Couple questions

We mostly fish the spring through the summer into early fall until deer season starts. We do a little shrimping but plan on doing a little more fishing this year as the weather has been such crap for the mosquito fleet this summer. So my questions are:

How late in the year do you catch menhaden in the usual spots?

Are the kings/ spanish still around pretty decent in the fall out to 20 miles in the usual spots? I know November is the peak off the outer banks for kings so I would assume so??

When do spades disappear? Water temp wise? Also when do you stop finding the cannonballs?

What else you guys catching in November other than bsb out to 60-70 feet?

Thanks gentlemen!

Sea Hunt BX 21
150 Yamaha

Saw my spade fish question answered about 4 threads down. Thanks

Sea Hunt BX 21
150 Yamaha