constitutional carry laws

She voted 100% against gun ownership for Americans like MAGA veteran Bob

Yeah, MAGA! Trump’s Attorneys
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

NOTHING POSITIVE HERE EITHER. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Bob, tell us about the great positive things Biden has done!

You forgot? I just told you yesterday. He beat Trump like a red headed step child.

That’s not positive Bob I’m talking about accomplishments that he’s been in office

Kept me from getting Covid.
Remember, Trump said it was a “HOAX”

Lowered my insurance.

Lowered my prescription cost.

But he raised your taxes I’m not seeing enough to deserve my vote

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Fascist did I mention he called out the GOP FASCIST.

I’ve paid taxes all my life and never once begrudge having to do it.

Biden raise your fuel prices raise your taxes raise your food cost everything cost more since Biden’s been in office he will not get my vote

Are you using “DENIGRATING” today as you spoke against yesterday?




Bob, with out denigrating anyone else can you tell us what Biden has done to deserve my vote.

Bob I didn’t intend to use words that are over your head . Perhaps everyone will be better off if you and RBF chat and leave the rest of us alone

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You don’t see me calling your name asking you questions. Why don’t you take your on advice and leave me and RBF alone.

You’re the one with your nose all run up in my business.

this is hilarious! how did he do that? did he keep you from monkey pox too? if you think a president has the ability to keep you from a virus that no shot, mask, or anything else can stop then you sir are looooong gone on the COO COO TRAIN.

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Good one. Even now the lie has been uncovered and actually on the main stream that the vaccine was bunk and still in stage one experimental approval and our CDC has stated masks may help 5% at max with short term exposure. No good at all with long term exposure in close proximity of an infected person.