do any of you dive MI jetties?

I was wondering if any of you do a little hunting around the jetties at Murrells Inlet? IF so what do you usually see that is big enough to shoot that is worth shooting and bringing back to eat.

I have been free diving there…there are sheeps and flounder to shoot… take a deep breath, dive to the bottom, hold on to a rock, and wait for the sheeps to poke their heads out…that’s what I did and it works…almost forgot to mention, go on the incoming, better vis. and less sharks

20’ Proline Sport

Put me anywhere up to and including 1 mile of Bin Laden with a clear line of sight… Bang Boom, wars over, the troops are coming home

At this point I am a free diver as well. I am signed up for diving lessons but am still in bookwork right now. I free dived the rock jetties at Harkers Island out by the Cape Lookout lighthouse last week. Visibility was awesome for it being so close to the beach. i had at least 15ft visibility both days I dived it. I shot some sheephead, spadefish and one big tautog. I had never ate tautog before but I guarantee I will NEVER let one get away on purpose again. That thing was great. He weighed about 3lbs or so. I thought it was a big black bass when I first seen him go in the rocks.

What has visibility been when you have dived the rocks at MI on a incoming tide?