, but can kill you just the same IMO. Plus it gives women a better sense of security and are not intimidated by their weapon of choice since it can be so small and not have any recoil. For example my wife can shoot 9mm probably better than me etc… but she doesn’t really like to.

I have no problem with a cwp being required. I think it might be easier on law enforcement to sort out BS. The class I took was almost totally worthless though. Several people in the class did not even own a gun or have shot before but that’s another story.
Carrying a 22 . Better than carrying nothing at all. Whatever makes you comfortable.
With the new modern weapons and ammo out there recoil is not nowhere near what it used to be.
Smith & Wesson ez is a perfect example. People that have week hands arthritis things like that. Very easy to rack. It comes in 380 and 9 mm. 380 has minimal recoil.
They have also come out with another round the 30 super Carry. Don’t know much about it. Supposedly minimal recoil.
My wife usually carries a 38 but depending on what she is wearing sometimes she carries the Walther 9 mm. And when she’s traveling she cares a CZ 75. I myself carry a sig p365.
My ammo of choice is Hornady critical duty.
The wife carries critical defense.
Just my nickel’s work…

Still stuck at the house. So at least I can do is crank out some ammo

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In my opinion, it is very important to know what your capable of handling.
Some folks have these bigger pistols and are a danger to themselves and others.

Yep on the giant “hog leg” pistols. If a bad person is attacking, you are in your rights to shoot him. HOWEVER, if your bullet goes across the street and kills an innocent bystander, it’s called manslaughter.

As far as the concealed weapon and the truck goes,if/when you get pulled and a LEO walks up the first thing you say is Hello Officer, I have a loaded 1911 45auto in the glovebox and a baretta 9 beside me in the seat. You sir are as safe as you were way back when inyour sweet mamas arms.

They are no longer concealed and he’s usually smiling as he asks me to step out of the truck

It holds up, ask me how I know.

Got stopped by Georgetown county sheriff couple years ago.
He had me get out of the vehicle and then hand him my weapon. Pulled the holster with the weapon in it . He pulled it out of the holster remove the magazine. Put it on my toolbox.
I asked him don’t you think you should take the round out of the chamber and stop sliding my weapon around on the toolbox. He got all upset and fussed because I didn’t tell him prior that had around in the chamber.WTH… Then when he finished up with the ticket he told me do not get my weapon until he pulls out of the parking lot.
A real dumbass.
Only time I’ve ever had an officer disarm me. I’ve had a couple officers tell me as long as I don’t play with mine they won’t play with theirs. Also have had officers asked me what I was carrying and how I liked it.

All officers are different.
1 can talk to you and immediately know you are not a danger to them.
Then other officers are real uneasy and they are the dangerous ones.

That’s exactly right.

That small percentage of LEOs are the stories that everyone hears. We’re not constantly hearing about all of the great ones. 99% of the time, its a thankless job. God bless them; I couldn’t/wouldn’t do it.

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