Debunking the Myth that Science Disproves the Bibl

Originally posted by Edistodaniel

How many times have people on this board blamed the problems on the world on the degradation of good Christian values?

I think that's different than "blaming atheists"...
Originally posted by Great White

But if Atheist are right they lived their entire precious life (aka their personal eternity) living how they wanted and all religious followers wasted some portion of their personal eternity living a lie and falling for the biggest con in human history.

Again, you believe that they go into a "lights out" state, so there would be no regrets. In the meantime, they find a life of harmony and happiness, serving others, loving, etc...
Originally posted by Edistodaniel

How many times have people on this board blamed the problems on the world on the degradation of good Christian values?

For the Entire World I can’t speak, but I can speak for a large part that I have witnessed. Yes more Strong Values, Christian or other would help Humanity. As for America, I guarantee a large percentage of our problems root core is lack of Christian values. Sure we have a lot of non-Christians with great values and morals. But I guarantee you’ll find that those committing crimes and taking advantage of free Ice Cream have none.

How could anyone argue that Strong Values of Morality and Love for our fellow man could be a harm? With out them we are nothing but the entitlement crowd living for no one but ourselves.

“If Bruce Jenner can keep his wiener and be called a woman, I can keep my firearms and be considered disarmed.”

Originally posted by Fred67
Originally posted by Edistodaniel

How many times have people on this board blamed the problems on the world on the degradation of good Christian values?

For the Entire World I can’t speak, but I can speak for a large part that I have witnessed. Yes more Strong Values, Christian or other would help Humanity. As for America, I guarantee a large percentage of our problems root core is lack of Christian values. Sure we have a lot of non-Christians with great values and morals. But I guarantee you’ll find that those committing crimes and taking advantage of free Ice Cream have none.

How could anyone argue that Strong Values of Morality and Love for our fellow man could be a harm? With out them we are nothing but the entitlement crowd living for no one but ourselves.

Of course I agree that if more people had strong values and love for our fellow man, the world would be better off. One problem I see is placing blame on non-religious folks in general. This is only one article that I HAVE NOT really reviewed, but it has some interesting points.

It is easy to find statistics on-line related to crime rates and religious beliefs. These numbers generally make the atheists/secular folks look more favorable than those professing religious beliefs. The best, and most logical, argument to counter these numbers is that these folks claiming to be religious, are only talking-the-talk, not walking-the-walk. I agree with that. I would offe

Originally posted by fishcrazy

Go beat your drum somewhere else. Stop posting this stuff up…not against religion just the crazies that try to push it on everyone. And I believe in evolution.

Seriously. And who is this writer? Some dude with a blog? Cmon man.

Originally posted by xman

But I feel it is incorrect to blame all/most/majority of the worlds ills on secular people.

Where does this happen? Atheists make up a very small percentage of the population. Again, I have NEVER seen a Christian blame the "world's ills" on atheists... For one, that doesn't make sense that they would, and secondly, that concept doesn't sound Biblical.

As you mentioned before… There are people who CLAIM that they are Christian, and then there are those that actually follow Jesus Christ. The Bible discusses this concept in great detail.

Originally posted by skinneej
Originally posted by xman

But I feel it is incorrect to blame all/most/majority of the worlds ills on secular people.

Where does this happen? Atheists make up a very small percentage of the population. Again, I have NEVER seen a Christian blame the "world's ills" on atheists... For one, that doesn't make sense that they would, and secondly, that concept doesn't sound Biblical.

As you mentioned before… There are people who CLAIM that they are Christian, and then there are those that actually follow Jesus Christ. The Bible discusses this concept in great detail.

I think we are about on the same page here. There are good and bad eggs everywhere. People/groups maybe need to clean-up their homes before attacking others for being dirty.

FYI: just a quick search turns up multiple instances of atheist being blamed for all sorts of stuff. Of course, it is just as easy to find articles citing religion to blame…sigh

15’ Ocean Kayak Scupper Pro

Where’s MacDaddy to weight in!?

humans or whatever cells we are are really nothing more than the earths living cancer organism… we do nothing but destroy our world and ourselves. we destroy everything we touch we kill everything that moves and basically rape the land that provides us with sustainable life. just like every other virus we adapt to destroy… we kill other cells on our quest for domination and like cancers grow and expand…

Originally posted by sc_shark

humans or whatever cells we are are really nothing more than the earths living cancer organism… we do nothing but destroy our world and ourselves. we destroy everything we touch we kill everything that moves and basically rape the land that provides us with sustainable life. just like every other virus we adapt to destroy… we kill other cells on our quest for domination and like cancers grow and expand…

Dang Shark, you sure sound down on Humanity. You need to get out and meet some people. Good people.

“If Bruce Jenner can keep his wiener and be called a woman, I can keep my firearms and be considered disarmed.”

its not down its a simple view I have… I am along for the ride so to speak…

but really take a good look at humanity and tell me its not the earths cancer… we are raping the land of ever resource, killing most everything that moves. we pollute the air,land,sea
generally we kill each other…

I’m not saying every cell is a bad one even in the cell structure you have good cells trying to fight a good fight but at some point the cancer wins and killes its host. that is exactly what we are doing earh stand no chance…

look at how fast the population expands its not like its going to “slow down” and its not like we allow mother nature to weed out the low hanging fruits we preserve all the cancerous cells…

It has a lot more to do with technology (i.e. the energy boom) which allows the human race to grow larger than the carrying capacity of the Earth. It’s not that humans are a “virus”, it’s the fact that the habitat can’t sustain what technology has propped up… It’s like putting too many fish in your fish tank… If there were ever a true global energy crisis, the population would come tumbling back down to the 500K - 1 BILLION mark which is about what the Earth can carry…

Originally posted by skinneej

500K - 1 BILLION mark which is about what the Earth can carry…

You often correct me on issues, so I feel I must correct you as well.

Your statement is pure guesswork. I agree population is exploding, but so is technology. We already have an agricultural system that can support three to four times what is currently fed. New Energy sources are being found daily and new supplies of fossil fuels are being found that will last through this century.

Old Mother Earth treated right could do a little more. What we need is more Moral values in humanity, which seems to be slipping farther into a stink hole. Less entitlement, more education, and I’d be for a 2 / 3 child limit. We’ve already been fruitful now it’s time to be good stewards of this Earth.

“If Bruce Jenner can keep his wiener and be called a woman, I can keep my firearms and be considered disarmed.”

Well that is exactly what I said, “propped up by technology”… Without modern energy, GMO foods, etc, what’s left? Check out the graph that I posted above… That’s why I chose those numbers…

Originally posted by skinneej

It has a lot more to do with technology (i.e. the energy boom) which allows the human race to grow larger than the carrying capacity of the Earth. It’s not that humans are a “virus”, it’s the fact that the habitat can’t sustain what technology has propped up… It’s like putting too many fish in your fish tank… If there were ever a true global energy crisis, the population would come tumbling back down to the 500K - 1 BILLION mark which is about what the Earth can carry…

every virus has its accelerant as well as its balance but like cancer it truly never goes away just into remission…

if we were made in the image of god we were made as war machines plain and simple. the flood was an act biological warefare his next return is going to be chemical warfare:) thru history the cells have done nothing but destroyed or tried to destroy each other. with technology it become easier…

but I agree technology why it has advantages is also a huge downfall.
look at the various man made lab produced epidemics…

as far as the model and general discussion about capacity… think of where we are today. imo look at most places around the world minus big cities,or major metro’s most of our world is starving(even in the usa) and drinkable water is very scares. even in America we are polluting and killing citizens with water… I dont feel its just a ferguson thing to be honest…

I will say thanks for the open chatt about this topic and way you guys are handling this…

Originally posted by skinneej

Well that is exactly what I said, “propped up by technology”… Without modern energy, GMO foods, etc, what’s left? Check out the graph that I posted above… That’s why I chose those numbers…

Of course it’s propped up by technology. That’s what put’s man ahead of animals and let’s us be more prolific.

With your above post, not sure were we are going or “arguing”.

On a side note “our” GOD said in the old testament to be fruitful and multiply. Surely back in the day there was good reason, but as we gain knowledge through the new testament and learn that too much multiplying is not so good unless you need more government money(~~~~~), you slow down and be a good Steward of OUR Earth.

To be a Good Steward of the Earth we all need to understand that our Planet can only accommodate a certain amount. As a Global community and not individual haters we need to come together and figure out what needs to be done. Never Happen in our lives but wouldn’t it be wonderful if our children could enjoy such a life!!!

Honestly, I’m not the pecker head (asshat) that most think I am.

“If Bruce Jenner can keep his wiener and be called a woman, I can keep my firearms and be considered disarmed.”