Death of a message board?

i miss the fishing reports and banter from my fellow Beaufortonians. I don’t get out much, but i sure enjoyed reading what I was missing out on the water. Don’t know why this site has to die. If it is dead, it was good while it lasted.

I’ll do my part. Here’s my fishing report: my boat is being fixed because every trip i take it picks up enough water to drain for 30-40 seconds when we get back to the hill. Today instead of fishing i washed and vacuumed both cars, cleaned the pool, and watched some of the soleheim cup. Boring!!!

Now, tell me what i missed out there on the water.

It was HOT!! Found bait shrimp at the end of the May River. Fished the Calibogue, low incoming. One lady fish, 3 short reds. Saw a hundred jet skis, or maybe it was the same 5 that passed by me 20 times. I dunno. Too hot. Packed it in to find some shade and cold beer.

That is good news on the bait shrimp. I can’t remember finding this many bait shrimp the past couple of years. Hope the Bull Reds inshore follow the pattern. Sure are lots of short Reds around especially when the water is out of the grass fishing in small creeks that dump out onto the main rivers. I think the fish know the weather better than us and do not bite well when the weather is not favorable.

Thanks for the call for more posts. I agree!
Don’t have any great catches but here is a summary of two most recent trips.
Saturday left dock at 7:30 for jacks in Calibogue sound with Gary Bezilla and Thomas Joyner . Conditions pretty good but we were unable to spot any-even with the young sharp eyes of Thomas Joyner. Despite 3 or 4 passes through sound we found nothing . We did find largest pogies I have seen in several years for round two of our trip-tarpon in port royal sound. . Set up off port royal plantation in a spot I fought a tarpon for 15 minutes last week . We fished outgoing tide for over 2 hours with nothing but lots of black tips.

On Sunday ( yes- my wife is out of town) I went solo for tarpon. Looked briefly for jacks in sound( nothing again - after 3 great years ion the jacks, very slow this year)
headed to spot in McKay creek I had heard tarpon spotted. Fished outgoing tide where it was slick calm waters for 2 hours with nothing to show for it but a nice 4 1/2 to 5’
black tip on the surface . The family tubing right next to me ( within 20’ on one passwould have been shocked I am sure

Moved over to same spot in port royal sound for another 2 hours with no luck. I need to just put more hours in to land a tarpon I believe.

Maybe everyone is waiting on the cooler fall weather. I know I am. I’m working on my boat getting ready for fishing and shrimping season. My favorite time of the year is mid-September to mid-November. That’s when the fish put on the feedbag to fatten up for the winter when food is scarce. I think you’ll see more reports in about a month.


1980 Skandia 21 w/ '93 JohnRude 150 gas drinker

I’ve been begging for reports for two years. Apparently no one fishes much anymore. At least in the sound or nearshore. I live in the upstate and don’t get down as much as I like. Sometimes it would be nice to have a starting point.

On 8/5 my crew of seamen and I headed out of pr sound in hopes of making it to the snapper banks to be greeted my 4’ swells at bout 5 seconds… I made the call to stop at the betsy ross and wait to see if it would lay down… it never did… Ended the day with 1 cuda, a nice sea donkey, and a 9 foot buzz.

Sea Hunt 25 Gamefish
Twin Yamaha 150s
“The Chum Dumpster”

My wife and I left the Green Pond area and bought a house on Lady’s Island back in the spring, so I’ve transitioned into more inshore saltwater fishing since then. I have a smaller boat, so I’m usually at the mercy of the wind. I typically stick to the smaller creeks. I normally put in at Wallace Landing on St. Helena or Sam’s Point and go down into Lucy Creek.

Always checking the Beaufort area thread, hope to see more people chime in from time to time! I’m looking forward to the fall and cooler temperatures.


Now we’re talking! Thanks to all! I’d rather hear about less that outstanding fishing than no fishing at all. Please continue.

I have only made it out twice this year. I am new to the area and saltwater fishing. I haven’t been able to time the weather right to make it offshore so stayed around the RRS. Caught a few sharks and some ray’s a few around 4’ I was just glad to catch something both times. Trolled the shiping channel hoping to catch some kings but no luck. I guess I will try to get out to the Betsy next, maybe Labor Day weekend.

Have a lot of vacation to take so planning to get with it soon. Don’t care that much for heat index of 105…

On Ladys Island as well.

Hey Chum, how you like the 25 Gamefish?


I hope to have reports soon. Selling my place in Charleston. Moving back to Fripp. Give about 2 months and you’ll get tired of me posting.i will be looking for fishing buddies.

This is refreshing. I hope to be down in the next couple weeks. Eddings point road. Might have our own little group here after all.

DoubleN I love the 25 Gamefish… Bought it new July 3rd… Its a really dry ride and ive had it in 4 footers. I was hesitant with only having twin 150s but the salesman said i would be thoroughly impressed with there performance and he was right. In smooth water i can get 2.5 mpg at 28 mph loaded down. Offshore I average 2 mpg with the trim tabs all the way down. The first day i took it out had a crew of 14 grown ass people and she still jumped right out of the water on plane with no problem.

Sea Hunt 25 Gamefish
Twin Yamaha 150s
“The Chum Dumpster”

Any inshore hot spots or areas right now?

Originally posted by Reeldawg

This is refreshing. I hope to be down in the next couple weeks. Eddings point road. Might have our own little group here after all.

All things being equal, I would rather be on the water.

Originally posted by danluginbill
Originally posted by Reeldawg

This is refreshing. I hope to be down in the next couple weeks. Eddings point road. Might have our own little group here after all.

All things being equal, I would rather be on the water.

All things being equal, I would rather be on the water.

what is everyone’s favorite species to target?
Mine is flounder and black drum.

Kingfish. And anything I can catch trolling live bait.