Skinny That is bull s…t
We don’t hate dog hunters. Only the dog hunters that go on our property which seems to be all of them.
If you hunt dogs and kill every deer that goes by I do not care so long as you have not chased them off my property. I do not care if you use AK-47 on your property.
Dog hunters will put their dogs on a property line and put standers on the other property line. The problem is the property they are surrounding quite often is not theirs. Before the change in the law they would put standers on the road by my property which meant they had standers on all four property lines with their dogs running through my property. I know from first hand experience.
Hunting, fishing, and poker are my sports. Work when necessary.
Fred where did you supposedly pull that quote from attributed to me above. I don’t even know where Capstone is and would like to know when I made that statement, certainly not in the three pages of this topic…
From Polly’s post… I edited to take you out. sorry .
It’s actually Kapstone, but I don’t like to correct peoples spelling. I knew what polly meant. Kapstone is not a place but a business.
“If Bruce Jenner can keep his wiener and be called a woman, I can keep my firearms and be considered disarmed.”
When the high powered lobbyists run out of money and support dog hunt will go away. As it is to many people with strong pull in the right places will keep it alive, even with the many renegades out there.
High powered lobbyists to support dog hunting!!! LOLOLOLOL!!! I've heard it all now. Because we all know that it's the RICH "doggers" with lobbyists in their back pocket.
:You were wrong about Trump… lololololol… You know what I meant.
“If Bruce Jenner can keep his wiener and be called a woman, I can keep my firearms and be considered disarmed.”
Skinny That is bull s…t
We don’t hate dog hunters. Only the dog hunters that go on our property which seems to be all of them.
If you hunt dogs and kill every deer that goes by I do not care so long as you have not chased them off my property. I do not care if you use AK-47 on your property.
Dog hunters will put their dogs on a property line and put standers on the other property line. The problem is the property they are surrounding quite often is not theirs. Before the change in the law they would put standers on the road by my property which meant they had standers on all four property lines with their dogs running through my property. I know from first hand experience.
Hunting, fishing, and poker are my sports. Work when necessary.
I hope running dogs doesn’t go away, I get a lot of deer jumping the fence when the boys “turn loose”. Usually just holiday time anymore do they run them, but the big ones get up and over my fence first, they didn’t get big by sitting around.
Hey no one cares what your daddy did.The simple fact is we need to make the deer more tame and we can’t do that with dog hunting being legal
Sounds like you need to find a nice pen to hunt in. And no need to insult Skinneej. He just had the privilege of experiencing a real southern tradition with the fellowship that came along with it.
If you like the way it’s done up north the highway runs both ways.
Hey no one cares what your daddy did.The simple fact is we need to make the deer more tame and we can’t do that with dog hunting being legal
Now that’s funny!!! No doubt the dogs do help keep deer hunting a more sporting sport!
“If Bruce Jenner can keep his wiener and be called a woman, I can keep my firearms and be considered disarmed.”
more sporting sport=chasing wayward fleabags around all day.
actually polly, more sporting is the simple fact that most a lot can not hit a deer running wide ass# open. Where you and I agree is the simple fact of … don’t run your dogs on my property. I’m in a good position to a agree with you. I’ve got five consecutive landowners and one lease owner for a total of over 20,000 acres. with one hold out of 20 acres that won’t sell. Bastard and friends Killed 40+ deer … young, old, buck, doe, whatever they wanted… All legal.
What is interesting, is the simple fact a big mature buck will travel 6-12 miles and this through shared photos is a fact. Maybe he’ll go further? Bottom line the big boys travel. And if the 20 acre land owners want them and are there when they travel, they will get them. Even without the help of dogs… As to your statement of them jumping in and out of your fence… probably so.
Not probably,they jump with ease. The main reason for the fence is seclusion, it’s a facts bucks wander,but if they’re never disturbed and have quality forage ,plus supplemental food ,highly unlikely to travel outside the fence.
Yep, once Dog hunting is banned, us dog hunters that do it the right way will have plenty of time to push for legislation making the act of shooting deer over corn piles and food plots illegal… bet that would suck!!
The 10% that kill and trespass in the name of “Southern Tradition” without regard has actually killed the Southern Traditions. Ignorance at it’s best. Dog hunters only have themselves to blame for not policing their own. Good luck with that for private land. Baiting deer is already illegal on WMA’s.
quote:Originally posted by pitviper0404
Yep, once Dog hunting is banned, us dog hunters that do it the right way will have plenty of time to push for legislation making the act of shooting deer over corn piles and food plots illegal… bet that would suck!!
Yep, once Dog hunting is banned, us dog hunters that do it the right way will have plenty of time to push for legislation making the act of shooting deer over corn piles and food plots illegal… bet that would suck!!
That’s a good one!!! The problem with that rib splitter is the fact that it’s already illegal for still hunters to trespass AND there’s actually an enforceable law against such actions, unlike that for the dog hunters’ dogs that run rampant, oblivious to property lines, by no fault of their own.
Like Skeeter said, if anything were to bring an end to dog hunting, dog hunters themselves have no one to blame but themselves for their lack of action and lack of policing their own ranks.
In the future, where every stranger poses a potential threat, knowing the predator mindset is the only safe haven.
Because those that are always the problem purposefully use dog hunting as the vehicle to trespass. Ooopps…I sorry, my dogs don’t read signs, Bo. Pffft, pathetic.
quote:Originally posted by archer
quote:Originally posted by pitviper0404
Yep, once Dog hunting is banned, us dog hunters that do it the right way will have plenty of time to push for legislation making the act of shooting deer over corn piles and food plots illegal… bet that would suck!!
That’s a good one!!! The problem with that rib splitter is the fact that it’s already illegal for still hunters to trespass AND there’s actually an enforceable law against such actions, unlike that for the dog hunters’ dogs that run rampant, oblivious to property lines, by no fault of their own.
Like Skeeter said, if anything were to bring an end to dog hunting, dog hunters themselves have no one to blame but themselves for their lack of action and lack of policing their own ranks.
In the future, where every stranger poses a potential threat, knowing the predator mindset is the only safe haven.
Xpress H20B Bay Series
Yamaha 115 SHO
2012 Skeeter ZX22 Bay
Yamaha 250 hp SHO
Minnkota Riptide 101
Again, most of us do it right. I guess the two of you both have reading comprehension problems since my comment had nothing to do with trespassing and everything to do with dumbassss sitting in a tree over corn claiming their **** doesn’t stink!! SMDH!!
Again, most of us do it right. I guess the two of you both have reading comprehension problems since my comment had nothing to do with trespassing and everything to do with dumbassss sitting in a tree over corn claiming their **** doesn’t stink!! SMDH!!
I sit in a tree over corn, but it is on my property.
I use to belong to a club that dog hunted, but we had 8000 acres with no private land around us.
Every encounter that I have had with dog hunters for the last 20 years was with their dogs on my property.
I can not tell you how many hunts have been ruined by dogs.
Hunting, fishing, and poker are my sports. Work when necessary.