Easter Sunday or Ressurection Day, WHICH??????

Christians only!!! NO dark side welcome, NO Atheists, NO antagonizers either!!!

You internet gurus go to work, BUT you will only get man’s opinions mostly, better to go to the word if you are qualified. Strong’s Concordance best tool I know of.

Be VERY careful of commentaries , and man’s books.

I will be back later after dinner.

having seen the rock hewn track on the Garden Tomb himself Bonzo will go with “Easter Sunday” for $1,000 Alex…

BAM, by the grace of God, Bonzo for the win!

The Morris Island Lighthouse www.savethelight.org

“Easter” has pagan roots. Whatever you call it, we’re celebrating the Resurrection. Don’t forget that.

Next time you come in, come heavy, or not at all…

Interesting comments and incredible experience no doubt. Did your Israel guide s give ANY information about the term Easter or reference to pagans worshipping at the same time as Passover, calling their worship by a different name???
Or any mention of how the Passover celebration was later changed in Christianity to Easter???

Still waiting for Gotcha, skinneej, and others to give their tradition and name they use for this celebration. I should have done this earlier in the week, not the weekend, but we will see how time goes and really no hurry to complete the thread.
There are several facts available in reference to this subject, so should be quite interesting indeed before it’s over.

Standing by in anticipation of many replies…

“The big one’s still swimming, let’s go.”

Christians only!!!!!!!

Which Christians are you referring to? Eastern or Western? I grew up Southern Baptist and Good Friday is Good Friday and Easter is called Easter. The date is determined by being the first Sunday after the first full moon after the spring equinox. Which is this Sunday.

My wife grew up in the Greek Orthodox religion, which is also Christian. Orthodox Easter is set on the first Sunday, after the first full moon, after the spring equinox, after Jewish Passover ends. So this year Orthodox Christian Easter is next Sunday and not this one because Passover started at sundown today. We always get to celebrate them both:smiley: Sometime up to 3 weeks difference between them. They are both Christian religions.

Wishing everybody a happy Easter this weekend, and Khrist Anesti for next weekend, and a happy Passover too, whatever your persuasion may be :sunglasses:

Capt. Larry Teuton
lteuton at aol dot com

“Ships are the nearest things to dreams that hands have ever made.” -Robert N. Rose

Now we’re getting going. Thanks VERY much Larry for your Input, and Warbler too.

Eastern and Western Christians SHOULD be the same, Greek and Southern Baptist Christians SHOULD be the same.

THAT is the purpose of this thread, to inform and expose different interpretations, teachings, translations, etc. NOT in a condemning manner, but in an informative manner. It is not difficult to discuss differences if we respect one another’s viewpoint, and simply try to get to the truth according to the Holy word, NOT ours or others OPINION.

After listening to different ‘Christian’ interpretations, we should be able to better understand why we have such a variety of interpretations and teachings.

This subject is the first to appear here by me for discussion for aforementioned purposes.

“The big one’s still swimming, let’s go.”

I don’t get how the bunny and chicken, figure in there:question:

Thanks for asking easy, that’s where we’re heading, for one bit of information.

I’m trying to let everyone else reply with answers for some very good discussion.

Your question is one of the most important for this subject imo. I will give you a BASIC answer, with details later. The answer is what most call the ‘fertility’ god is the origin of the bunny(fertile), the chicken and egg(fertile), was twisted from godess of life to godess of fertility, of course, being similar.

There is much more, but I don’t want to go too deep yet. Suffice to say, Easter egg hunts at churches are a big reason for this thread. Now you see why I don’t want to get too deep yet, because some ‘sacred cows’ will be uncovered, and that is uncomfortable for some people.

“The big one’s still swimming, let’s go.”

I’m surprised the most logical question hasn’t been asked. That is: As Hillary asked “what difference does it make anyway”???

Or another, are you trying to spread dissention among the brethren???

We’ll see what comes as we go along, keep the replies coming.

“The big one’s still swimming, let’s go.”

I will respond later. On my phone right now with too much to type. Happy Resurrection Weekend!

Eastern and Western Christians SHOULD be the same, Greek and Southern Baptist Christians SHOULD be the same.

Which date would you pick to be “correct”? I would pick the eastern orthodox date, as it is the oldest Christian religion and was around for 1,000 years before the Catholic church spun off from it. Eastern Orthodox is not limited to Greeks either.

Easter Sunday or Ressurection Day, WHICH??????

Most western Christians that I am familiar with say “happy Easter”. But the greeting for eastern orthodox at Easter is always… ( I can say it in both Greek and Russian, but can’t spell it, so I’ll translate)

Their initial greeting is “Christ has risen” and the reply is “indeed Christ has risen”. One of the first customs and Greek words that I had to learn when I married into the family.

"what difference does it make anyway"????

In this case none at all, they are both celebrating the exact same thing. Pick one, pick both, it’s all good :sunglasses:

Capt. Larry Teuton
lteuton at aol dot com

“Ships are the nearest things to dreams that hands have ever made.” -Robert N. Rose

WELL, Larry; for a “woods boy” you amaze me. GREAT insight into truths and the Holy greetings SHOULD tell you that indeed the name of the day does make a difference.

I have no reservations about skinneej’s coming post being very long and VERY accurate.

I have SOME ‘hate mac daddy’ forces here to deal with, so I am happy to hear skinneej coming, and do so much hope and pray to hear from Gotcha…

I am like a child on Christmas morning in anticipation of the word of God truth that WILL be shared. Speaking of Christmas, we will have another ‘shocking’ revelation on that subject as that celebration gets near also.

Far too many “sacred cows” among Christians that MUST be exposed and hopefully corrected BEFORE we enter the GREAT TRIBULATION age of time, lest we are “caught unaware” as the word says.

We cannot allow ourselves to be “deceived” as Christ warned us in Matthew chapter 24, Mark 13, and Luke 21. IF we disregard His warning by ignorance of His word, He promises we will be accountable for His words and OUR words also.

Therefore, it behooves us as believers to learn more information about the BASIC truths at the very minimum. And there is nothing more basic than the birth and resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ.

I will give you all some names to be digesting or checking out:

They are Ashtoreth, godess of life(or of fertility some say), in 1 Kings 11:5 & 11:33; PLUS in 2 Kings 23:13 she is called an “abomination” by God.
That should be plenty reason to change the name of this day; another name EASTRE, the SAXON (English) version of ASHTORETH(Hebrew) used by early Christians for Ressurection Day.

EASTER ONLY appears one time in the Bible, Acts 12;4; where it is PAGAN (evil) referenced.
L"The big one’s still swimming, let’s go."

I don’t have much to say on what you prefer to call it, or why; but I can tell you that that the God I serve can use ANY situation for His purpose. I took my son, when he was 5, to an EASTER Egg hunt (Church sponsored) and was , as an indirect result, re-introduced to Jesus, and saved at the age of 36.

VERY good report bgf; congrats, and all Christians SHOULD agree with you that our God can use any situation to His purpose, but as we say so much on the politics forum, NOT being well informed leaves us weak to attack by the opposition.

Thanks for your participation in the word of truth.

“The big one’s still swimming, let’s go.”

WELL, Larry; for a "woods boy" you amaze me.

Living in the woods doesn’t make me ignorant :wink:

Capt. Larry Teuton
lteuton at aol dot com

“Ships are the nearest things to dreams that hands have ever made.” -Robert N. Rose

Right Larry, just a ‘common’ perception, I too was raised in the ‘woods’ somewhat (rural) farm. Greek wife, European exposure to truth, You did well for a ‘good ole’ boy. My wife is half Greek, so we share that in common too. As you said, the Greek Orthodox church is very BASIC in their traditions.

“The big one’s still swimming, let’s go.”

easy and bgf referred to bunnies, chickens, and egg hunts in reference to the Holy celebration of the Ressurection.

I will TRY to use a fishing analogy for that. Let’s say you are going to celebrate the opening of Grouper season, and you tell your friends be sure to bring your bunnies, chickens, and colorful eggs to the party.

What would be the response to that action???

Just as foreign to the Ressurection are they as they are to Grouper fishing…

“The big one’s still swimming, let’s go.”

Right Larry, just a 'common' perception, I too was raised in the 'woods' somewhat (rural) farm.

In my experience, most people who are raised and make a living on the water, in the woods or on a farm, live a lot closer to and put more faith in their God than most city folks do. Not many people more faithful than farmers and fishermen.

Capt. Larry Teuton
lteuton at aol dot com

“Ships are the nearest things to dreams that hands have ever made.” -Robert N. Rose

One more question, you said this…

Christians only!!!!!!!

Does this preclude those of the Jewish faith from replying? I’ve got a lot of Jewish friends and respect their beliefs also. Us country boys are tolerant of different views, and I’m not crazy enough to say that one is more right than another. There has to be more than one path to heaven or it’s going to be a lonely place up there.

Capt. Larry Teuton
lteuton at aol dot com

“Ships are the nearest things to dreams that hands have ever made.” -Robert N. Rose

VERY good question Larry.

I, personally, will ONLY use the word of God to answer, NOT my opinion as you have.

The word says “There is only ONE way to the Father, through the Son”.

Now if you can say against that there MUST be more than one way, I’ll have to bow out of that conversation, sorry Larry…

Are your Jewish friends Messianic Jews, or Orthodox Jewish believers???

“I’m not crazy enough to say one is better than another”. What did Jesus say about that subject???

The Bible is FULL of verses that refute your statement. That is the reason for this thread, to inform and expose and share the TRUTH as much as possible and as accurately as possible.
“The big one’s still swimming, let’s go.”