
Diversify is a word you hear quite a bit from investors and financial advisors these days. The theory behind diversification is that if you spread your assets out over several different types of stocks you avoid putting all of your eggs in one basket and avoid the likelihood that you lose your whole fortune in one bad down turn in the market. Last week Captain Mark Brown of the Teaser was kind enough to come and give a seminar on offshore bottom fishing. I always like to hear what Mark has to say because each time I hear him give a presentation I pick up something I did not hear the first time. One thing that always stands out is the amount of knowledge Mark has developed as a third generation fisherman and former commercial fisherman. He has gone to great lengths to learn the landscape of our offshore waters and has as he said, “over 1500 spots” that he fishes. When you think about this number it is amazing. With this many spots he could fish 4 spots per day for 365 days per year.

Don’t let this number intimidate you; it was acquired over many years of fishing and diving.  Instead let it be a motivator to branch out and develop new spots on a regular basis. One thing Mark said during the seminar was something an old friend had told him many years ago. “You cannot be afraid to try a new spot and see if it is productive.” Finding a spot that holds fish is great, but going to that hole too many times in rapid succession can wipe that spot out. Having several spots to go to when fishing is tough is also helpful. You may find that one spot is not productive, but another may be red hot.

 Finding new spots is not rocket science. Starting with charts that are available in most tackle shops in town is a great way to start. You can find coordinates for areas of live bottom and input them into your GPS. As you coming up to these areas pay close attention to your depth recorder. You will be amazed at how many areas exist around the areas that are marked on the map. Another great way is to watch your depth reco