Will this guy ever amount to anything or should he be removed?
Redfish Baron Extraordinaire
Will this guy ever amount to anything or should he be removed?
Redfish Baron Extraordinaire
I think I’d keep him around and see what happens. Funky horns, might end up very interesting.
Capt. Larry Teuton
Swamp Worshiper
Year old five point. Why would he need to be taken out. How much land are you “managing”? Kill him if you want and call him a cull buck as it is the only accepted way to kill a small buck and not be made fun of.
Originally posted by flyinghighYear old five point. Why would he need to be taken out. How much land are you “managing”? Kill him if you want and call him a cull buck as it is the only accepted way to kill a small buck and not be made fun of.
If your doing QDM I’d take him out and leave the big does and Bucks I wouldn’t want him breading back into the herd. To have quality deer (if you have the mass acreage and surrounding land owners in cooperation ) you’ll want the best genes out there. Kill all the scrawny does and raggy/small/irregular bucks. He looks pretty poor for this time of year. imo
As for being made fun of? I wouldn’t worry about that one. Unless you only Kill for a trophy and all your friends do the same and are a bit egotistical. I love to eat them. All the big bucks taken before rut just don’t get a chance to breed back.
I kind of equate it to Alligator hunting. I’d way rather have a 5-6 footer to eat than a 10-12 footer. My bragging rights comes from happy faces enjoying a really tasty meal!
All the above aside, I really enjoy seeing a trophy room with some diversity.
Originally posted by flyinghighYear old five point. Why would he need to be taken out. How much land are you “managing”? Kill him if you want and call him a cull buck as it is the only accepted way to kill a small buck and not be made fun of.
This is what I’m trying to learn. I’ve had people tell me this has great potential and others that say he’ll never amount to anything. I certainly don’t have enough to control the population like I want to; I’m dealing with 50 acres but I’ve seen quality bucks over the years. This is the first time I’ve put any effort into planting nad keeping them around. I’d love to do whatever I can to help the herd survive and be heathy, but I guess I’m just listening to way to many opinions. What am I looking for and why?
Redfish Baron Extraordinaire
If that buck was born last year ???, let him walk.
If that deer is only one year old, could be some potential, IMO.
That may be what the one Skeeter posted looked like when he was a yearling…
Good Luck,
He is very young (1 at the most 2) and has decent antler mass. You easily can tell by how skinny his neck is, so small it resembles a doe. His forks will be defined this year (plus) but he shows only a little brow tine potential (minus). However he is fairly poor looking so IMO he has good genes but is young and hindered by nutrition. Unless your place is full of trophy bucks he is certainly NOT a cull. I would guess he’ll only develop small brow tines long term but will still be a large antler buck and could be an 8 point next year depending on his nutritional situation.
If he had 1" brow tines he would be considered a superior genetic specimen on my place. Despite that shortcoming it would still be idiotic to kill him this year without giving him one more year for brow tine development. We prefer deer with well developed brow tines and cull any that show they can’t develop them. Really this guys horns are so big for his age it might be worth letting him breed even if he doesn’t grow brows.
First, Most, Biggest
I want to catch them all
Let him walk. He’s a sprout, he may turn out to be something. You can’t tell if he’s a cull until he gets some age on him.
Pioneer 222 Sportfish Yamaha F300
Yeah, but do you consider a dog to be a filthy animal? I wouldn’t go so far as to call a dog filthy but they’re definitely dirty. But, a dog’s got personality. Personality goes a long way.
“Life’s tough…It’s even tougher if you’re stupid” John Wayne
Just a young buck. He will be much better next year.
2012 Skeeter ZX22 Bay
Yamaha 250 hp SHO
Minnkota Riptide 101
I agree, keep him around for at least another year. QDMA doesn’t really recommend culling bucks until 3 1/2 years old because at that point they will have achieved roughly 80% of their antler mass assuming they have the same forage every year. I don’t know if I think that’s the right age personally but they know a lot more about hunting than I do. To call this a cull buck would be to call every 1 1/2 year old spike and four point a cull buck too. This guys looks like he’s way ahead of the curve and may be a cool one, in my opinion.
I took flying highs 5 year old guess. Looking again probably not that old but cant’ really see the brisket. Awful slim for all the goodies you’ve been putting out. Probably a transient.
If that buck is only a year or two it could have potential, would depend on what else you have around and your desire on what you want. With only 50 acres in your control, if you don’t take it someone else will… my 2c.
Are you wanting a trophy? or just some meat? Which ever I hope you have a great season!
Antlers look like a speedgoat’s.
Pioneer 222 Sportfish Yamaha F300
Yeah, but do you consider a dog to be a filthy animal? I wouldn’t go so far as to call a dog filthy but they’re definitely dirty. But, a dog’s got personality. Personality goes a long way.
“Life’s tough…It’s even tougher if you’re stupid” John Wayne
Originally posted by Fred67i said that the deer was a 1 year old five point. Not 5 years old.I took flying highs 5 year old guess. Looking again probably not that old but cant’ really see the brisket. Awful slim for all the goodies you’ve been putting out. Probably a transient.
If that buck is only a year or two it could have potential, would depend on what else you have around and your desire on what you want. With only 50 acres in your control, if you don’t take it someone else will… my 2c.
Are you wanting a trophy? or just some meat? Which ever I hope you have a great season!
Originally posted by 23SailfishI think everyone else knew what you said…
Redfish Baron Extraordinaire
oopppssss… sorry!!! I miss read!!! my bad!
hope no harm no foul… I was wrong…
a dogger will see that high rack and pump 5 double 0 Reminition in he side.
Personally I would let him walk,only bucks I shoot go on the wall.
Originally posted by poke salada dogger will see that high rack and pump 5 double 0 Reminition in he side.
Personally I would let him walk,only bucks I shoot go on the wall.
One load of #1 buck would be good for me. and not all “dogers” are bad polk berry. should have seen this one coming.
quote:Huh,interesting how YOU said "not all dogers are bad..."
Originally posted by Fred67quote:
Originally posted by poke salada dogger will see that high rack and pump 5 double 0 Reminition in he side.
Personally I would let him walk,only bucks I shoot go on the wall.
One load of #1 buck would be good for me. and not all “dogers” are bad polk berry. should have seen this one coming.
I never mentioned a word about doggers being bad or not.
The doggers that I have experience with will shoot everything without discretion and don’t care too much about private property lines. That’s why they have a bad rep.
PokeSalad is probably like me and doesn’t appreciate people trespassing and allowing their dogs to destroy/disrupt their hunting/enjoyment of their own land.
Redfish Baron Extraordinaire