Corona 2

Reopen the country

No one is forcing you to participate but those who see through the mediocrats’ propaganda shall not be infringed

Yeah dumbass, open her up…

WASHINGTON — The Trump administration is racing to contain an outbreak of the coronavirus inside the White House, as some senior officials believe that the disease is already spreading rapidly through the warren of cramped offices that make up the three floors of the West Wing.

“It is scary to go to work,” Kevin Hassett, a top economic adviser to the president, said on CBS’s “Face the Nation” program on Sunday. Mr. Hassett said he wore a mask at times at the White House, but conceded that “I think that I’d be a lot safer if I was sitting at home than I would be going to the West Wing.”




You can’t leave anything alone… I am in your head 24/7…

Perhaps, you could recover from your compromised mental state quicker if you didn’t get your counseling/therapy from little 7costanza and his street corner psychobabble… I believe he controls your mind and leads you into bad situations, as he is a Charlatan for sure…


Well it looks like next Monday y’all nappy head Jokers be able to go get your hair done.& your nails done. bahahaha

I am fragile. Not like a flower. But like a bomb.

I know you are getting super excited to get that much needed pedi to start sporting your open-toed red heels…:smiley:



Arkansas, Iowa, Nebraska, North Dakota, South Dakota, Oklahoma, Utah, and Wyoming never issued statewide stay-at-home orders

Don’t forget about Colorado, with your background, I’m confident you can relate to the governor there.

When it’s getting opened why stop it unless you don’t like it?

Haha, Drumpf got owned and quit like a little teenager… Can’t take the truth, so leave!


ABC = fake biased reporting. I aint missed a day yet and feel everyone else needs to get back to work… but no one is forcing anyone. Pretty hard to force all the pansies now a days, specially when the government is giving them more to stay home than work. All this doom and gloom reporting has people scared of their shadows. We all die, do we die sniveling in our homes or at least die while keeping our country rolling. Yea corona is real, so are so many other threats to our lives.

Ey boi, where dis link from?

Doom and gloom? 81,000+ dead and counting… bo, dat ain’t so “rosy”.

It is what it is. We can’t put the Chinese genie back in the box. Everyone seems to be averaging out 70% getting this thing. Let’s get that herd immunity done. We can’t get rid of the wuhan bug, but we can get this country back rolling.

So you would be ok with taking your father to the Wal-Mart, then inside Parkers so he could get a pork chop?

Absolutely, if he asked me to and was able. My mom goes, we told her we’d go for her, but she has refused. Very independent lady, She’s been a nurse all her life and knows the risks. She would rather live than live in fear. Come on Polly, you really this scared to go out and about? Good gracious. Just be quick and careful and don’t stick your fingers in your mouth until you have washed them really good.

Actually can’t do the pork chop with dad, Dr Benner at trident just preformed a Carotid endarterectomy yesterday on him. Mom and the wife just went to pick him up. Very surprised he made it through this one and let out of the ICU so soon. Life is good! If the man asks for a fried pork chop, it won’t come from Parkers, I’ll do it myself. :+1:

I guess if i come down with the Wuhan bug and die, you get the last word my friend. Just know all this bantering has been a blast.

You chicken little ***** ass Democrats need to buck up and be men.Nothing to fear but fear itself.You’re a disgrace to this country and all who made it great.MAGA

Where’s the scientific proven peer reviewed documents that social distancing isn’t snake oil?

the lockdown is a political program by Democrats to crash the economy

no one is forcing the Trump haters to participate just stay home in your safe space

Workers gotta work

Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) Tweeted:
Leadership: Whatever happens, you’re responsible. If it doesn’t happen, you’re responsible.

Now fat donnie claims he’s not responsible? What a schmuck!

Plenty of scientific proven “peer reviewed” documents that states global warming is man made… You still don’t believe those either, so obviously you don’t believe in science…

Also, contact your Demagogue Drumpf as he claims he alone has absolute authority to open the country, and therefore your grievance lays at your Demagogue Drumpf’s feet…