Easter Sunday or Ressurection Day, WHICH??????

Originally posted by RWL

Here is a link to one of the sermons by John Macauthur. I don’t listen to him a lot, but was sent this link to listen to about Islam. I am still studying this topic, so I don’t profess that this is the truth, but I did think it was very interesting. Would love to hear what others think about it or him for that matter, as I don’t know much about him.

Link: https://youtu.be/2sci_WFp8ec

Wow, I really enjoyed that! Powerful sermon!


He could NOT be so ‘controversial’ in a denominational church, n
Way. That is why we have so many TV Pastors and preachers today.

Goes back to ‘un-biased’, ONLY Independent teachers can be ‘un-biased’.

Christians can ONLY get the truth by being that way also. 'VERY GOOD LESSON THERE!!!##!!!

“The big one’s still swimming, let’s go.”

Originally posted by mac daddy

SO,JOHN MacArthur is a good teacher imo, EXCEPT he believes the RAPTURE will be before the Great Tribulation, I don’t believe that.

Mac, Going out on a tangent here. What if the Rapture has already happened and we are living in the Great Tribulations?

So many questions and so few answers until we pass over. I don’t want much, just a perfect fishing hole, unlimited answers to every question I can think of, and the best bone in fried pork chops available.

EASY, FRED, I have not accused anyone of a tangent, be nice.

Remember UN-biased is the new word for our discussions, I have several verses to give you ALMOST ‘unlimited number of answers’.

Bring yours, and as I stated before, at LEAST one thing has to happen BEFORE. the Tribulation period starts. That is agreed by teachers on both sides of our discussion, the SEVEN YEAR PEACE TREATY OF THE MIDDLE EAST.

2THessalonians 2 tells us what must happen BEFORE the second coming, check it out.

A simple ‘as the nose on your face’ question: HOW can we be raptured and get our new body BEFORE the second coming? That would call 1 Corinthians 15:52 a lie. That verse says "at the final (7th Trump), which inarguably is DURING THE TRIBULATION, NOT before the Tribulation period.
SO, you see, Fred, no way we are in the Tribulation period now. That is a ‘Biased’ statement based on past teaching you have received.

Incidentally, did you KNOW that teaching just started in the year 1830, started by a woman, when women weren’t VERY well recognized in the churches?

Church history has NO RECORD of that, prior to that year, and the Bible CERTAINLY has no record of that being true.

“The big one’s still swimming, let’s go.”