Easter Sunday or Ressurection Day, WHICH??????

OK, I lost Larry, because of the word of truth. Now I will become ‘mean spirited’ mac daddy, and tell the truth. Being HATED or being unpopular is PROMISED by Jesus in Matthew chapter 24, and many other places.

So, if you, as a Christian are not hated, you are not doing what Jesus Christ commanded you to do most likely.

The truth is NOT popular teaching in churches or any other place in the world today, including politics. The lack of truth teaching is why we have such a lot of people who are deceived into false truth, and who are so weakly compassionate they will try to refuse to listen to anyone who is strictly speaking for the Lord Jesus Christ.

Comments like “whatever you call it”, happy Easter, “no difference, pick one or BOTH, it is all good”, “I don’t have much to say on what you prefer to call it” are all ‘symptoms’ of the problem of COMPROMISE in churches and government, and society as a whole.

The “whatever” attitude got a bad president elected in our nation so many, many times it is pitiful. NOW that spirit is invading our nation like the predator it is.

As I understand the Easter Sunday story, the SAXON English word Eastre pronounced ‘ee-star’, was the English version of Ashteroth, celebrating the godess of life by celebrating ‘fertility’ rites by having sex orgies, rolling painted eggs, and using the rabbit as their ‘fertility’ symbol. They celebrated ‘life’ with eggs and baby chickens; then because their celebration was close to the date of Passover, English churches decided to ‘combine’ the celebrations in order to draw larger crowds.

So, today’s churches still want to draw larger crowds, AT ANY COST, they are willing to COMPROMISE the message that is the HEART of the word of God to ee-star, changed to Easter.

COMPROMISE is nothing new. Happened in the Bible to Adam and Eve, Moses, Aaron, David, Solomon, on and on; continues today.

Sad truth is, the ‘day of the Lord’ is coming fast when these weaknesses will be exposed, and recompense will be required.

So my suggesti

OK, I lost Larry, because of the word of truth.

Nope, you haven’t lost me, but there are more than one opinion of whats the truth, they can’t all be right or wrong, and I’m not here to argue with them. I’ll just sit on the sidelines and listen. I’ll follow the big 10 and hope I end up in the same place as old friends and good dogs :smiley:

Now I will become 'mean spirited' mac daddy,

Condescending too. I’ve tried to converse with you and twice you have been condescending in your replies to me, so I’ll quit now. And becoming mean spirited sounds just like what a good Christian should do on the eve of Resurrection.

I knew this was a church when I opened the door. Listened for a while and see that it’s not mine. Walking out and closing the door now. Happy Easter to you.

Capt. Larry Teuton
lteuton at aol dot com

“Ships are the nearest things to dreams that hands have ever made.” -Robert N. Rose

Sorry, Larry. I apologize for the harshness, but not for ‘seeking’ the TRUTH. I used the word truth as the object to seek here, NOT that I have all the truth.

I say truth meaning it IS somewhere, we need to find it. I believe discussion is the only way to achieve success in this search. Leaving the building hurt and taking a ‘sideline’ approach is not going to reconcile myself with you, nor will it get you any
Closer to the truth.

Now I will explain how we ended up where we are if possible.

First condescending in your opinion: “woods boy” in quotation marks means I was quoting others. I explained I was a “woods boy” myself, so I have no idea how you considered that condescending, but I am sorry for the misunderstanding.

“The big one’s still swimming, let’s go.”

Second condescending in your opinion: I stated I would use the word, NOT my opinion to answer your questions, asyou did. Again, stating a fact of reference, not being condescending in my opinion. Maybe I should have left out “as you did” , that does sound condescending, but I in NO WAY meant it to be. Again, I apologize for the misunderstanding of intentions.

I also put ‘mean spirited’ in accents meaning that is an accusation of the past, not how I was describing myself. I definitely am NOT mean spirited in intent, but my boldness does make a wrong impression on some people.

For you and others, when I said the word truth it was in reference to the Holy word being used, NOT my opinion; thus it can be taken as truth. I would be very hesitant to ever use my opinion or anyone else’s as the TRUTH.

Hope this helps clear the air and will allow more posts to be given in the effort to get the picture of truth teaching as intended from God our Father.
I will not say happy Easter, but will say happy Ressurection Day to all, especially Larry.

“The big one’s still swimming, let’s go.”

Some times in life you can look at people and decide who you want to be in a foxhole with.

Oh yeah. Happy Easter.

Christians only!!! NO dark side welcome, NO Atheists, NO antagonizers either*

Pretty sure Jesus did not mention such as he set out to spread the word.

Happy Easter to all. Jesus has risen. Rejoice.

big dog

[quote]Originally posted by mac daddy

I will not say happy Easter, but will say happy Ressurection Day to all, especially Larry.


What’s in a name? that which we call a rose
By any other name would smell as sweet; … William Shakespeare

Have done my praying and thanking, now I’m headed to the inlaw’s to help set up an Eater Egg hunt for my granddaughters, nieces and nephews. Then some ham and fixings! :stuck_out_tongue:

When they are old enough I’ll tell them about Santa Clause and the Easter Bunny, but for now Kid’s gotta be Kid’s!

I’ve not always been as kind as I could to others, but I’m getting better at it. I hold my core values and struggle daily to not judge others, with the exclusion of kid touchers, killers, rapists, radical islamists, and who ever stole all my meat out the freezer. I don’t let gayness bother me as much, but I do still despise people that refuse to get out of the hammer lane.

Guess what! Today I caught three Red fin Pike in the feeder creek that runs through my property. That’s been a 15 year dry spell. Thanks for the rain GOD! and fried pork chops.

Wando. We are not “spreading the word” here, we are studying and learning as Christians SHOULD, and as Jesus did with His Disciples ALONE, not in the multitudes.

Fred, NAME is everything in the Hebrew culture and with God. I can only suppose you didn’t read the post on ee-star, etc.

As far as children go, we are talking about adult Christians here, going along with church teaching, NOT Children playing.

The egg hunt subject did come up, but the emphasis is on adult COMPROMISE, same as Christmas COMPROMISE.

Bunnies, eggs, and Santa Claus are and should be a separate issue from the two Christian celebrations, NOT involved in the worship service or on church property.

All that at home totally different situations from worshipping at the House of God, and the sacredness of God’s house.

To allow the crucifixion and birth of Jesus to be ‘mixed’ is an abomination.

“The big one’s still swimming, let’s go.”

Originally posted by Easy

I don’t get how the bunny and chicken, figure in there:question:

I think that is the subject of the topic here!

Okay, I promised mac daddy a longer response, so here it is…

Lately, the concept of “Easter” has been in my mind as well. I say lately, because before this past year, I had never committed to reading the Holy Bible from cover to cover. I was just the “typical” Christian who got his dose of God at church on occasion and tried to form my own perceptions about what God was like. I have still not read through 100% (it’s a long collection!), but I have read through the entire New Testament, and I am probably about halfway through the OT at this point. So, please take what I say here as someone who is humbly trying to relay what I understand. If something I say is incorrect, it is not with the intent to mislead, but probably just from my own lack of understanding. As always, if you have any doubts about what I say, please read the “user manual” (the Bible) and feel free to point out to me how I am incorrect. The only thing I care about is the TRUTH. My opinion matters not compared to God’s opinion, so if I am wrong, I want to know.

Okay, here is my take\perception on “Easter”.

First of all, what is “Easter”? There is nothing in the Bible about “Easter” (except for a gross mistranslation in the KJV that is highly contested and understood to be incorrect). Also, there is nothing about coloring eggs or the concept of an “Easter Bunny” in the Bible, so where did they come from? You can look it up on the web as it’s pretty well documented, but essentially the name “Easter” is derived from an old English translation of the name of the pagan goddess of fertility. Not only is she the pagan goddess of fertility, but in some cultures, she is known to be the wife of Baal. Baal is mentioned many times in the OT and is central to the theme of idol worship, etc. http://www.gotquestions.org/who-Baal.html. The rabbit and eggs and signs of fertility and were used in conjunction with the worship of the fertility goddess.

Also, I think it is important to understand the wrath of God. The Israelites were God’s

PS, Larry, the Jews would have called this weekend “Passover”.

PS Skinnej, not sure why you pointed that out to me, as I stated that in my first post on this topic:question:

PPS…The Jews don’t call this weekend Passover, they call this entire week Passover. It started at Sundown on Friday and continues until sundown this coming Saturday.

Enjoyed your explanation. You have been studying :smiley:

Capt. Larry Teuton
lteuton at aol dot com

“Ships are the nearest things to dreams that hands have ever made.” -Robert N. Rose

Aren’t most Christian holidays just Christianized pagan holidays? We know the event we’re celebrating, but we’re not really sure when the event we’re celebrating took place, so it’s placed on Pagan solstice and equinox celebration dates?

Happy first Sunday after the first Full Moon after the Spring Equinox.

15’ Ocean Kayak Scupper Pro

I have never looked into why Easter was called Easter. I just celebrated the rising of Christ and what it meant to me. Yes, I took part in Easter eggs hunts, gave cards, gave some sweet treats for the kids and such, but my heart never had a pagan thought, never had a thought of worshiping another god other than my One true Father in Heaven. I know what the work done on the Cross means to me and everyone else for that matter. I also know that God knows what is truly in my heart and since I have never entertained the thought of worshiping anything else but Him and my true intentions for Easter were always the work done on the Cross and the rising of Jesus I think I am good no matter what the origins of Eater, the bunny, or the egg were. I never knew and I never worshipped them.

Originally posted by RWL

I have never looked into why Easter was called Easter. I just celebrated the rising of Christ and what it meant to me. Yes, I took part in Easter eggs hunts, gave cards, gave some sweet treats for the kids and such, but my heart never had a pagan thought, never had a thought of worshiping another god other than my One true Father in Heaven. I know what the work done on the Cross means to me and everyone else for that matter. I also know that God knows what is truly in my heart and since I have never entertained the thought of worshiping anything else but Him and my true intentions for Easter were always the work done on the Cross and the rising of Jesus I think I am good no matter what the origins of Eater, the bunny, or the egg were. I never knew and I never worshipped them.

Yes, no doubt. That's probably the case for 99% of believers out there. But now, you know, how does it change your thoughts about using the word "Easter" to describe the resurrection of Christ?

I seriously doubt that it was mac daddy’s point to condemn those who call the remembrance of the resurrection by the name “Easter”. I think it’s just a matter of sharing a point of view so that people can make their own decisions. At least you are armed with more in depth knowledge.

Originally posted by Cracker Larry

PS Skinnej, not sure why you pointed that out to me, as I stated that in my first post on this topic:question:

PPS…The Jews don’t call this weekend Passover, they call this entire week Passover. It started at Sundown on Friday and continues until sundown this coming Saturday.

Enjoyed your explanation. You have been studying :smiley:

Capt. Larry Teuton
lteuton at aol dot com

“Ships are the nearest things to dreams that hands have ever made.” -Robert N. Rose

Sorry Larry, I probably just read over it. Wasn't meant to offend!

I know, and no offense taken :sunglasses:

Capt. Larry Teuton
lteuton at aol dot com

“Ships are the nearest things to dreams that hands have ever made.” -Robert N. Rose

LOOK at post #6, you will see the words “not to condemn”, and for “information”.

Now you can see why I wanted Skinneej and Gotcha to post BEFORE me; just didn’t work out that way unfortunately.

I am convinced skinneej and Gotcha have the “calling” of Pastors, as stated in Ephesians 4:11. I am also convinced my calling there is Teacher, because God prepares His disciples to be what He wants them to be. Pastors must be shepherd pastors, meaning they must ‘take sheep by the hand’ and give long, Long simple reasoning answers to questions.

My calling is to get the word out to disciples by subject, then allow students to study and ask questions or make comments. Preferably ask questions, unless tthey are unclear on answers.

The word says “STUDY to show yourself approved”, 2Timothy 2:15; thus the reason I keep stating “no opinions, just facts” for the most part.

“The big one’s still swimming, let’s go.”