Corona 2

I have no fear and don’t worry about dying… However, at this point in my life I/we are taking precautions to stay alive for others in our life that need us… Still wear a seat belt and look both ways before I cross a road… Don’t confuse fear, with common sense…



Maybe one of your more subtle replies in a bit, I’m social distancing too. and yes I wear a seat belt… don’t like the dinging. I don’t wear a helmet though… unless it’s some long interstate riding, the wind blowing my hair starts to hurt.

I don’t care what others do as long as it doesn’t impact me/others… The Covid-19 affects others, and those are facts… People in America have become very selfish and entitled, and could careless for the most part about their fellow Americans… Hence, they want to go out and socialize, and potentially spread the virus more…

We as a country have become a bunch of softies… What about sacrificing for the common good like we did in WWII, etc. We would never win a war like that again because we are too soft now… I mean dang, so we have been required to just go to work and back home for less than 2 months… I guess people don’t like the people they live with, and need to get out… Bunch of cry babies in my opinion…


You are freaking CRAZY, SERIOUSLY!! You ever had to take a Psych test for a job?? Like 500 questions??




You follow me around like the other weak minded joke here, and you call me crazy…

You can’t control yourself, you are weak minded just like your buddy…


Add stalker to your mental condition too…


It’s getting harder to suppress. He/she is Very frustrated right now.

Follow you?? You would need to lead, to be followed. You’ve been pinned, and I like it a lot. Carry on with your crazy azz, desperate, fake news. Just like your parrot.

Man up and pick a lane. Your dude lost, and you come in here defending Poly??? There is Absolutely No Doubt in my mind you are Jealous of Trump!!

You wish and hope, just like the Dems, that this country remains in lockdown for one reason, and only one. That is to try to throw the election. The Dems want folks to be dependent on the Gov’t. NO??

In closing, your TRUE colors have been revealed. YOU hate Trump soooo bad, let the American people suffer long enough to give up on him.


DoubleN has a point RBF. It’s hard to take anything you post serious, but you’ve posted enough for the above statement to hold truth.

Your comment on WWII may be close, but only because people think it’s better to stay home like the government is telling them than work. Dam the Torpedo’s.

Wow, you are having a meltdown… You are triggered!

Reality is just yesterday morning you were declaring publicly you would never respond to any of my posts again because you apparently got your feelings hurt… Then, the same day you replied to my post when it wasn’t even direct towards you…

Yes, it does seems I live rent free in your head as well as little 7’s… You have succumbed to having a public meltdown, and he is now talking/posting to himself and chanting psychobabble… Disorder, disorder, disorder… 7 sounds like Rain Man chanting his psychobabble, or something…

One can’t help but be thinking the following with you 2 characters…


RBF, respectfully,
If, what I laid out previously, is valid/sound, then we must accept the fact that many or us, maybe most of us, will get this bug.

I don’t like that idea. I have two quite elderly parents including the aftermath of a severe stroke and significant and worsening demensia. They are very lucky to continue to live in their own home. But, their grasp on that is fragile. Contracting this bug would likely kill either or both. I do not take this lightly.

The time line for waiting for the medical capacity to either cure or prevent (vaccinate) this disease may be years away. Even if it is just months away, our economy and, in turn, the global economy can not tolerate that kind of wait period. We will collapse economically.

Even without a complete collapse, the UN World Food Program says that we are already looking at ‘biblical’ levels of starvation due the economic slowdo


RBF, respectfully,
If, what I laid out previously, is valid/sound, then we must accept the fact that many or us, maybe most of us, will get this bug.

I don’t like that idea. I have two quite elderly parents including the aftermath of a severe stroke and significant and worsening demensia. They are very lucky to continue to live in their own home. But, their grasp on that is fragile. Contracting this bug would likely kill either or both. I do not take this lightly.

The time line for waiting for the medical capacity to either cure or prevent (vaccinate) this disease may be years away. Even if it is just months away, our economy and, in turn, the global economy can not tolerate that kind of wait period. We will collapse economically.

Even without a complete collapse, the UN World Food Program says that we are already looking at ‘biblical’ levels of starvation due the economic


RBF, respectfully,
If, what I laid out previously, is valid/sound, then we must accept the fact that many or us, maybe most of us, will get this bug.

I don’t like that idea. I have two quite elderly parents including the aftermath of a severe stroke and significant and worsening demensia. They are very lucky to continue to live in their own home. But, their grasp on that is fragile. Contracting this bug would likely kill either or both. I do not take this lightly.

The time line for waiting for the medical capacity to either cure or prevent (vaccinate) this disease may be years away. Even if it is just months away, our economy and, in turn, the global economy can not tolerate that kind of wait period. We will collapse economically.

Even without a complete collapse, the UN World Food Program says that we are already looking at ‘biblical’ levels of starvation due the economic

I’ll leave it at that…You, RBF are pinned. Roosterboi!!!



Have you seen this or do you know anything about Dr. Mikovits?

I have not looked into that much, at all.
I’ll start by saying I believe our government, like any institution, is capable of acting in corrupt ways, capable of doing horrible things to innocent people. As you may be aware from my many post related to global warming, I believe our EPA and NOAA are complicit in what amounts to be a farce. I worked inside NOAA for a decade. Was the technical lead on several decent size projects. Was actively involved in data quality and documentation. etc. etc. I watched NOAA say and do crazy things. Some of it motivated by corrupt goals/people. Other portions of it simply the effect of a bumbling bureaucracy. Even so, I believe, in total, the EPA and NOAA are good organizations that, for the most part, do good work. It is clear that Charleston Harbor is a lot cleaner than it was when I was a kid because of agencies like the EPA. I believe they are needed and useful, but, like any government organ, require our constant vigilance to guard against their abuses (which are many and significant).

All that to say I know our government can do some screwed up stuff. AGW. Tuskeegee Experiment. Etc. Etc. But, I cannot find any reliable evid

I have not looked into that much, at all.
I’ll start by saying I believe our government, like any institution, is capable of acting in corrupt ways, capable of doing horrible things to innocent people. As you may be aware from my many post related to global warming, I believe our EPA and NOAA are complicit in what amounts to be a farce. I worked inside NOAA for a decade. Was the technical lead on several decent size projects. Was actively involved in data quality and documentation. etc. etc. I watched NOAA say and do crazy things. Some of it motivated by corrupt goals/people. Other portions of it simply the effect of a bumbling bureaucracy. Even so, I believe, in total, the EPA and NOAA are good organizations that, for the most part, do good work. It is clear that Charleston Harbor is a lot cleaner than it was when I was a kid because of agencies like the EPA. I believe they are needed and useful, but, like any government organ, require our constant vigilance to guard against their abuses (which are many and significant).

All that to say I know our government can do some screwed up stuff. AGW. Tuskeegee Experiment. Etc. Etc. But, I cannot find any reliab


I had my subscription to Time Magazine and like you always watched 60 mins. The only way I pick up a time magazine is if I have no phone service in an office and it is the ONLY reading literature, and I no longer watch 60 min.

That truly is an old gem, I haven’t had a flu shot since it was mandatory I take it. EVERY time I got the shot in the military I got sick. Flu shots are bunk, they study a year or more in advance to make vaccines for what they think MAY be coming but has already mutated to something totally different.

The Dictator in Chief says get a flu shot, you better get a dam flu shot,Alfredo !

I think it was more of a suggestion that it may be a good idea. Doesn’t matter who says it, I’m not getting one. Never understand people that follow others blindly.