Did the Holocaust of WWII happen

I was asked to bring up a separate topic for this discussion by Mixed Nutz. He does not believe it happened and as I’ve surfed the web seems a good many others want to Deny this horrific Off Topic tragedy. What it seems to be among many is not mainly disbelief but a simple issue of not ever knowing about it. Mostly in the Muslim community and smaller third world countries from what I gather. For me there is no Denying it. My father-in-law spent 6 months in a concentration camp with his family as a kid towards the end of the war after which they were sponsored by a farmer in New Hampshire to come to legally immigrate to America. My Grandfather was away from home for 5 years during the war and has personally told me of the mass graves and uncountable dead bodies. My Uncle barely survived, and my grandmother nursed him back to health. He weighed 215# and came home a living skeleton at 88#. She gave him raw eggs, chicken broth and milk at first. I asked him about it once, but he would not talk about it at that time. On his death bed he told his children many details and the rail cars he saw loaded with dead bodies and such. They had him on a detail to remove gold teeth or any other things of value from the dead bodies. Some have in recent times even claimed the Jews caused the Holocaust. as though, like, and pretend.

The above and it being taught to me in school with concrete evidence is the reason I know the Holocaust was real. Now for an explain why some deny it. No political sidelines please, and if so we all now know our moderators do not have to move a complete thread and can edit single posts. Thanks in advance.

Well, here we go…

For starters, Fred, I never said the Holocaust never happened.


Lets not let facts stand in the way of a good gotcha thread

This should be good, Im gonna pop some corn

Why you are getting all excited. There’s no argument here. Mixed Nuts said he believes the Holocaust was real. I must have got it all wrong from a good bit ago when he stated otherwise. opps, I mean I thought he stated otherwise. It’s all good. I apologize!! I was wrong, My leaky friend. I’ve been wrong several times in my life. Once I stole some chewing tobacco from my granddad. Got real sick, I was wrong for doing it.

Don’t goad a riot when none is needed, just moderate. Hands up, I finally got my answer after asking Mixed many times about it. It’s all good!! be happy dude!! I love you!!

I never “stated otherwise”.

Sounds like you have some interesting history to share, Fred?

And, any comments I have on this topic are purely my observations, through my own research.

Nothing personal towards you, or your family, Fred!

Since you’ve been unrelenting in hounding me on my thoughts, shall we carry on?

Yes let’s carry on. That’s about as civil as we’ve been in a long time, even with the outside goading. So what are your thoughts on the Holocaust?

You said the other day, on a different thread, that you have reason to believe the numbers of casualties, at the hands of the Germans, were much higher?

Higher than what? What’s your number?

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i’ll never forget the first time i tried copenhagen dip as a 14 year old. UGH :nauseated_face:

I was in Germany in the mid-sixties. I had reason to visit an Army location that was a former death champ. The place was called Dachau. The Army was using part of the installation as a stockade. While I was waiting for a prisoner to be released to my custody, I wandered about the place to a building that had been used as a crematorium. I saw the ovens and walked outside. There was a small hump of high ground that I climbed for a better view. The soldier that was driving me became very upset, in fact he became ill and was throwing up. About all he could do was stagger and kept pointing to the ground. I clearly remember him saying “Sir why did they do this”. Bone fragments and teeth were clearly visible in the dirt. The “hump” was the ashes from the ovens.

It happened

I remember that too.

Cost .39 cents/can, back then, now it’s nearly $7.00/can.

Still just as good, though.

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My numbers are from records that were taught to me in school and What I’ve got is an estimated 2 million Polish, 6 million Jewish and another 3 million of mixed decent. This is the best-documented genocide in history. Contemporary documents, including a wide variety of letters, memos, blueprints, orders, bills, speeches, Holocaust train schedules and statistical summaries generated by the SS , official photographs, clandestine photographs by survivors, and film footage of the liberation of the camps. More than 3,000 tons of records were collected for the Nuremberg trials.

The reason I believe the numbers could be higher. Hitler had numbers and records sent to him of the kills. I feel pretty certain many more were slaughtered that did not make the record books and no family left to report them missing from 1941-1945 That is my reason for believing the numbers could be higher. Your turn.

I’m glad I misunderstood you, I really thought you had once said you did not believe the holocaust was real. People make mistakes, since you now say you believe in the Holocaust I must apologize again.

Never been to any of the mass grave sites tanksgt. Had to be a humbling experience for such a tragic event. I have talked to many survivors and some willing to share stories that are horrific.

Really EF? such drama from you over such a serious and tragic event? This is getting a bit too much, even from you. Very poor taste sir.

No need for an apology, and I hope we can set aside the usual back and forth B.S. of late, and enjoy a reasonable, even if disagreeable, discussion, without turning it into a personal attack?

Anyway, it’s been a long time since I’ve delved into this topic, and, from what I’m seeing, Google has scrubbed much of the contrary data/facts from their platform?

My point, that you referenced from long ago, was not that I didn’t believe the Holocaust occured, rather, that the numbers were not legitimate.

If I remember correctly, The original plaque, provided by the International Red Cross, at the Auschwitz Holocaust Memorial, read that “Six million Jews died here”.

It was later revised to read “Between 500,000 and 750,000 people died here”.

One would assume that an organization, such as the International Red Cross, would have gone out of their way to insure the record was without question?

Who changed numbers, and why?

I’ll do a little more research and get back to you later, as I have a few more questions, and opinions for you.


Just becausebyou keep saying something doesnt make it so Fred.

I was talking about you telling another wopper in your second sentence in your original post. Its your MO anymore.

As usual, you spin and twist and try and change the narritive to wedge in some dramatic BS.

You are trying too hard Fred, makes you look wounded, and then weak charades like that dramatic whine you just made just goes to show that ive been right all along about the nice things we cant have.

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why do you like to shout off your porch so much? Sound just like bob. Just stick to the topic bo. You are in the way of a decent conversation. Do you think the 6 million is accurate or more like the 500,000 - (edit for ef) 750,000 Mixed thinks?

so instead of constantly attacking me, why not be constructive and join in?

Im just here to moderate and eat pop corn

Besides, where did MN say there were 500,000?

He said the sign said between half and three quarter of a million people died at Auschwitz.

Why are you not only twisting his words, but putting words in his mouth?

Another reason we cant have nice things Fred.

Remember, ,Farming, fishing, and fixing broke stuff

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If you are only using Red Cross for your believe that Millions were not slaughtered, you might want to dig a little more. The Red Cross became corrupt some time ago. Money and power come to mind in it’s corruption. I used to donate to them, St. Jude is one of the few I contribute to anymore. I think when the math was done any dollar given to the red cross only .02 made it to where it was needed. But that’s another topic.

You mention Google scrubbing info. No doubt that has happened with many issues and World events. I’ve had many things I wish I would have saved gone from Google.