I’m tossing around the idea of trying to kill some coyotes in the FMNF around HWY 41 and half creek rd. after deer season ends. What’s the best approach on location, calls, and setting up?? I have a Bluetooth speaker that I thought I could play distress audio on. I have never done anything like this before so any advice would be greatly appreciated. Thanks
If Polly/bolbie would not have been so upset from the election to give us up, he seemed to have some good advise on coyote hunting/trapping.
If you can get a law officer to crank up his siren, you’ll at least know if you have them in the area! I don’t think they can help but start yelping at the sound of a siren.
“If Bruce Jenner can keep his wiener and be called a woman, I can keep my firearms and be considered disarmed.”
Bolbie is a wealth on information on this subject. He’s probably forgotten more about yotes than most have ever learned.
My experience, I’ve called them in with rabbit distress call before. I’ve also had more than one come running hard to a turkey call…I personally think that they aren’t too terribly picky. If they are around and hear something that seems like an easy meal, they’ll be coming in hot.
Hunting day or night? E callers are tricky and distress calls aren’t in the top 20% of what I would use to get a yote in close. Yips, challs, and female howls this time of year will put them in your lap with a good sequence. Low volume to start then increase the volume. Gotta play the wind, be where they can’t circle you and get on you back side and bust you. Kill a few and they get educated quick. Trapping is the best way to put them in their place.
quote:Use a turkey call. and a hen decoy. Yelps , clucks , assembly calls, Coyotes love turkey sandwiches Ive killed lots of yotes this way!
I’ve never intentionally called yotes, but I’ve had a many of them sneak up on me while calling turkeys. If I was going to hunt yotes, I’d use a turkey call too.
I would absolutely not go Coyote hunting by taking a turkey decoy, call, and a weapon into the woods while its not turkey season. Especially not the FMNF. Some of these boys lack common sense by even suggesting it. Try and explain to the Game warden your just coyote hunting with all that turkey gear, hunting out of season is a 10pt violation.
Its perfectly legal in small game season. I’ve killed many coyotes with a 22 in the FMNF and I see many of the officers there - I don’t use a shotgun or anything that resembles a turkey load and I often hunt from a climber, no issue
Bolbie is a wealth on information on this subject. He’s probably forgotten more about yotes than most have ever learned.
My experience, I’ve called them in with rabbit distress call before. I’ve also had more than one come running hard to a turkey call…I personally think that they aren’t too terribly picky. If they are around and hear something that seems like an easy meal, they’ll be coming in hot.
I prefer to catch them in a steel leg hold, but I used a simple mouse squeak call for the second dumbass in the picture. Got a video from one last week, can’t get it to load.
Why in hell do you kill them:question: They have every reason to be here, just like you do! Only reason to kill them, is if they were killing your animals, or you just like killing! Nature, will take care of the population! Just like nature, took care of dumb azz Democrats! I don’t kill anything I don’t plan to eat! Even then, I have to be hunting for dinner! You guys haven’t ever killed anything, that could kill back, or you would rethink! Leg Traps and then shooting, is not hunting!
Easy Are you nuts. DNR says that coyotes are responsible for 80% of the fawn mortality.
I have pics of them chasing deer all over my property. I have not seen a fawn all year. We are their only predator. Their rapid expansion has many of us concerned. If we don’t control them, who or what will?
Hunting, fishing, and poker are my sports. Work when necessary.
Coyotes are an invasive species. They were imported by fox hunting clubs after they killed all their foxes. Coyotes have had a population explosion for several reasons - feral hogs- garbage - lots of fawns and turkey poults. They love suckling pigs!
Bolbie is a wealth on information on this subject. He’s probably forgotten more about yotes than most have ever learned.
My experience, I’ve called them in with rabbit distress call before. I’ve also had more than one come running hard to a turkey call…I personally think that they aren’t too terribly picky. If they are around and hear something that seems like an easy meal, they’ll be coming in hot.
Weve missed you Bolbie - on the political forum. Word was you were in a bad depression.
I prefer to catch them in a steel leg hold, but I used a simple mouse squeak call for the second dumbass in the picture. Got a video from one last week, can’t get it to load.
Why in hell do you kill them:question: They have every reason to be here, just like you do! Only reason to kill them, is if they were killing your animals, or you just like killing! Nature, will take care of the population! Just like nature, took care of dumb azz Democrats! I don’t kill anything I don’t plan to eat! Even then, I have to be hunting for dinner! You guys haven’t ever killed anything, that could kill back, or you would rethink! Leg Traps and then shooting, is not hunting!