Disasterous morning in the FM, update on hrt atack

Thanks for the update Russ, I’ve been wondering…

Wind in your face, the sun at your back and nothing to do but hunt. Life is good.

You went above and beyond what most people would have done. It will come back to you one day in a positive way.
Hope you are in the woods if that ever happens to me.


Thanks for the update T2B!!

The cost of Liberty, is eternal vigilance!!

“I am constantly amazed at the stupidity of the general public.”
~my dad

190cc Sea Pro w/130 Johnson
1- 14 year old
1 - 10 year old
1 - wife (The Warden)


Russ is the MAN!

“The good fisherman is surprised when he doesn’t catch fish: I am just the other way around.”
Gene Hill, Passing a Good Time.

May God bless you on a heroic act!

“Reel Quality Time”
21 Ft. Hydrasport

Take a kid fishing!

Unbelievable Russ, you saved that guys life. btw, a firemans carry with a 200lber on your back that far is very impressive!

I usually only bring 3 round with me everytime I hunt. Will be bringing more now.


You will be greatly missed. You did so many amazing things for so many people; even for a complete stranger in the middle of the woods. You were truly a blessing to us all from God. May you rest in peace.


Originally posted by duckcommander


You will be greatly missed. You did so many amazing things for so many people; even for a complete stranger in the middle of the woods. You were truly a blessing to us all from God. May you rest in peace.




“Miss Amanda”
-Bluewater 2020CC
-Yammy F-150

www.joinrfa.orgGod is GOOD!! ALL the time!!
The shortest distance between a problem and a solution is the distance between your knees and the floor.
The one who kneels to the Lord can stand up to anything.
</font id=“blue”>

I WANTED TO BRING THIS UP AGAIN. Russ you were one HELL OF A MAN… I count my blessings that I got to spend time with you on this earth. I will miss you.

Going to Church doesn’t make you a Christian any more than standing in a garage makes you a car.

You are the offspring of 5 monkeys having But Secs with a retarded fish squirrel. CONGRADULATION!!!

Har-r-dous1 I was keeping up with the story about Russ saving a man in the woods. A heroic act he done,and this make everyone think it could have been me . Now a little confused at you and Duckcommander saying for Russ to rest in peace ? Did something happen to Russ. I do not know him but have great respect for what he did. Something happen to me at Canal Resort last year where a woman fell out of the boat at the dock and could not swim. She was pull from the water drowning. Myself and 4 other people took turns on CPR until help arrive. Unfortunely she did not make it. There was other health issue she had that took her life.But things like this stays with you knowing could you have done anything else to save a person life.

Originally posted by haz-r-dous1

I WANTED TO BRING THIS UP AGAIN. Russ you were one HELL OF A MAN… I count my blessings that I got to spend time with you on this earth. I will miss you.

Going to Church doesn’t make you a Christian any more than standing in a garage makes you a car.

You are the offspring of 5 monkeys having But Secs with a retarded fish squirrel. CONGRADULATION!!!


Yesterday was good.
Today is great.
But living for tomorrow.

Yes Wolfman. Russ Passed away on us the other day. A great outdoorsman that will be sadly missed by many.

Going to Church doesn’t make you a Christian any more than standing in a garage makes you a car.

You are the offspring of 5 monkeys having But Secs with a retarded fish squirrel. CONGRADULATION!!!

great story. RIP

bump. I did not know Russ, but felt this story needs to stay relevant. He sounded like a great man and obviously deserves much respect for helping others when in need.

I agree this one should stay at the top. Just as touching now as it was 6 years ago.

Great story glad someone brought it back up.

Bringing this story back for the benefit of the few who never read it. 23Sailfish referred me to it in a link. I had never read this before.


1980 Skandia 21 w/ '93 JohnRude 150 gas drinker

I remember it well as I had quad bypass 25 yrs ago and always carry nitro and ALWAYS make sure someone knows exactly what stand I am hunting.

Hunting, fishing, and poker are my sports. Work when necessary.

This thread brings back memories… Duckcommander was one of my best buds and he’s been gone over a year now too. Taken way too soon. Getting old sucks; cherish your friends.

Redfish Baron Extraordinaire
